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Thread: Welcome!!

  1. #876
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Sacramento, CA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi, my name is Jonathan, I'm here to learn and pick up some tips on what kind of camera would be best for me

  2. #877
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Monument, Colorado, United States

    Re: Welcome!!

    Newbie here, considering an upgrade to the not-yet-available D800. I'm looking at what a good lens combo would be. I'll be researching here.

  3. #878
    Nikonowhore zerodog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Salt Lake City, UT

    Re: Welcome!!

    Welcome everyone!!
    Last edited by zerodog; 03-01-2012 at 06:14 PM.

  4. #879
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Santa Barbara CA, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi everybody. I'm looking for help with an equipment problem. I received an expensive spotting scope for Christmas (Pentax). The person who gave it to me also gave me an adapter for a camera. I have a Nikon d7000, and the adapter they gave me (thinking every bayonet mount is the same) will not work with my camera. I tried to return the adapter, but the company that sold it online told me we were well past the time they accept returns. Rather than waste the money or try to sell it, I thought I'd try to find a Pentax camera or other K-mount camera I could just use permanently with the spotting scope. Can anyone help me out here? What kind of camera has the k-mount? Just Pentax? Is there a relatively inexpensive DSLR camera i can get? What kind? Where? Thanks

  5. #880
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Mesa, AZ, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello from AZ!
    New to this forum but pro with my own studio and video/audio production company that added photography a few years ago when the DSLR for video craze started. I produce content for many levels of clientele from local small businesses all the way to national and international companies. PetSmart, Intel, and Mobil Mini are some of my larger clients. I have shot for a nationally airing TV show called "Guns and Gear" which airs on NBC Sports and an Emmy nominated show called "Super Simple with Terri O" airing on PBS.

    I hope to meet some new people, expand my knowledge of photography and lend any expertise I have to anyone who needs it.

    Aviation is one of my passions and recently got to shoot with Moose Peterson. I am one of the official video/photographers for the AZ wing of the CAF and regularly get to go up in their B-17, B-25, and SNJ.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Welcome!!-photo-flight-08_filtered.jpg   Welcome!!-_mg_3629.jpg   Welcome!!-_mg_3533.jpg  
    Last edited by yipDog; 03-08-2012 at 08:38 AM.

  6. #881
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Mississippi Gulf Coast, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yipDog View Post
    Hello from AZ!
    New to this forum but pro with my own studio and video/audio production company that added photography a few years ago when the DSLR for video craze started. I produce content for many levels of clientele from local small businesses all the way to national and international companies. PetSmart, Intel, and Mobil Mini are some of my larger clients. I have shot for a nationally airing TV show called "Guns and Gear" which airs on NBC Sports and an Emmy nominated show called "Super Simple with Terri O" airing on PBS.

    I hope to meet some new people, expand my knowledge of photography and lend any expertise I have to anyone who needs it.

    Aviation is one of my passions and recently got to shoot with Moose Peterson. I am one of the official video/photographers for the AZ wing of the CAF and regularly get to go up in their B-17, B-25, and SNJ.
    Welcome aboard! Looking forward to more of your photos and sharing some of your knowledge. I think you will find this a fairly friendly place to hang out, Jeff
    Check out my website Here
    My Nikon D7000 Tips thread is HERE

    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  7. #882
    Member Ballen Photo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Las Vegas, NV, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yipDog View Post
    Hello from AZ!
    New to this forum but pro with my own studio and video/audio production company that added photography a few years ago when the DSLR for video craze started. I produce content for many levels of clientele from local small businesses all the way to national and international companies. PetSmart, Intel, and Mobil Mini are some of my larger clients. I have shot for a nationally airing TV show called "Guns and Gear" which airs on NBC Sports and an Emmy nominated show called "Super Simple with Terri O" airing on PBS.
    Nice! :thumbsup: I wonder if you might know a fellow named Jay that hails from Chandler, AZ? He says he's part of the group that hangs out down that way for the fly in's, and has this website. Crosswind Images

  8. #883
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Mesa, AZ, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ballen Photo View Post
    Nice! :thumbsup: I wonder if you might know a fellow named Jay that hails from Chandler, AZ? He says he's part of the group that hangs out down that way for the fly in's, and has this website.[/url]
    I do not know him but I believe he was on the flight I grabbed the YAK 52 pic from.
    We seem to be hanging around the same aircraft so may be good to touch base! He's pretty darn good at what he does! I do more video but am getting heavier into stills for aviation!
    Thanks for the connect!

  9. #884
    Member Ballen Photo's Avatar
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    Las Vegas, NV, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yipDog View Post
    Thanks for the connect!
    Any time. I figure if you didn't know him, you probably should.

  10. #885
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Mesa, AZ, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Contacted him yesterday and turns out he was on the Moose flight and we did briefly meet. He also just joined the CAF so we will be working together to promote the museum. Awesome stuff!
    Thanks again!

  11. #886
    Member Ballen Photo's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    Las Vegas, NV, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yipDog View Post
    Contacted him yesterday and turns out he was on the Moose flight and we did briefly meet. He also just joined the CAF so we will be working together to promote the museum. Awesome stuff!
    Thanks again!
    Don't Ya love it when a plan comes together? You're welcome. :thumbsup:

  12. #887
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    tampa fl

    Re: Welcome!!

    I don't understand I am in the Introduction forum but I have to have 5 posts to make a thread!
    Anyway, I am new here, really looking to finally make the jump and get into SLR photography and soon professional. I have this itch that cannot be scratched and that itch is doing fashion photography. I have great marketing skills and connections so once I get good, finding the people to work with will not be as much as a problem! Here's to dreaming big everyone

    (Remember this post, it may be famous some day! lol)

  13. #888
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2011
    Austin, TX, United States

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi, new here, just wasting space so I can get my post count up to where I can start threads.

  14. #889
    Junior Member
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    Sri lanka

    Re: Welcome!!


    im a newbie!

  15. #890

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi everyone, I am new here. I want to share my experience with you and gain some knowledge from you by becoming an active member on this forum.

  16. #891
    Junior Member plgili's Avatar
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    Mar 2012

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi! I'm an amateur photographer from Barcelona, Spain. And I want to say hello to this community hoping to enjoy this forum.

  17. #892
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2012

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello guys I'm a newbie too.....

  18. #893
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    Oakdale, CA, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello All:

    I am new to this forum but participate in other photo forums so I thought that I would give this one a shot. I am an amature photographer with a slightly serious bent. I have been an events photographer for a local non profit in the past but really enjoy being able to choose what I want to shoot. I am set up to do my first two weddings this summer for friends and really look forward to taking memorable shots for the newly weds. I enjoy many different styles of photography like macro, landscape, events, people and nature shots and have made shooting pics a long persuit as a hobby... I have shot didital since 2004 only because I am so stubborn about the quality of film vs digital... I wish at times that I could do this for a living but it has never seemed to be realistically possible enough for me to take the gamble...
    I look forward to conversing, learning from you all and growing as photographer while participating on this forum..


  19. #894
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    United States

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello Everyone!

    I am new to this site and to photography. I am loving it so far and can't wait to learn more!


  20. #895
    Member Ballen Photo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Las Vegas, NV, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello Sarah, Phil, Kasper, Plgili, MaxDaniel, Joel, Stanley, and mandude.
    WELCOME! Hope you guys are enjoying your visit here.
    Don't be afraid to post your photos in the appropriate forums too. :thumbsup:

  21. #896
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2012
    Lincolnshire (unfortunately)

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi of course I am new to this site. Not new to forums though. I have had a break from forums for a year as I was getting fed with the lack of honesty and the same statements being typed out. Sorry it makes me sound arrogant, I am not just observant and willing to do better. I went back to one I was with and found nothing had changed so am looking around for a forum with less of the standard cliches.

    Many, many years ago, back in the '70's I was a medical photographer and then tried my hand at setting up on my own. Alas I am no business man and therefore photography faded away. I picked it up again in the last 8 years and its been a new start as I had forgotten everything (well almost). My first digital was a Fuji 5600 and now I have a Nikon D5000. Also digital is very different from film and I had lots to learn and still am. I am a hard task master, I am not very good with words but I do my best. I live on over 140mg morphine a day, so getting out to those wonderful landscapes is difficult and I don't get out to take that many pics as I should. Money is very tight and what I have I have had to scrape from our living expenses. Unfortunately we have just moved from beautiful Wales to awful Lincolnshire. That is my résumé

  22. #897
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi everyone

    I am new to this forum and also photography! I love to capture everything especially nature. Hope to learn a lot here


  23. #898
    Junior Member
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    Live Oak, FL, USA

    Smile Re: Welcome!!

    Hi, being new here I hope to be able to participate and share with you all. I am a norwegian born, norwegian educated photographer who has dabbled into a lot of different areas and traveled throughout the world. A past partner burned all my negatives from my travels and it caused me to leave photography for some time. Now I am getting rid of all my manual focus film equipment and switching to Canon DSLR. So I will be posting images in the near future.


  24. #899
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    Mississippi Gulf Coast, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    I would like to welcome to the new members and say that I look forward to seeing some of your pictures when you can post them, Jeff
    Check out my website Here
    My Nikon D7000 Tips thread is HERE

    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  25. #900
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    The Rolling Hills of the UK

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi All

    Newbie from the UK here. just found your forum as I was trawlinig the web for Minolta (Program) (Maxxum) 4000 AF Flash info.

    I wnat to try and do some mods on the camera connector at the bottom of the flash. I know what all the pins are, I need to play around with the "quench" feed-back pin to see if I can get the flash to work with other cameras?

    So, you all have a great day. We have just gone through blizzards today!! here in Derbyshire UK. Was 24deg last week.:blush2::blush2:

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