my restlessness and perhaps disillusionment over the digital frenzy that has taken over most photographers. I emailed Liz a few days ago, rambling on about this topic, and was planning on hopping up on a soapbox here in Viewfinder to spew forth my feelings about the bane of technology. After reading a simple sentence on a camera mfg website, a light bulb went off in my head, and I now put the soap box back in the closet to be used another day.
The statement ... "OPTICS are the decisive elements for outstanding photographs - NOT the analog or digital path to those photographs". This statement came from the chief of technology for one of the top camera makers.
For my own reasons, and for me only, I'm going to sell my D100(already sold the Oly C-8080), have picked up a used/mint F5 from B&H to make use of my Nikon glass, will continue to marvel over the quality of the Zeiss lenses on my Contax G2, will pick up another lens for the M6, and am looking at picking up a used RZ67. I know all of the negatives, know all the arguments, and finally know what will be best... for me.
Yikes, I realized that I was using the soapbox, anyway. Sorry. No need to respond, or submit arguments, or tell me I'm crazy(I already know that), just wanted to let you know what's been happening. I guess I've gone full circle ... again. Thanks for reading these ramblings. :-)