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  1. #126
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Hey all. I feel for exactly the same modus operandi. I intend to follow the credit card company complaint avenue that another post suggested. I will also follow through with them first and see what happens.

    FYI, I purchased a Leica D-Lux 4 which was advertised about $150 less than most other retailers. I was given the usual call back to verify cc and shipping, with an attempt at ad on sales etc and an upsell to the "U.S." version (the one online was apparently the Japanese version and would take weeks to arrive, even though it had the same model number.)

    Amazing that they could perpetuate the same fraud over and over the last few years.

  2. #127
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    The other thing that might be worth doing is writing to each and every camera manufacturer and distributor in the United States, e.g. Canon, Leica, Nikon etc.

  3. #128
    Junior Member
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    This just came out from the Texas Attorney General's Office:

    Broadway Photo, Starlight Camera & Video cited for deceiving purchasers

    AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today (Nov. 25, 2008) charged two online digital camera and electronics retailers with conducting an unlawful bait-and-switch sales scheme. Today’s enforcement action seeks restitution for Texans who suffered financially because of the defendants’ unlawful conduct.

    According to state investigators, Broadway Photo, L.L.C. and Starlight Camera & Video Inc., both of Brooklyn, N.Y., attempted to attract customers by offering the lowest retail prices on price-comparison Web sites. Once customers selected merchandise and made credit card purchases via the defendants’ Web sites, customers were notified that their orders had been processed. Despite the order-processing notice, customers were subsequently asked to call a specified telephone number to confirm their orders.

    However, rather than use the calls to confirm customers orders, the defendants instead initiated aggressive, high-pressure sales pitches promoting over-priced accessories, including memory cards and batteries. The defendants’ telemarketers insisted these upgraded accessories were needed in order for the customers’ confirmed merchandise to function normally.

    When customers refused these offers, the defendants told the customers the confirmed merchandise was substandard and lacked warranties. The defendants’ telemarketers encouraged customers to purchase different, more expensive products. If customers refused, the defendants canceled the orders, claiming the products were indefinitely back-ordered. When the defendants actually did ship orders, customers who intended to purchase new merchandise often received used or refurbished products.

    The Office of the Attorney General is seeking injunctions halting this conduct and civil penalties of up to $20,000 per violation of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

  4. #129
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Quote Originally Posted by ryrydh02
    This just came out from the Texas Attorney General's Office:

    Broadway Photo, Starlight Camera & Video cited for deceiving purchasers

    AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today (Nov. 25, 2008) charged two online digital camera and electronics retailers with conducting an unlawful bait-and-switch sales scheme. Today’s enforcement action seeks restitution for Texans who suffered financially because of the defendants’ unlawful conduct.

    According to state investigators, Broadway Photo, L.L.C. and Starlight Camera & Video Inc., both of Brooklyn, N.Y., attempted to attract customers by offering the lowest retail prices on price-comparison Web sites. Once customers selected merchandise and made credit card purchases via the defendants’ Web sites, customers were notified that their orders had been processed. Despite the order-processing notice, customers were subsequently asked to call a specified telephone number to confirm their orders.

    However, rather than use the calls to confirm customers orders, the defendants instead initiated aggressive, high-pressure sales pitches promoting over-priced accessories, including memory cards and batteries. The defendants’ telemarketers insisted these upgraded accessories were needed in order for the customers’ confirmed merchandise to function normally.

    When customers refused these offers, the defendants told the customers the confirmed merchandise was substandard and lacked warranties. The defendants’ telemarketers encouraged customers to purchase different, more expensive products. If customers refused, the defendants canceled the orders, claiming the products were indefinitely back-ordered. When the defendants actually did ship orders, customers who intended to purchase new merchandise often received used or refurbished products.

    The Office of the Attorney General is seeking injunctions halting this conduct and civil penalties of up to $20,000 per violation of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
    That is great news, thanks for sharing and welcome to our site, Jeff
    Check out my website Here
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    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  5. #130
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    Thumbs down Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    They practice the "bait & switch scam" There are many other victims, just do a search yourself if you dont' believe me, here's one thread on youtube

  6. #131
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    I have been ripped of the same way as others here.
    I placed an order for Canon AS 590IS for ~$97. After a day or so, I got an e-mail asking to call Broadway to verify the order. I verified the address and the representative started selling stuff saying that the offer is good only with my camera purchase. They offered Power2000 rechargeable batteries with recharging unit for $29.99 and he siad if I buy it after wards it is 59.99. He tried to rush me up but the good thing is I bought the same rechargeable batteries and unit just for $10. So I declined that item and he started giving me the price of the camera and also started adding some handling and insurance chanrges which is not even included in the order total when I placed the order.

    I just felt like this is mere cheating and cancelled the order. I would never shop from this merchant again.

    I have logged a complaint against this merchant at

  7. #132
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Fortunately, I have not been ripped off (yet). Same story as many other posts, but mine was more frustration. After my order for a Panasonic digital camcorder I received the email to call to verify. EVERY time I phoned the line was busy, but I did get through twice and left a voicemail. No reply. The next day I kept calling, trying a different number posted on their website. Finally, after spending way too much time trying to speak to a human being, I got someone. After expressing my displeasure they said they would transfer me to a person in order to verify. Before I could object the line would be transferred and I would be on hold for 50+ minutes. Hanging up, I tried again. And, as unbelievable as it sounds, they pulled the same trick. FINALLY, on the third try I got someone. Maybe the reason I didn't get the hard sell for other items was because I was so mad, venting at him. After verifying my address and being promised a shipping upgrade, I felt relieved. Until the next day when I received an email stating that my "in stock" item that would be shipped in "1-2 days" was out-of-stock and would now take 4-6 weeks to get to me. I promptly hit the cancel order button on my email (which didn't work) and emailed their support and order address stating I wanted my order cancelled. I promptly ordered another camera at a different site--for less. Now I am waiting if I open my credit card statement one day and see a charge listed. I will also be lodging a complaint with the CT Attorney General's office. Incidentally, the item is STILL listed on their website as in stock and 1-2 days shipping.

  8. #133
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Quote Originally Posted by SBrown
    Fortunately, I have not been ripped off (yet). Same story as many other posts, but mine was more frustration. After my order for a Panasonic digital camcorder I received the email to call to verify. EVERY time I phoned the line was busy, but I did get through twice and left a voicemail. No reply. The next day I kept calling, trying a different number posted on their website. Finally, after spending way too much time trying to speak to a human being, I got someone. After expressing my displeasure they said they would transfer me to a person in order to verify. Before I could object the line would be transferred and I would be on hold for 50+ minutes. Hanging up, I tried again. And, as unbelievable as it sounds, they pulled the same trick. FINALLY, on the third try I got someone. Maybe the reason I didn't get the hard sell for other items was because I was so mad, venting at him. After verifying my address and being promised a shipping upgrade, I felt relieved. Until the next day when I received an email stating that my "in stock" item that would be shipped in "1-2 days" was out-of-stock and would now take 4-6 weeks to get to me. I promptly hit the cancel order button on my email (which didn't work) and emailed their support and order address stating I wanted my order cancelled. I promptly ordered another camera at a different site--for less. Now I am waiting if I open my credit card statement one day and see a charge listed. I will also be lodging a complaint with the CT Attorney General's office. Incidentally, the item is STILL listed on their website as in stock and 1-2 days shipping.
    I hate to say this but if you ordered your camera from a site cheaper than Broadway it is probably Broadway by a different name or another site just as bad. Check out the link below, Jeff

    Recommended sites and sites to avoid
    Check out my website Here
    My Nikon D7000 Tips thread is HERE

    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  9. #134
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    I did think of that, but maybe I believe there is some good out there in cyberspace. If'll hear back in 7-9 shipping days.

  10. #135
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Quote Originally Posted by SBrown
    I did think of that, but maybe I believe there is some good out there in cyberspace. If'll hear back in 7-9 shipping days.
    Who did you purchase from? Jeff
    Check out my website Here
    My Nikon D7000 Tips thread is HERE

    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  11. #136
    Junior Member
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    cincinnati, oh USA

    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    I agree! I had a similar experience with these guys... This is a VERY dishonest company. Check out the Better Business Bureau listing for this company. They've had LOTS of complaints. Definitely NOT worth the hassle to shop here.

  12. #137
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    I purchased a Rebel XSi advertised for $440 during Thanksgiving 08 with a $225 Sigma lens totaling $665. After waiting some 3 or 4 days I got an e-mail asking me to call and confirm my order only to fall victim of a dishonest and rude salesman. He told me I wasn’t aware of the benefits of their packages advertised through their catalog (not mentioned on the site) which included a better battery and faster charger. I ended up spending nearly $100 more and only got an extra battery “Digital Concepts” brand that is not as good as the Canon. In fact this battery gets stuck in the camera and it’s hard to remove. I’m also suspecting that it causes the camera to behave wildly with display malfunction and other odd glitches. I’ll call the credit card company and file a complaint saying that I was overcharged to hopefully receive a refund as suggested by one of the posts. I’m surprised to see how many people in this forum experienced the same shameful ordeal with Broadway Photo and I’m glad all of you are posting these messages. I hope this bad reputation will spread like wildfire and prevent more sad stories.

    I now pose the question and I really would like to hear answers on this: Do you think more people and corporations are to blame for this?

    I decided to purchase from Broadway because I’m always seeing their great ads on all major Photography magazines. Being on those magazines was until this episode proof of quality for me. I’ve always heard B&H were good and seeing a three page Broadway Photo ad next to them makes me think they are just as good.
    Because of those magazines I never bothered checking for BP’s reputation on the web and here I am, feeling like someone stole my lollipop.
    Aren’t the publishers of those magazines aware of what’s going on? The moment they advertise a company that is doing monkey business they are also to blame.
    I’ll e-mail these magazines and will post their response on this forum. I’m sure they are making good money with those multiple page ads but at what cost? How about their own reputation as a credible source of photographic information?

    How about the camera manufacturers who simply deny warranty because the camera came from the so called “gray market”? What ridiculous answer is that? What is a stupid gray market camera? It doesn’t matter if it is made in China, refurbished or came from a Gray alien shipment. I bought a Canon camera and didn’t get the state-of-the-art piece of technology Canon advertised on the same magazines containing BP ads. How can they allow a corporation like BP sell their brand? Don’t they control the distribution of their own products? Are they dumping refurbished garbage through BP under some cover-up “gray” operation or what? I don’t want to make assumptions but if I’m denied warranty because I was a fool and bought a Gray camera then I’ll start thinking of all possible reasons for being in that situation. If I was Canon I would promptly address the issue and give a camera to everybody who was a victim of the so called “gray market”. I don’t expect Canon to refund me for buying a fishy camera from some unknown mom and pop shop or some dude in the alley but when I buy from an apparent major corporation advertising on major magazines it is a serious reputation problem for their brand. I’ll contact Canon and post what they say here as well of any progress with the credit card refund.

  13. #138
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    Baytown Texas USA

    Smile Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Hello I found this site because I was looking for broadway photo, I had decided to finally buy a nikon d40, had been looking at mag ads, there prices looked good. I hate all you folks who got took, but at least your helping others I think I'll stick to film a while longer David

  14. #139
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    Orlando, FL United States

    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Same Here...
    Ordered the Nikon D40. Received the email that I need to call and confirm.
    Called the store and was told what a nice selection I made, blah blah blah

    Then immediately went to the sales pitch of the Nikon battery lasts 15 min, we can sell you a extended life battery for half the price.
    I said no thank you.
    Then proceeded to ask me which warranty am I going to purchase with this, I said " No warranty, I would just like to receive what I ordered."
    He said there is no reason to get an attitude and put me on hold for approximately one minute. He came back and said the order has been put through and it will ship in 4 to 6 WEEKS! (the website says available and in stock with ship time of 3-5 days.

    While I was on hold waiting for him to return, I happened to find this site because of the shadiness of the sales person.
    I canceled the order immediately.

  15. #140
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    I, too, am ripoff victim of Broadway Photo.They didn't place my order until I called an 800 number and was pressured to buy additional products/warranty.They lumped all the charges into one number so you don't know what you are paying for, the numbers don't add up. I was overcharged just like you and can't even get B.P. to answer the phone numbers listed on my invoice. Did you take any action by canceling payment through your credit card or filing fraud charges? If victims take the easy way out and pay whatever they are charging, B.P. is just getting away with fraudulent behavior and will continue to rip off more buyers..

  16. #141
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    Bay Point, Ca. USA

    Thumbs down Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    I just want to say you are right about Broadway Camera entirely. Thank God, I cancelled before they charged my account. Yes they are a bait and switch operation. there is another one out there that I want to warn you about. "86th Street Camera and Video" they are as bad or maybe even worst. I have spent a week and a half trying to buy a camera.:mad2: these two caused that. I finally went to You may pay a little more but I have NEVER had any trouble with them. I have been shopping with them I think since day one.
    I guess you get what you pay for. I will not stray again.

  17. #142
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    Bay Point, Ca. USA

    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    I think we should ALL get out there and let EVERYBODY know about Broadway Camera. Write the BBB in New York and file a complaint. The FBI handles internet fraud. Let all your friends know. Post it on any site you can. But JUST tell the Facts and nothing but the facts. We don't want any one to get in trouble.

  18. #143
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    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    They did the same technique on me with a Nikon Coolpix S60, switched me to a package that was "almost the same price". I ordered a "high capacity" extra battery which was the same capacity as the original, and the "free" case that came with it wouldn't hold the camera. I tried calling, a recording said they were closed no matter what day or what time, and repeated emails went totallyunanswered. I can't believe I fell for it, but the guy apparently was quite persuasive.

  19. #144
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    san diego, California, USA

    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Thankyou soo much for posting this! I am sooo seraching for a camera and like the NIKON D40 or D60 SLR. I am a beginner in digital photography and dont want to spend an arm and a leg! so i looked at They had low prices but i just dont trust them!!! nonetheless i didnt go for it and glad i didn't. Question is this the broadway photo online? thanks for your help thouhg. i was almost about to make the biggest mistake in my life!!!

  20. #145
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Mississippi Gulf Coast, USA

    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Quote Originally Posted by doctor rhonda
    Thankyou soo much for posting this! I am sooo seraching for a camera and like the NIKON D40 or D60 SLR. I am a beginner in digital photography and dont want to spend an arm and a leg! so i looked at They had low prices but i just dont trust them!!! nonetheless i didnt go for it and glad i didn't. Question is this the broadway photo online? thanks for your help thouhg. i was almost about to make the biggest mistake in my life!!!
    Yes it is the same. I would recommend staying as far from them as possible. Check out the information in the sticky on the "Recommended sites and sites to avoid". I have compiled a list of these sites from members comments and research I have done. There also is other helpful information, Jeff "grandpaw"

    Recommended sites and sites to avoid
    Check out my website Here
    My Nikon D7000 Tips thread is HERE

    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  21. #146
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    Santa Rosa, CA

    Broadway Photo WARNING

    I hope I can save a few people a lot of time and maybe some money too by posting my own experience about Broadway Photo. Please don't waste your time with Broadway Photo and don't support a company with such poor customer service. They operate on untruth and inconvenience.

    Over a month ago I placed an order for an Olympus Stylus 1030 SW camera with Broadway Photo. They had the best price and they listed the camera "In Stock".

    After I placed my order I find out that, in fact, they DID NOT have the camera in stock. I received an email stating that my credit card has not been charge, the product is actually on back-order, when the product arrives I will be emailed and my oder processes.

    This was over a month ago. I've tried calling them three or four times and get no help. Their customer service hours make them inconvenient to contact and when you do contact them, it takes over 20 minutes to get someone on the phone and they are not helpful at all.

    I have tried cancelling my order online and their system won't let me. So now I am going to have to call them back during their inconvenient hours and cancel by phone, or call my credit card company an put a stop payment on the transaction.

    Save yourself some time and promote good business practices. DO NOT SHOP AT BROADWAY PHOTO!

  22. #147
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    bloomfield colorado

    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    Broadway and others have a very long history of fraud:mad2:

  23. #148
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    Feb 2009

    Re: Broadway Photo RipOff - What if you "just say no"?

    If you don't buy their overpriced add-ons, they won't sell you the camera! Here's my story:

    From this site, I knew Broadway Photo was a bait-and-switch scam. So, I purchased a camera on their site, and when they tried to sell me expensive extra stuff, I just politely declined. They kept trying, but I was firm. They thanked me for my order and said it would ship in a few days.

    Over the next *month and a half*, I called about 6 times, asking when my order was going to ship! Each time, they said the same thing -- they were out of stock, they had it on back order, and they would ship it to me in the next few days. The next week, no camera, the same story from Broadway Photo. Repeat. Over and over.

    What a hassle.

    Finally, I just cancelled the order. I'm pretty sure that was what they wanted me to do all along. The cheap cameras are a loss-leader for them; they only want orders that include lots of overpriced add-ons. This "out of stock" story lets them stay just barely on the right side of the law. But, it's a great inconvenience to the customer.

  24. #149
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    Unhappy Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    When I bought my camera from these guys I did some research about this place over the web. At that time there wasn't a very organized group of ratings. I wish I could have read these reviews! It sounds like a bad made up horror story but it is true, this is a corrupt, rude and decietful place!
    After seeing there ad in a magazine with there cheap prices I decieded to buy my first DSLR camera from these guys. After ordering it online they called me up and offered to supply me with a "better battery" that lasted 4x as long as pentax's battery and bunch of other crazy deals. Sounded good, right? For a little extra I was supposed to get a better battery and warranty, and I declined all the other deals. Upon arrival I got some cheap $13 dollar off brand battery. So I called them up. They were EXTREMLY RUDE! I told him I wanted to return the battery because I paid $75 for a $13 battery seen on other sites and that I was misinformed on the quality of the battery. He continued to try and convince me otherwise. He continued to argue with me on the return and eventually said I couln't return it and hung up. After repeated calls they continued to run me in circles on how I couldn't return it or hangup on me. No manager or other I could talk to when I called. (It has been a while since this happened so I can't repeat this word for word, but I remeber these guys were even more rude then I am portraying).
    At least the camera came and it was the one I ordered. So greatfully I only got stuck with a junk $75 and not the whole $300+ package of junk! I can't believe these guys are getting away with this. And some of the posts I've read, I'm suprized there isn't a mob awaiting outside there company doors. :mad2:

    I'll be taking others advise and report these guys to the Attorney General Internet Bureau.

    So in closing:

    Just go to somewhere else and save yourself, time, money, patience and your sanity.

  25. #150
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    Freeport, ME, USA

    Thumbs down Re: Broadway Photo RipOff

    These guys are scammers. I also responded to a message to 'confirm' my order for an EOS 5d mkII for $2499. The guy told me the standard battery would only last 20 minutes (which is complete BS), and that I really needed the higher capacity battery for another $249. He then said I needed insurance for another $125, so now the web order I placed for $2499 was now well over $3000! When I told him to cancel my order, he was on and off hold talking to his 'manager', at which point he came back on, first dropping the insurance, and some other BS fee. We went back and forth for 15 minutes while he tried to hook me by making these 'special' arrangements trying to get me to purchase. Even at the lowered price, I still told him to cancel the order, and I had to repeat myself about 3 times before he finally cancelled it. These people are A-Holes. Don't waste your time or money.

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