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Thread: Welcome!!

  1. #901
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    wa state

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello and welcome to all the new members.
    Hope you find these forums informative and that you will participate with your knowledge and photos.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  2. #902
    Junior Member
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    Boston, MA, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi, new member to the site. Looking forward to hearing more from you about photography.:thumbsup:

  3. #903
    Junior Member
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    Durham, NC

    Re: Welcome!!

    New guy here! Looking so forward to learning and looking here. Great site!

  4. #904
    Junior Member
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello. I'm new here. I'm looking to learn more about photography and hopefully take some better pictures.

    I currently mostly take pictures of foster cats with the purpose of helping them find homes, and would like to start taking pictures of my garden and food I cook. Not super exciting, but I'm happy with a relatively boring life.

    My current camera is a Kodak DX6340 Zoom, and I'd like to upgrade in the near future - it's about 10 years old, so I assume almost anything made in the last couple years will be a huge upgrade!

    I'm looking forward to learning lots and taking pictures.

  5. #905
    rds is offline
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    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi Everybody,

    Another newbie to this forum. would consider myself an ok photographer. been taking pictures for a couple of decades..

    would like to learn about low light and hdr photography


  6. #906
    Junior Member
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    Los Angeles

    Re: Welcome!!

    nice to meet you all, hopefully i can learn many great things about camera here...

  7. #907
    Junior Member
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    Los Angeles

    Re: Welcome!!


    Welcome you all to this forum.I am very new to this forum.Hope we will have a better talk further.Hoping to enjoy and have a better time with you all.


  8. #908
    Junior Member
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    Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

    Re: Welcome!!


    I'm new to photography and new to this forum... I'm looking forward to learning from the many knowledgeable posters on this board! I just picked up a Nikon D7000 and can't wait to get into it!


  9. #909
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2012

    Re: Welcome!!

    Back into photography! Moved from Point and shoot film, to film slr, to point and shoot digital and now digital SLR. It's a whole new world!

  10. #910
    Junior Member
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    Pensacola, FL

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi another new person. I have a Cannon Rebel T1i. I became serious about photography a few years ago. I am hoping to learn a lot and share what I know. Also looking for lots of feedback good and bad but detailed so I can improve my photos.

  11. #911
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    wa state

    Re: Welcome!!

    Welcome to all the 9 memebers above that haven't recieved a welcome yet.
    Hope to see you on the boards.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  12. #912
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Chicago, IL. USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello Everyone,
    I am new here just signed up a few minutes ago.. I have been shooting with an advanced point and shoot a Canon S5 IS for about 4 years and last year in April I made the leap to my very first DSLR. I bought a used Canon Digital Rebel 300D and bought a couple of lenses and started getting serious with my love of photography. I now have a Canon 50d just purchased used as well a few months ago and have kept my 300d as a back up. Actually I usually take both bodies out shooting. I have a couple of lenses.. Canon EF 50mm 1.8 prime lens, a Non IS Canon EF-S 18-55mm, a Canon EF-S 55-250mm, and a Canon EF 28-135mm.

    I took a beginner Basic Digital Photography class last spring at a community college and this spring I am taking the Intermediate level class and really enjoying it.

    I have been using Lightroom 3 for the past year and my post processing program and just finally upgraded to a newer laptop for my processing work.

    My favorite kinds of photography are outdoor, Nature/Wildlife/Landscape photography and then street scenes and Architecture are another favorite.. I guess I like just about every kind of photography except for Portraits and Wedding photography simply because I think it is so difficult to capture and pose people in specific settings.

    Looking forward to gaining a lot of knowledge from others on this site..

  13. #913
    Member f86sabjf's Avatar
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    Deltona. Fla

    Re: Welcome!!

    Welcome to the forum and please jump right in and share some of your photos with us!!!
    Nikon D5100

  14. #914
    newb MotorToad's Avatar
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    St. Joe, CA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Greetings. I'm a newb, trying to learn the camera and improve my gear on the cheap. In January I bought an XT, then a friend sold me a 20D, which I used for an entire weekend before another friend gave me her 30D! I've gone from the trifecta of crap lenses (18-55, moldy 75-300, and 80-200 which doesn't seem quite as bad as people say) to the newer IS kits lenses, 18-55 & 55-250. Most people recommend a 50/1.8 but I think I'd rather have something around 35 +/- for the crop sensor if I get a prime.

  15. #915
    Junior Member KBurli's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello all!
    My name is Kendra. I've been studying photography for about a year now, basically trying to teach myself. A lot of trial and error and reading ect...
    I'm here to learn. Whether it is by reading posts, having my pieces critiqued or finding links to articles that may be helpful.

    Other than that, I'm a wife and mother living in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in California. Which is awesome because I have access to beautiful scenery and kids who are very patient with me and allow me to use them as guinea pigs lol.
    I look forward to meeting and learning from you all =D

  16. #916
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2012

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello everyone! New member here. Been away from this great hobby for a long time and now want to get back into it. I still have my old film cameras and a "newer" digital point and shoot that is about 6-7 years old. I've been doing a lot of reading and learning about the DSLRs and I'm planning to purchase one soon. Meanwhile, I will continue to read, and enjoy as many posts as I can on this great site.

  17. #917
    Junior Member
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    Massachusetts, Boston, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hiya guys! New fella here!
    I can't wait to dive into this well of knowledge. It shall be glorious.

  18. #918
    ob1 is offline
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    Re: Welcome!!

    Good morning to all

    I am glad to stumble on this site. Exactly what I am looking for.

    New DSLR user, hobby more than anything else. I also do procedures under a microscope, and want to start recording it. So it might end up being more than a hobby.

    Using a Nikon D3100 at this point.

  19. #919
    Junior Member Geoff I's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi folks my name is Geoff and I have just joined your community, I shoot with a Nikon D90 with various lenses, what my gripe is how expensive it is to go over a 70-300 lens, so I bought a Sony HX100V to get the extra reach, wow this camera zooms in up to 1/2 a mile away in digital and the results are not pixelated, only gripe with this camera is the EVF other than that it looks like a good buy, though it will not get used as much as the D90.

  20. #920
    Junior Member
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    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi All,

    Newbie here after getting a Canon 600D for my birthday. Well when I say newbie, I did do a fair amount of slide work with my Canon A1 around 25 yrs ago, but then fell away from it. Forgot how much I enjoyed taking pictures, so back on the saddle :-)

  21. #921
    Junior Member
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    May 2012

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi Everyone

    Amazing forum.

    I have a Minolta 7000 bought in 1987. Loved it. Used it for family stuff until 2003.

    2003 switched to digital with a P&S and have been happy until now. My son is rowing in high school and I can't get good images so....

    I want to get a DSLR now, but I don't have a clue.

    I am stuck... I can buy a 700$ Canon T3 with Canon 18-55 IS lens and Canon 75-300 USM kit or.use the old Sigma lens on a new mount.

    Would it better to use the 1987 Sigma lens on a more sophisticated Sony A-mount DSLR. Ebay shows that my lens are not worth much. the lens do work but are well used. I would love to hear the members comments.

  22. #922
    Junior Member
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    Bowie, MD, USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi there, I'm Danny and I just signed up on these forums. I was looking for a good community to basically bounce ideas off of, get feedback, see other people ideas etc... preferably one that is pretty laid back, yet serious about improvement. Seems pretty nice to me! I guess this is where I should introduce my self a little?

    Basically, I first took photography in my senior year of high school, using a 1981 Canon. That was almost 10 years ago. I've gone back to school and I've been an art major for the past 2 years. I just finally bought my first Digital SLR (I've wanted it for SO long). I've realized through the past two semesters that it still is my #1 passion, and I want to work towards hopefully making a career through some sort of photography/digital editing/graphic design. I'm transferring to finish up my last two years of college next semester, and I'm trying to improve my skills in those areas as much as possible over the summer. I REALLY would like to quit my current job before going to school full time, so I must improve ASAP! I had a very productive semester this time. I won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in our little student art exhibition, in the digital photography category, and I was surprised and amazed that two of them sold. It's not much, but it was really cool to make money off the work I've done for the first time!

    I think this place seems like a very nice community and I'm excited to join.

  23. #923
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome!!

    I would like to welcome all the new members to Photography Review! I think you will find the members on our site to be both very knowledgeable and friendly. I am one of the moderators her and would personally like to say, WELCOME ABOARD and we are looking forward to each of you being a part of our family here, Jeff
    Check out my website Here
    My Nikon D7000 Tips thread is HERE

    All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission. Jeff Impey
    "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days... Very Good Days or just Plain Good Days I just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  24. #924
    Member f86sabjf's Avatar
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    Deltona. Fla

    Re: Welcome!!

    Welcome to all the new members . Theres a great bunch of folks here jump on in and ask ??"s and post your pics we would love to see them!!!
    Nikon D5100

  25. #925
    Junior Member
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    May 2012

    Re: Welcome!!

    hello I am new member here ... I want to learn about Photography

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