You have your camera. Now how do you do anything else?
This question is actually half serious. Let's take today for example:
The last two of my three morning classes were cancelled and I did not have to be at work until 1pm, so I took off down some back roads and filled a 512MB card with around 164 images. I spent the better part of 2.5 hours doing this and did not have time to pick up lunch on the way in to work. It's okay, I found a granola bar and bottles of water in the truck.
So I get to work and I can't concentrate. I have dpreview up before Outlook is open. I spend the next 3 hours obsessing over what I have to that SD card. So I look out the window and the sky has cleared (it was getting uniformly overcast when I came in) to a stunning blue.
I leave at 5 and have an hour of sun. 10 minutes out of town and I can start shooting. The problem is that I have to drive across town to pick up my paycheck. I am seriously considering skipping that stop, heading out, and collecting on Monday.
So you see, my new toy has become a bit of a problem. I'm wondering if this is common or I am just especially obsessive.
Oh, and I should probably mention that I am already trying to figure out how I will get my homework done for class tomorrow morning when I have 164 images to play with. I'm also wondering if the grocery shopping can wait until Sunday, dispite the fact that my fridge is occupied solely by misc odd beer has been left over from various vintages of 6 packs that nobody's ever goint to drink and outdated Mexican condaments.
Going out was not even considered.