Hello Viewfinderites!
It's been a long time since we've had a "getting to know you" thread up here. In the interest of exploring the diversity of our members and putting a face to a name here's a current "who's who" thread for your looking and reading enjoyment!
An example:
Walter "Rick" Long
Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
a chick friend in college took to calling me "Walterick" I kinda liked it so I brought it back later
Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
Nikon Samurai #4 baby!
Oakton, VA about 20 miles west of Washington, DC - moving to Phoenix this summer!
Fairfax, VA, about a mile down the road from here
Other places I've lived:
San Francisco, California and the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Like to Retire:
San Diego, South America, or anywhere the weather's warm and the pictures are pretty
white as white can be! Roots in Germany/Poland and Britain
nope and nope
Languages I speak:
English and a little Spanish
BS, Psychology; MA Culture and Spirituality; HMT (Holistic Massage Therapist), currently working on MA in Counseling
Religious affiliation (if any): not really affiliated with any one religion. But I like Spiritualism, Hinduism, and Buddhism
Political affiliation (if any): to borrow a phrase from a poster on Craigslist I'm a "little left of a bed-wetting liberal"
Other hobbies: Woodworking, hiking, camping, astronomy, guitar, school (learning), ballroom dance, and... getting into the stock market recently
How long I have been a photographer:
5 years
First "real" camera:
Minolta X-700
How I found Photographyreview.com:
I was searching for reviews of the Nikon 8008s ans this site popped up. Once I found the Viewfinder I was hooked!
Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
January of 2001
Favorite forum:
Photogatherings I have attended:
San Francisco, Colorado, New York x2
Favorite subjects:
Current Gear:
Nikon baby!
Nikon 8008s (af)
Nikon FM2N (mf)
35mm 2.0
50mm 1.8
105mm 2.5
180mm 2.8
Sigma 24mm 2.8
Sigma 28-105
2x teleconverter
Medium Format:
Mamiya 645 Pro TL (new to me and I'm still learning it!)
45mm 2.8 (28mm equiv)
55mm 2.8 (35mm equiv)
80mm 2.8 (50mm equiv)
105mm 2.8 (90mm equiv)
Nikon Coolpix point and shoot
Lexar 256
Camera I use the most:
Why I prefer film or digital:
I prefer the look of film to digital but I prefer the convenience of digital to film
What I like about Photographyreview.com:
The people! We are the coolest bunch on the web! I like the tone and the atmosphere of the place. We are helpful and fun, without being pandering or overly critical. I have met Photo-John and several of the PR members and I like who they are as people. I look forward to meeting many more!
What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
What I am ultimately trying to do is bring out of the incredibleness of nature and show people "Look! This is what you can go find!" I want people to return to nature and find the real beauty there. But I also take snapshots because I am bored of course and like everyone else here I am also the "dedicated photographer" at family gatherings.
A few of my favorite pictures:
School bus taken with Sigma 24mm 2.8 on Velvia 50
Stars at Arches taken with Sigma 24mm on Reala
United States flag taken on Sept 11, 2002 with 35-135 zoom on Velvia 50
And last, a picture of me.
Thanks for joining!