Howdy all! Just getting up the nerve finally to start posting some stuff I took over this last Memorial Day. Any and all comments are welcome. After all, that's why I'd post in the critique forum, no? :-) But anyway, I digress. The photo was taken with a Nikon N80 and basic Nikkor 50mm lens. It was Fuji film, but I actually don't remember what kind exactly, neither do I remember what the shutter speed, aperture was, etc. I know, I know, how to learn without knowing. :-) I always have to remind myself to pay attention to that stuff. But anyway, here it is........basically untouched, with the exception of cropping and pushing the saturation some in PaintShop Pro. My main question is, is it too saturated? I love to have color that POPS out at you, and was a little disappointed in the lack of POP that my pics had when I got them back from the developer......