O.k. so it seems bizarro and borders on a fine line with photography...but here goes
I've been taking pics of eyes(I know it's been done before)...I just find them very interesting especially in direct light and using the macro feature on my point and shoot
and I was amazed (it takes very little obviously) that simple make up application would change the look of something(eye) so drastically...obviously some of you have extensive experience with fashion shoots and women and make up artists...and well this is no great revelation to you...but
in my housewife world I made a discovery and thought i'd share it with the only group of people that might find it remotely interesting...so wow look at the difference in the eyes...wow ---aaaahhhh ---wow (I figured I'd show my own excitement in case no one responds and thinks I'm on drugs---I'm not by the way just once again bored and trying stuff out)
Have a great day....