ViewFinder Photography Forum

General discussion - our photography living room. Talk about aesthetics, philosophy, share your photos - get inspired by your peers! Moderated by another view and walterick.
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Thread: Welcome!!

  1. #301
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Rockford, IL

    Re: Welcome!!

    Yes - that's exactly how it works - or should. Let us know if that doesn't solve the problem. Welcome to all the new members!

  2. #302
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009
    Midland, MI

    Re: Welcome!!

    My name is Melissa and I bought my first digital camera in June. I got the Nikon D40 but about a month after I bought it, I realized that it was not the right camera for me. I was completely hooked on photography and needed a much more advanced camera.

    I just got a D300 last week and love it so far except my technical skills are seriously lacking.

    I'm starting a photography class at our local community college next week and hopefully that will help me with my skills.

    I'm excited to find this board, I think it will be very helpful!

  3. #303
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009
    Midland, MI

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi. My name is Melissa from Midland, Michigan. I'm new to digital photography. I got a Nikon D40 in June and after about a month, realized I wanted to do more with photography than that camera was able to do. I just got a D300 last week and love it but it's very complicated and my technical skills need serious work!

    I'm excited about this forum because I think I'll learn a lot from everyone!!!!!

    Can you tell me how to post pictures?

    Thanks and I'm happy to be here!

  4. #304
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Mundelein, IL USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by melissa5704
    Hi. My name is Melissa from Midland, Michigan. I'm new to digital photography. I got a Nikon D40 in June and after about a month, realized I wanted to do more with photography than that camera was able to do. I just got a D300 last week and love it but it's very complicated and my technical skills need serious work!

    I'm excited about this forum because I think I'll learn a lot from everyone!!!!!

    Can you tell me how to post pictures?

    Thanks and I'm happy to be here!
    To use the direct method:

    - Use either the 'Quote' button or 'Go Advanced' under the 'Quick Reply'.
    - Then hit the 'Upload Photos" button.
    - Hit one of the 'Browse' buttons and find the file on your computer.
    - Hit the 'Upload' button.
    - After it uploads, hit the 'Close This Window'.

    The file has to be smaller than 293 KB and the picture must be 800 pixels or less both high and wide. Also note that the 'Preview Post' will NOT show the picture.

    Welcome to PR! I've been here a few months and everyone has been extremely helpful. Post, ask for C&C and listen. The class will probably help a lot, but the learning will seem slooowwwwww when compared to what you can learn here.

    You should have a lot of great areas to shoot around Midland. The spring and fall migration along the bay should give you great opportunities if that is what you like. I remember the flocks of hundreds (thousands??) of swans along the south end.

    I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
    Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
    Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.

  5. #305
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009
    Columbia, SC

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello everyone!
    I'm Amber and I'm very new to photography. I never really took pictures until I had my daughter. After that, it seemed all I did was take pictures of her. I got bored with my crappy old Kodak point and shoot and just got a Sony DSLR 200A a week ago. I love the camera, but I'm completely overwhelmed at how to use it properly. I've just done a bit of trial and error by changing the settings constantly. I searched the internet for tips and came across this site. I hope to learn to take decent photos of my little girl (she just turned 1). I hope to take some photography classes as well, but those wont be for another month or so at least. Glad to be here to soak up as much as I can.

  6. #306
    Junior Member
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    The great land of Aus :)

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hey people. I'm new, my name's Shona, I'm a 16 yr old girl from the wonderful land of Aus!
    A little bit about me photographically:
    Before early last year I'd never in my life attempted anything photography. It's the only creative streak I posess, apart from the occasional fluke with a pencil xP I'm very inexperienced, but that can change. That's why I joined this forum-- to learrrnnnn! Everything I know so far is from random snippets of wiki type info pages.
    So I hope I have a lot of fun on here, meet some mad photo enthusiasts and learn something great
    Apart from photography, I have a passion for horses and riding. I've been a rider since I was ... 5ish. So yeah a while . I also love music and wanna learn guitar, but currently don't have the time or really the money.
    OK.. that's about it about me. I'm off ot post some photos for critique!

  7. #307
    tpe is offline
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi all

    A very nice lady (AKA pink dragonfly) introduced me to the forums and it is great to see a subforum for us minolta users, loads of info great pictures and amazingly enough some other minolta users in Denmark. So hi all .


    P.S. Mette I could not find out about that facebook thing so i hope it is ok to say hi here instead .

  8. #308
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Welcome!!

    Shona, welcome !
    We've a few other members from down under, keep an eye out for them

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  9. #309
    Digitally Challenged silversport's Avatar
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    Chicagoland USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello...a friend, member jamesV told me about this place and I thought I would learn what I could learn and hopefully contribute...I have been interested in photography for many years but something always seems to derail my train so to speak...I just recently bought a couple digital cameras (for different reasons...) and would like to finally get into this hobby at 47 years of age...

    Last edited by silversport; 01-11-2009 at 06:45 AM.

  10. #310
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Mundelein, IL USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by silversport
    Hello...a friend told me about this place and I thought I would learn what I could learn and hopefully contribute...I have been interested in photography for many years but something always seems to derail my train so to speak...I just recently bought a couple digital cameras (for different reasons...) and would like to finally get into this hobby at 47 years of age...

    Hello Bill and welcome. I hail from the northwest suburbs (Mundelein). Do you belong to one of the Chicagoland camera clubs? - TF
    I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
    Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
    Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.

  11. #311
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello Mods and old and new members.

    I'm brand new, holding a brandnew D60 and hoping to take rich, detailed jpegs of color oil paintings that can be used for print reproduction (postcards) or for LCD projection or display on the web. Sometimes I try and take sharp-focused richly-colored photographs of musical instruments (wooden guitars, etc.). But my main goal is to sort out the photography of oil paintings, where accurately capturing the true color and surface is soessential.

    My wife's the painter and I'll post a jpeg at some point to give an idea — the work itself is beautiful.

    And as someone above also said: I hope to be able to contribute in some way, as well.


  12. #312
    Digitally Challenged silversport's Avatar
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    Chicagoland USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello sir...just getting into it for the third time......hoping to finally be able to put some effort on my part into the hobby...Western Suburb of Brookfield...
    Last edited by silversport; 01-10-2009 at 08:52 PM.

  13. #313
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Welcome!!

    You are very welcome. It's a GREAT site! That's why I advised you to come here.
    I love it here and I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do!

  14. #314
    Digitally Challenged silversport's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Chicagoland USA

    Re: Welcome!!


    Lumix DMC-L1
    14-50mm/F2.8-3.5 ASPH
    Leica D Vario-Elmarit

    Lumix DMC-G1
    14-45mm/F3.5-5.6 ASPH
    Lumix G Vario

  15. #315
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
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    May 2004
    Southern California

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello. I ask the powers that be (Thanks John) to change my username to 'poker' from 'manacsa'. I did it for a number of reasons but mainly to control the amount of use of my real name on the very big Internet.

    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  16. #316
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Foster City, CA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello everyone on this forum!

    First i would like to say "Hella"

    Yes i am from the bay area, CA. I just have purchased my Canon Rebel XS as my first DSLR! I cant wait to take pics with it when it arrives tomorrow. I am hoping to head up to San Francisco this weekend to take some nice urban and maybe scenic pictures.

    I am currently 17 years of age taking photography in school. Thats not what inspired me though.

    I started out with video editing and filming and stuff like that, then i went on to digital art. So im just planning to do the thing in between those. Because i love editing pictures.

    Hope to make some friends on here. CYA.

  17. #317
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Mundelein, IL USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Polishgonewild
    Hello everyone on this forum!

    First i would like to say "Hella"

    Yes i am from the bay area, CA. I just have purchased my Canon Rebel XS as my first DSLR! I cant wait to take pics with it when it arrives tomorrow. I am hoping to head up to San Francisco this weekend to take some nice urban and maybe scenic pictures.

    I am currently 17 years of age taking photography in school. Thats not what inspired me though.

    I started out with video editing and filming and stuff like that, then i went on to digital art. So im just planning to do the thing in between those. Because i love editing pictures.

    Hope to make some friends on here. CYA.
    Looking forward to your photos. They just started a post processing forum. – TF
    I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
    Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
    Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.

  18. #318
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hello everyone,
    My name is April and I am new to DSLR photography. I have been usng a digital camera since 2001 but decided to upgrade to a Digital SLR so I can get more out of my pics. I have purchased the Canon Rebel XTi and have enjoyed it so far but have much to learn with all its features! I am more interested in nature and landscape pics. Don't mind sitting in the yard or park waiting for the perfect shot! Also enjoy going to the beach (I live on the Gulf of Mexico in the Florida panhandle) to try for sunset pics. I will also brave the cold winter temps to try for some great moon shots. I come to this site to try to learn as much as I can from others who share the love of digital photography!

  19. #319
    Junior Member valentina's Avatar
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    New York

    Re: Welcome!!

    The name is Valentina. The camera is a Canon 40D. The mission is to learn to use my camera to it's maximum potential.

    Some background--
    I've always had an interest in taking pictures. Wherever I am, I tend to look at things from different angles and wonder how I could make it into a great picture. I took a photography class a few years back in high school. I learned the fundamentals but I'd still consider myself a n00b.
    Anyway! My wonderful boyfriend just got me a 40D for Christmas. It is my first DSLR so I am looking forward to getting acquainted with it. I'm also super excited to start documenting my journey of life through photography. A picture is worth a thousand words!!!

    Lastly, I'm down to photograph anything! My main subject will probably be my Subaru - I love cars!

    .....and yes, it is 4:30 AM and I'm still up. WTF? :lol:
    [V a l e n t i n a] [e j 2 5]

  20. #320
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Mundelein, IL USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lowes_48_girl
    Hello everyone,
    My name is April and I am new to DSLR photography. I have been usng a digital camera since 2001 but decided to upgrade to a Digital SLR so I can get more out of my pics. I have purchased the Canon Rebel XTi and have enjoyed it so far but have much to learn with all its features! I am more interested in nature and landscape pics. Don't mind sitting in the yard or park waiting for the perfect shot! Also enjoy going to the beach (I live on the Gulf of Mexico in the Florida panhandle) to try for sunset pics. I will also brave the cold winter temps to try for some great moon shots. I come to this site to try to learn as much as I can from others who share the love of digital photography!
    Welcome, you've come to the right place to learn. Pick a couple of shots you think are your best, post them and ask what could be done better. It's a fast way to learn.

    "I will also brave the cold winter temps..." After a few days of -20F here in Chicago, I don't think I will be feeling sorry for you. :-)

    I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
    Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
    Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.

  21. #321
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Welcome!!

    Just thought I would introduce myself. Retired from nursing and have been interested in photography since VietNam. Still using my first camera. Canon F1.The camera is awsome and rugged. Of course its been well-maintained. Live in Ohio on the shores of Lake Erie. Found thid site while I was searching for a good price on a Canon EOS 50D. Found plenty of good prices but each time I find a good price I do a review search on the company and 95% of the time its not good.Can't afford to spend a small fortune so I'm still looking. Checked your classifieds and ended up with some company overseas? 400.00 unreal. anyways if someone knows where I can get a good deal let me Know.


  22. #322
    Junior Member pinkberrykay's Avatar
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    The tip an an Ocean

    Re: Welcome!!

    H-E-Y! I am Kari I have been into Digital SLR photography since last year. I am a military wife, volunteer, and mother to 3 boys. Currently I live on the tip of the Oregon Coast in a small Coastal community.

  23. #323
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by pinkberrykay
    H-E-Y! I am Kari I have been into Digital SLR photography since last year. I am a military wife, volunteer, and mother to 3 boys. Currently I live on the tip of the Oregon Coast in a small Coastal community.
    Welcome to the site, Kari! Jump right in and start sharing on the forums. Tell us about what you like to photograph and what kind of gear you're using. A good way to get started is to post some photos in the gallery and write a review for your camera. User reviews are the foundation of and we need reviews from all types of photographers. Here's a link to the DSLR user reviews:

    Read and Write Digital SLR Reviews >>

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

  24. #324
    Mtb'ing and taking pics :)
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    near Raleigh, NC

    Re: Welcome!!

    Hi. I'm Jodey. Been taking pics since Oct 2007. Got my DSLR (Canon Rebel XT) back in Dec 07 and have been taking pics ever since. I'm looking to improve my photog skills.

    I recognize some names here from mtbr - I started mtb'ing back in Aug 08. Took a little hiatus for about 2 months, but I'm looking forward to hitting my local trails soon...hopefully the rain will stay away for a while!
    My flickr acct

    2009 photo-a-day blog

    Fat Chick Biking Blog

    (I'm ineedtrainingwheels on

  25. #325
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Mundelein, IL USA

    Re: Welcome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jodeyh
    Hi. I'm Jodey. Been taking pics since Oct 2007. Got my DSLR (Canon Rebel XT) back in Dec 07 and have been taking pics ever since. I'm looking to improve my photog skills.

    I recognize some names here from mtbr - I started mtb'ing back in Aug 08. Took a little hiatus for about 2 months, but I'm looking forward to hitting my local trails soon...hopefully the rain will stay away for a while!
    Welcome. Many here from both mtbr and rbr (the roadies). More importantly, many great photographers and they are very willing to help. Post what you have and ask for critique.

    BTW, you have posted in the middle of this thread, so you may get a little less response.

    I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
    Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
    Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.

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