Hi, here's a non-hardware related post from your local new guy.
Okay so I love my camera, I love computers (my pockets are full of iPods, Palms, laptops...), I love Photoshop (been using it daily for 7 years), it's all great. But now that I am coming onto my first 1000 pictures with the rebel (1000 pictures a week average so far hah), I have some philisophical questions.
First - I am taking pictures of stuff that anyone could take pictures of. Zions Natl Park has been photographed a million times, or more. So, I want to do stuff a little more unique and artful, but what? It's like I've got this great camera, great software, but I am like "what to take pictures of???"
Second - Why? Why am I taking pictures? Mostly I want to create things to hang on walls. So, naturally, I'll need to have great shots worthy of printing. So far, I've got none. They are good for computer wallpapers, but not for actual posters. Are the "great shots" just 1 in 5000? Are the ones I want to put above the fireplace 1 in 10,000? Now that I've got all the gear I need (for now), I am like "okay photo-ops, present yourself!" hah. I know that's a ineffective way to look at things.
Basically, I just want to hear experiences on how someone gets into the mindset of being a photographer who takes more than just easy landscapes and common stuff. I don't want to be rich, or famous, but I want to take pictures and make them into "photograph art".
you know what they say "A good craftsman never blames his tools", well, I've got tools, so what is the other half to the photo equation?