I recently went on a long awaited trip (27 yrs), to Punta Cana. Unfortunately I don't own a digital camera. I have been looking but to tell you honestly I can't afford one yet, and my airmiles isn't offering me anything I want. I took my trusty old point and shoot, which always took great pics. I purchased the new Kodak High Definition film and off I went. I should of re-introduced myself to my camera before I went down. ( I don't take many pics anymore). Well, I was totally disappointed in my pics, I don't know if it was the film or the age of my camera, or Blacks Camera store. It looked grainy, I don't know how else to describe it. I still have one role of film in the camera, and I'm going to have someone else develop it, than I can compare. What's so disappointing is the waste, and not what I visualized. One pic I was really hoping for was the full moon shining through the palm trees and reflecting off the pool, it was a total blur. Now I know the importance of getting a digital camera.