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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    May 2004
    Griffin, GA

    Question Anyone have posing advice??

    I could definitely use a bit of advice if anyone has any. For Mother's Day this year I am going to take some pictures of my boyfriend and his younger brother and make his mom an album. I am having a little bit of trouble thinking of some really good (and not BORING) poses, since they are 21 and 12, so I can't exactly sit them on a rocking horse!! Ha! I am going to try to take them outdoors at a state park not far from here, so I'll have some "natural props" like waterfalls and trees and things of that nature, but I'm having a hard time thinking of interesting ways to position the guys. Any advice would be a GREAT help!! Thanks! *~Leigh~*

  2. #2
    Wisconsin Cheesehead Spike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada


    How do they typically interact? Do they share any particular activities, such as do they play catch together, does the older bro coach the younger one in sports, do they go camping together, fishing, music? Do they both like to watch a particular sports team together, or band? Bike riding together, work on cars or do chores together? Anything that shows their natural bond would be a nice theme for the photos for their mom, imho.

    If you're shooting digital I suggest taking lots of pictures of them between the posed shots, just fire away and capture the natural "guard down" shots as well as the more thought out formal shots.

    Sorry, I don't have any really specific posing advice.


    Quote Originally Posted by lnturner1
    I could definitely use a bit of advice if anyone has any. For Mother's Day this year I am going to take some pictures of my boyfriend and his younger brother and make his mom an album. I am having a little bit of trouble thinking of some really good (and not BORING) poses, since they are 21 and 12, so I can't exactly sit them on a rocking horse!! Ha! I am going to try to take them outdoors at a state park not far from here, so I'll have some "natural props" like waterfalls and trees and things of that nature, but I'm having a hard time thinking of interesting ways to position the guys. Any advice would be a GREAT help!! Thanks! *~Leigh~*

  3. #3
    It's hurricane season... again...
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    The sunny state of Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by lnturner1
    I could definitely use a bit of advice if anyone has any. For Mother's Day this year I am going to take some pictures of my boyfriend and his younger brother and make his mom an album. I am having a little bit of trouble thinking of some really good (and not BORING) poses, since they are 21 and 12, so I can't exactly sit them on a rocking horse!! Ha! I am going to try to take them outdoors at a state park not far from here, so I'll have some "natural props" like waterfalls and trees and things of that nature, but I'm having a hard time thinking of interesting ways to position the guys. Any advice would be a GREAT help!! Thanks! *~Leigh~*
    I think it would be cool to take a pic from behind, of them skipping rocks into the water together. Perhaps up in a tree would be fun too. Don't feel that they should have to "pose" necessarily... just let them find something that they think would be fun and photograph them there. Good luck!
    Canon Bird Nerd #2

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Griffin, GA


    Thanks so much for your suggestions guys, they are really great! I'm taking the pictures Saturday (nothing like waiting till the VERY last minute! ) and if they are not too embarassingly bad, I might post a couple on here to get some feedback..

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