Hey all,
Just thought I would take a minute and say hello and introduce myself to everyone here. Although I have been lurking for some time, I am new to the boards and this is my first post. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to share with you guys......yet, however that leads me into my first question for ya'all.
I am getting ready to take a plunge into the Digital SLR world, and have pretty much decided on the Canon Digital Rebel. I have been doing a lot of looking, surfing, and researching as much as I can. So far, there are two online retailers that I am looking at purchasing from. I am hoping to get everyones opinion / experience on these retailers.
The first is Beach Camera (www.beachcamera.com) Seems like they have a good track record, and the prices are attractive. Has anyone had any experience with them?
The second is Buydig.com (www.buydig.com). Same as above, seems like a good service record with attractive prices.
Any help that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. I think this is an awesome board and I am looking forward to "meeting" everyone. Thanks again.