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  1. #1
    Member wedding photographer's Avatar
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    Burining 1000 Wedding Photos on multiple DVDs...?

    I have a problem. After longer (three day) weddings I have tons of pictures to burn. Sometimes I burn 6-7 DVD's.
    It is slow to copy and paste files into the burning software for each individual DVD 6-8 times.
    I am just wondering whether there is a way to burn 2000 images on 10 DVD's without individually selecting the files for each individual DVD. I am thinking some software where I specify the file folder and it just asks me to put in the next DVD into the burner...


  2. #2
    Ken ksbryan0's Avatar
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    Re: Burining 1000 Wedding Photos on multiple DVDs...?

    Otto, I don't burn CD's often, but my personal and work computers both use a Roxio program for that task. With it you can specify at the outset that you want to burn X CDs, and if you don't specify at the beginning, when you finish the first, it asks you if you want to burn the files to another disk. You can also save "projects", which is the collection of files you just burned so that you can come back later and do the same task again without selecting the files all over again. I have never used those options, but they are there. Typically when I need to burn a bunch of files, I create a folder and copy all the files I need into that folder. This makes duplicates of the files, but memory is cheap...when I am done with the project and know I don't need to burn any more disks, I just delete the folder.

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  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Burining 1000 Wedding Photos on multiple DVDs...?

    Otto - Not sure if you are burning different files to different DVDs, but if you are just burning the same files every time, I would consider just copying the DVD instead of going through the burn procedures every time.
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  4. #4
    Member wedding photographer's Avatar
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    Re: Burining 1000 Wedding Photos on multiple DVDs...?

    I will try Roxio!

  5. #5
    May the force be with you Canuck935's Avatar
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    Re: Burining 1000 Wedding Photos on multiple DVDs...?

    DVD's are so 1990's. 16GB USB flash drives can be had for 20 bucks. Sure, that's more expensive than 5 DVD's, but waaaaay less of a hassle.

  6. #6
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
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    Re: Burining 1000 Wedding Photos on multiple DVDs...?

    I know a wedding photog that as part of their premium package loads everything onto an Ipod. I think that is a great marketing tool. You can probably get them branded for you.
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