Hello guys,
Here is a third night shot session with my D70 last week, on thursday night. My original goal was to reissue the second night shot session in order to apply some of the tips you guys gave me. So, I went to the very same place at the very same hour but the lighning was so different that I couldnt have achieved something comparable. The sky was perfectly clear (while it was slightly overcast on the second shot session, which allowed for water reflection and the unusual colours). Thus, I decided to go for something quite different.
Here are 3 compositions I am more or less sure about. As usual, feel free to comment and don't fear to say it sucks if you think so!! lol While I have no pretension of having made something breakthrough, I tried to go above the easy shots and to make something different (for me at least).
1) 1/30 sec f/5 iso 250 28mm
2) 1/1.3 sec f/5 iso 250 36mm (there seems to be some flare in the sky, not sure how it happened)
3) 3 sec f/5 iso 250 31mm -0,7 stop (I bracketed for this one, the properly exposed picture according to the camera metering was fairly brighter than reality...)