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This is a great shot...I love how the pastoral foreground contrasts with the sea in the back. I also like the subtle shadows of the trees reaching into the foreground. One thing I notice is that it everything is tilted a couple of degrees to the left. I also like how the sun is well masked by the clouds and trees, but maybe waiting a bit longer (or taking it earlier, depending on whether the sun is rising or setting) for the sun to be lower on the horizon may have been more dramatic, especially with that little bit of haze...
I played with it a little, just straightened the horizon (which meant doing some cropping), and upped the contrast and saturation a little...Just adds a little more depth and punch to the image.
I don't know how to put this, but...I'm kind of a big deal...People know me.
I'd say that the tilted feel comes from teh tilt on that fence post.
But I get the imporession this is shot with a wide angle lens, and it's just off-centre distortion rther than tilt.
On my (uncalibrated) monitor it looks a little lacking in contrast in the foreground.
But to me the sky looks great!
Thanks for the comments and for your version DownByFive. Tilt has been mentioned in both images I have posted and I wonder if someone could explain to me what the deal is?
Should I be trying to avoid tilts in images? Sorry if this seems a basic question...I am a newbie at this!
I suppose the tilt could be wide angle lens distortion, but it look more like camera tilt because the trees and fence posts look slightly tilted as least to me. If you are using a camera with an lcd viewfinder, it's tough to avoid tilt. With SLRs it's a little easier to get things straight, but unless you use a tripod with a level all the time, you'll inevitably have some tilted shots. The easiest way to fix it is to use the measuring tool in PS (assuming you have it) or a similar program. You just draw a line between two points that should be level, and then go to Image>Rotate Canvas>Arbitrary, and the angle will be automatically put in for you. Of course, you can just eyeball it, which will usually work well enough, it just sometimes takes more trial and error...
I don't know how to put this, but...I'm kind of a big deal...People know me.
Really nice and original shot. Pro calendar shooters sometimes use different types of neutral density filters to even out shots like this were the differences in the lighting ar pretty extreme. I apologize if I offered up too much of a critique on your fashion shot above.
I love this shot. I would pick a color scheme inbetween DBF's colors and yours. Nice shot, and I don't find a noticable tilt either. Very nice subject, and I wouldn't mind seeing a little more fence either!
A very nice shot. As for the tilt, the hill seems to make it tilt, but if you look at the horizon (is that the sea?) in the distance, it seems level. I would have like the skies bluer, but it is pretty good as it is.
"But what is strength without a double share of wisdom." John Milton
A terrific photo. I like it with the saturation increased a little. The foreground could be lightened slightly. If there is a tilt, it doesn't bother me.
Falling Leaves, this is an awsome pic!!! The sky could be a touch bluer, but the green looks perfect to me. also you're post looks vertical to me, judging by the trees, and i like the original contrast. Great shot, but thats just my opinion.
Yes, it sure does.
I don't notice the tilt at all, it just seems natural.
I like how the trees taper downward and the shadow from them too.
The constrast seems flat here too, but I am sure you will learn more about that in time.
Welcome to, make sure you check out all of the forums at least once.
I look forward to seeing more from you.
“A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams
I actually like the subtlety of the original more than your edit, DB5. But your edit does show that there's room for play. I think I'd punch it up a little, but try to keep the soft, subtle feel of the original.
13 Posts and a sticky...Why you...
Stickys aren't handed out lightly here!
Congratulations FallingLaeves!
Yup, it works!
Did I say it is Awesome!
Wow! Many thanks for all your generous comments and warm welcome to this forum. At 44yrs old I am late to photography but I see so much beauty around me and am so excited about capturing glimpses of what I call the sparkling gleam!
Beautiful photo. I like the original with all it's subtleties. Not tilted in my opinion. As Tuna said just rolling hills. This should make a fine print. Good Work
Beautiful shot. The clouds in the bg really do enhance the overall image. The combo of the tree and the sky work well together. No wonder it's the featured photo. Excellent capture. I would print it and frame it. Congrats on having the feature photo !
Hell yeah it works! Well enough to become feature photo! ga...
It is a beautiful shot that makes me want to be right there... like heaven on earth!
There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."