Hi all, I have a problem with my Canon A70 and was hoping I could find some help or information of any sort to help me resolve it. I bought this camera about a year and a half ago and have not used it in a year. I had boxed it up and forgotten where I had put it and just rediscovered it the other day.
The problem occured the other day when I was taking some photos at a nearby park. Out of the blue the screen started flickering with lines running through it, and after a few seconds of this, it eventually went to purple and black horizontal lines. Photos show these lines. If I switch to view mode to see previous photos, I can see them clearly. Only the photos taken when the lines were present actually show them. I tapped the camera and it went back to normal. I hoped that it would be a one time issue and go away for good. I could not be that lucky, and so it returned today. Both times all it took was a tap on the camera to go back to normal. Even squeezing the camera in various places can cause the problem to reoccur I have noticed, and it is just as easily tapped or squeezed to make it go away.
What could be causing this? Should I take the camera apart and try to see? I am capable of such things, but I would just like to know if anyone might know what I should look for, as obviously something is loose in there, I just need to find out what.
Obviously since it has been a year the warranty has run out, so getting any help from Canon without paying out the nose is not an option.
I have included a photo of what the screen and my pictures look like when experiencing this problem.