When I first came to this board, it was reasonably busy. There were a lot of regulars who would post images frequently and critique frequently. It seems now that there's not a lot of images posted and generally only one or two critiques. The site seems very stagnant lately.

Now, I will admit that I am guilty myself of not critiquing enough. Shoot, I'm guilty of not posting enough images, but I fail to post them because I don't see a lot of feedback! A very damaging circle wouldn't you say?

Now, one more minor gripe. I do not want to come off like another poster on this board who can be perceived as aloof, but there have been some really sub-par images here recently. Many with little thought and creativity that appear more as snapshots than as an attempt to hone skills. Am I wrong in this perception? Honestly, I don't want to tackle a critique on these images as all I can do is attack them for being lackluster.

Trust me, I don't consider myself anything beyond a slightly below average amature photographer, but I post images on here that are developed with the mindset of creativity and improving my abilities in all areas: composition, lighting, post-production work and creativity. Shoot, I just recently posted an image that I initially thought had nice post processing, but the folks here were able to guide me to a less extreme direction which significantly improved the final product. This is what the site is all about.

I miss seeing some of the work of many folks who were regulars here. I don't want to single anyone out, but I would love to see more from Nat, Kelly, Penny, Andy (AC -- How he finds so many beautiful women I do not know), Tuna, Chaos, Hodgy (another one with access to beautiful people), and others like we used to.