Maybe I'm a bit of a holdover from the olden days, but I notice a trend with this group of folks that makes me wonder if I'm just too old fashioned.
There seems to be an... I don't want to call it attitude, maybe consensus?, that a photo that hasn't been PhotoShopped just isn't complete.
I've been shooting as an amateur for over twenty years, and I agree, PS and similar tools are wonderful for touching up images that have problems... but, is there anybody out here that still shoots direct from the camera to print, without having to adjust curves, de-saturate colors, etc? Seems to me that all of the post work detracts what the image should be, which is an accurate representation of what's really there.
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, as that is truly not it's intent. I'm just wondering if I'm the only one that doesn't see the need to modify every picture I shooot.