This image was shot in black and white. All of the images in the 'I Want to be a Cowboy' series have been shot in b/w.
The original b/w image has been post processed to several stages so far.
My original intention was to convert the image into something similar to one of the early historical photographic processes, common at a time that I think of as being, the heady days of Cowboyism. So far all I've done to the original image (above) is; flatten the contrast, soften the sharpness and layer in a graduated milky tone.
Originally I wanted to make something similar to a Calotype, Cyanotype or a Tintype ... but have changed my mind.
Historically hand colouring was really popular at a time of the genre called 'Photoposie'. Where photography and poetry were combined.
So I have made three b/w dupes into the RBG layers. Then disturbed the individua RBG layers and added a grunge layer after combining the 3 layers, to look like a damaged Autochrome Lumiere ... the old 3 plate, potatoe and lamp black process.
Please view this image as a hand coloured black and white.
'I Want to be a Cowboy VIII'
I want to be a cowboy ... but my Autochromes are scratched, the Shellac wont fix and the plates are covered in bull dust.
Last edited by Wild Wassa; 12-16-2008 at 02:32 PM.
Frog, I can really understand why you like this place The top one is much my favourite (also over Catherine), I love the way the tombstones tilt at all angles, just like trees behind! The composition is super :thumbsup: . Oh, I also love all the different grey shades of the tombstones. I like an awful lot about this photo And the snow, of course...
Looking forward to some more photos from this great location!
My Sony Alpha 700 and I have been joined by a Tamron 200-500mm
'Young Siegfried with Rainbows' . A new addition to the Gods and Heroes series.
Young Siegfried who slayed the dragon divides up the Nibelungen treasure, the hoard of golden rainbows. This treasure will return to the worms just like in the tales of young Siegfried.
The next photo in the series I wont post. There is no point. The shot shows (or actually doesn't show) young Siegfried wearing the cloak of invisibility that he stole from the dwarf who was the treasurer of the Nibelungen hoard ... the next shot is just your average boring empty fish farm fish tank.
The Gods and Heroes series, is about people getting on with their lives and these people are no less extraordinary that Gods and Heros.
Last edited by Wild Wassa; 12-20-2008 at 02:02 PM.
Would he show if you did an infrared when he had on the invisibility cloak?
Never was into the fantasy stuff but glad you said basically that the everyday folk are no less extraordinary. Wait! If we are all extraordianry does that mean its ordinary to be extraordinary?
Despite all that I think b/w works very well for this photo and can tell it would lose in color.
" ... b/w works very well for this photo and can tell it would lose in color."
Frog, that is exactly how I feel ... but the image lost considerable detail just going through Photobucket. The shoulder is burnt out.
If one wants to photograph young Siegfried under the cloak of invisibility when he is in the fish tank or else where, it would require Schlieren photography.
The Schlieren technique uses light from a single collimated source shining on, or from behind an object. Variations in refractive index caused by density gradients in the fluid and air distort the light beam. This distortion creates a spatial variation in the intensity of the light, which can be visualised directly with a shadowgraph system.
Now we are into 'Shadow People'. Shadow People is an illusion called Pareidolia (amongst other terms). Wikipedia has a good section on Shadow People. This would make a good theme for a black and white series.
Last edited by Wild Wassa; 12-21-2008 at 12:54 AM.
Aaron - these are both excellent b&w photos. B&W really worked wonders with such a simple subject with that last one - it's composed very well too. Great job! The lighting is perfect. :thumbsup:
Thanks Liz The lamp shot I did as an exercise trying to really get used to spot metering. The lighthouse shoot was jst a complete screw up. Forgot my meter and got there at sunrise and totally had forgot the fact that sunrise is directly behind it so the lighting was crap. I'll be going back at some point to hit that one at sunset
Aaron Lehoux * flickr
Please do not edit my photos, thank you.