My friend and I took advantage of the awesome weather we have been having and went for an outing to Pt Bridget, about a 30 mile drive from Juneau to the trail and a 3 mile hike through woods and meadow. I took my Canon Digi-Rebel along and posting just a few pics.
#1 This is a cabin maintained by and rented from the State. My friend enjoying the serenity and scenery.
#2 The dogs waiting for us to catch up. I thought the snow capped mountains in the background were astounding.
#3 These two boulders on the beach caught my attention. Looking to the Chilkat Range.
#4 Sitting on a driftwood log enjoying the warmth of the sun I glanced over to my right and saw this scene. Thought it looked interesting.
Thanks for viewing my "mini-series", hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed the outing.