ViewFinder Photography Forum

General discussion - our photography living room. Talk about aesthetics, philosophy, share your photos - get inspired by your peers! Moderated by another view and walterick.
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  1. #76
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Phoenix AZ

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hello Brie

    Welcome to the site!

    I wanted to comment and say that I think your reptile pics are outstanding! Hope you'll post more in the Viewfinder!

    Thanks for posting!

    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

    Check out the Welcome Thread

    My photography on Myspace

  2. #77
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Phoenix AZ

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Welcome, Bailey!

    That last one is a beaut! Hope you'll post more like it!

    Welcome again and thanks for posting!

    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

    Check out the Welcome Thread

    My photography on Myspace

  3. #78
    has-been... another view's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockford, IL

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    Hey, isn't it about time this bugger got sticky'ed?
    Oh, OK!

    This has been an interesting one, thanks to everyone for playing!

  4. #79
    Member yaronsh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Once in a blue moon - that's as much as I have time for nowadays - I check up on this site, and invariably find something interesting to get sucked into..... Hopefully I'll have more time to waste at the computer later in the year. But anyway...


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    1st name + start of last name

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Didn't know those existed - need to look into them, may join Clan O'Canon!

    City of Waltham, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

    Tel-Aviv, Israel

    Other places I've lived:
    NYC; Sacramento, CA; Fort Collins, CO

    Like to Retire:
    While I still have time to enjoy myself.

    Ashkenazi Jewish

    no - but in permanent relationship

    Languages I speak:
    English, Hebrew, some French, a touch of German.
    By the way, Shrack, if you can read/write "classical" Hebrew, you can read/write modern Hebrew - same stuff.

    Master's in engineering


    Religious affiliation (if any): Jewish

    Political affiliation (if any): Social Democrat - one reason I left CO and moved to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Bracing myself for the snowballing disaster set off by Team Bush.

    Other hobbies: Music (is my main non-work occupation).

    How long I have been a "photographer":
    several years.

    First "real" camera:
    Does Fuji Discovery P&S count? If not, then Rebel 2000.

    How I found
    Looked for info ahead of going digital.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Early '04

    Favorite forum:

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None, hope to get in on either a Boson one or a NYC one sometime!

    Favorite subjects:
    Urban, nature

    Current Gear:
    Digital Rebel for real stuff; A60 for point-and-shootography

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital: Convenience, control, creative possibilities.

    What I like about
    Good advice, non-judgmental folks, and the occasional political tiff!

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Document memories; document what others may have overlooked, hopefully in an artisticly evocative way.

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    Gah, promise I'll update this message sometime in the coming months with some pics. Maybe I'll even broaden my scope beyond Viewfinder, and submit some pics for critique...

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Plaistow, NH, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Michael Platts (Mike)

    Eastern Mass / NH border


    Other places I've lived:
    Western Mass (UMASS, Amherst)

    Like to Retire:
    New England

    Yes / 2 boys

    Languages I speak:

    BS Chemical Engineering, MBA

    Small Business Owner

    Religious affiliation:

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Independant, I can't follow the whole political party thing. It forces you to compromise your moral beliefs to align yourself with popular part views (in most cases)

    Other hobbies:
    Sports of any kind (except soccer)

    How long I have been a photographer:
    10+ years. I dropped our cheap compact camera and my wife suggested I get a better camera as we were beginning to talk about having a family.... The rest is history.

    First "real" camera:
    Canon Elan IIE

    How I found
    Can't remember. I was pretty active a few years back when Steve Lutz was posting frequently.I sorta went a way for a while and had to sign-up again as I forgot my password and changed e-mail accounts so PR couldn't send me it.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):

    Favorite forum:

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    none from here. I from Zuga

    Favorite subjects:
    Family, Macro, abstract

    Current Gear:
    Canon EOS Digital. DSL & compact

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I could go on for days. Digital: convenience, feedback, ease of editing, I love digital painting, etc.

  6. #81
    They call me Andy... ACArmstrong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Andy Armstrong (Andrew C. to be exact)

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    There's almost always too many Andy's on bulletin boards, so I almost always register as ACArmstrong for Andrew C. Armstrong. In person, no one calls me AC. I'm just Andy.

    PR club I belong to (if any):
    Clan O'Canon

    Knoxville, TN - in the valley of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, which I have yet to take a photograph in. Sad but true.

    Knoxville, TN

    Like to Retire:
    I want a studio apartment in the French Quarter in New Orleans, LA - 15' ceilings, antique brick, and all the space I need to setup a beautiful studio. I've been to the Big Easy five times - three of which were for Mardi Gras.

    If you look at me, I'm white, but I qualify for minority scholarships because I'm 1/8th Cherokee. Armstrong is Scottish clan. We were Reivers and border people. We did a lot of stealing from the English and fighting for either side depending on the money involved.

    I have a wife and a 7-year-old daughter - June 15, I'll have been married 9 years.

    Languages I speak:
    English, a little French, and Snoop Dogg - fah shizzle, mah nizzle - just kidding.

    Was in a program called College Scholars - it allowed me to put together my own degree and defend it like a master's thesis in front of a panel of professors. I wanted to be a political cartoonist and concentrated my studies in political science, sociology, psychology, and art.

    Currently I own my own web design and photography company. I also have a 4-day a week day-job as a special product designer for the largest retailer of cutlery in the country. Anything we do that is custom, usually came from my brain - I do blade etches, scrimshaw, box design, overall product design, yadda yadda yadda. In a past life I've been: a political cartoonist (5 years with two papers), a corporate trainer for a fortune 200 company, a call center manager, and an HR director.

    Religious affiliation (if any):
    Was raised Methodist - but am now agnostic bordering on atheist. I believe that there might be a creator or higher being, but I also believe that man invented religion - (all religion).

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Yellow Dog Democrat - but of late - I wish people in my party would grow some balls. If John McCain wins the nomination next time, I'll probably vote for him and scare the crap outta my parents.

    Other hobbies:
    Painting, Drawing, - hell - anything to do with art. That's my joy, and I consider photography art as well.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    2 years with a camera
    1 year with an SLR (Canon 10D)

    First "real" camera:
    Sony DSC F717

    How I found
    Don't recall - I think through Google

    Favorite forum:Viewfinder

    Favorite subjects:
    I love shooting glamour and fashion. What can I say - I love women. I love to show people what I see in them. Event photography - concerts to be specific.

    Current Gear:
    I'm a Canon man all the way.

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital is instant gratification. I wouldn't be doing this if it was film.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    To develop a style -
    To quit the day job -
    To show the world what I see and how I see it

    A few of my favorite pictures:

    Go here - Web Site or here's the 20-pic portfolio I show to publications - 20 Port


    Andy Armstrong
    Please visit my photography site - Andy Armstrong Photography

  7. #82
    Member Morning's_Glory's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    [QUOTE=walterick]Hello Viewfinderites!

    It's been a long time since we've had a "getting to know you" thread up here. In the interest of exploring the diversity of our members and putting a face to a name here's a current "who's who" thread for your looking and reading enjoyment!

    An example:


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    Named after Morning Glorys...

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):

    ON, Canada

    ON, Canada

    Other places I've lived:
    ON, Canada (woo hoo)

    Like to Retire:
    England or Ireland, not so much retire, but move there.

    White (British, Irish, Scottish, Welsh)

    No, living with parents and brother

    Languages I speak:
    English, French (speak almost fluent), some German

    Um, haha, school...


    Religious affiliation (if any): Christian, some Pagan beliefs

    Political affiliation (if any): I'm too young to vote, but green party

    Other hobbies: Hiking, Dancing (Ballet, Modern, Ethnic, Jazz, etc.), Drama, Embossing, Reading and writing.
    How long I have been a photographer:
    5 years

    First "real" camera:
    Hp photosmart 120

    How I found
    Process=google, "photography forums", search results.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Dec. 2004

    Favorite forum:
    Photo Critique

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    Wildlife, Macro, Scenic

    Current Gear:
    Hp photosmart 735 (Yeah, I'm poor, soley allowance)
    Battery Recharger

    Camera I use the most:
    The only one I have

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I prefer digital

    I'll post later...
    Photos are memories that last a lifetime.

  8. #83
    ...just believe natatbeach's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Dallas, TX

    editing and updating

    another favorite photo

    Self Portrait(old one)
    "I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer.
    I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time.
    I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important.
    I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live."
    Bettie Page

    My Temp site...

  9. #84
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Brent Nicholas Doscher

    Meaning of handle:
    Lacrosse is my greatest passion, and #9 is my number

    Weare, NH.

    Concord, NH

    Other places I've lived:
    Nowhere at all

    Going to college at:
    UNH (University of New Hampshire)

    Majoring in:
    Chemical Engineering

    Like to Retire:
    New Hampshire. I love it here.

    White, but as far as nationalities go... swiss, dutch, german, french, american.

    nu uh.

    Languages I speak:
    English and I've had 4 years of French

    Desired Occupation:
    Sports Illustrated Photographer (hey we can all dream, can't we?)

    Political affiliation (if any): I have a bumper sticker that says "more trees less bush" does that give you a hint?

    Other hobbies: drawing, biking, running, surfing the web.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    1 year

    First "real" camera:
    Canon Rebel Ti

    How I found
    I think I was searching for sports photography tips

    Date I joined PR :
    some time in the fall of this year

    Favorite forum:
    Photo Crtique

    Favorite subjects:
    Athletes and macro photography such as bees and flowers. Also enjoy water droplets

    Current Gear:
    Digital Rebel 300D
    Canon Rebel Ti
    Sigma 28-80 f/3.5-5.6
    Sigma 70-300 f/4-5.6

    Camera I use the most:
    Dig Rebel

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital because its so much easier but film because its

    What I like about
    How it improves my eye for photography

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    At first I began just shooting action shots, but my mentor advised that I instead try to capture things off the field, like reaction to goals or the frustrated coach after a loss, so I'm starting to try and portray the sense of the game though my sports photos

    some of my favorite photos...

  10. #85
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Southeastern US.

    Northeastern US.

    Been to:
    Almost ever major city in the US at least once.

    Married with children.

    Languages I speak:
    I'm real good at English.

    BBA Marketing and Management, MBA with concentraion on Marketing and IT

    Financial Services

    Religious affiliation (if any):
    Went to a Buddist temple once, didn't get it.

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Used to be a Democrat, strangley turned into a Republican.

    Other hobbies:
    Family, Golf, Travel, Music, Reading, Computers, Basketball

    How long I have been a photographer:
    5 years

    First "real" camera:
    Minolta 300xi

    How I found
    Looking to replace the 300xi

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Sometime in 2001.

    Favorite forum:

    Favorite subjects:
    My Children/Nature/Travel/Sports

    Current Gear:
    Nikon D70
    20mm 2.8
    35mm 2.0
    50mm 1.8
    90mm 2.8 (Tamron)
    70-200 2.8 VR
    50-500 HSM (Sigma)
    1.4x Teleconverter (Tamron)

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Faster, better, cheaper.

    What I like about
    Nice people with a great attitude.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Mostly document my family and what I see in and around my backyard and in my travels - hopefully with an interesting viewpoint now and then or even a touch of artistry.

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-keys_600.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-spot600.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-liberty600.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-spray600.jpg  

  11. #86
    Senior Member julsoph's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Northern VA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle:
    My daughters' names are Julianna & Sophia

    Centreville, VA

    Quincy, MA

    Other places I've lived:
    I grew up in Maine, lived in different towns in Northern VA

    Like to Retire:
    I'm 28 and I have's a ways off still.

    White, but I'm honorary filipino through my hubby.

    Married w/chillins

    Languages I speak:
    English and I can swear in a couple different languages

    Stay-at-home mom

    Political affiliation (if any):

    Religious affiliation (if any):

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Sort of a year

    First "real" camera:
    Does my Kodak DX7590 count?

    How I found

    Date I joined PR :
    July 2005

    Favorite forum:
    Photo Critique

    Favorite subjects:
    Kids, nature, water

    Camera I use the most:

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital saves me scads of money on film

    What I like about
    I like how friendly people are, and I love to see others' work...some really beautiful pics here.

    Some of my favorite photos:
    The first is at Sea World, then two b&w's of my babies, and the last one is my neighbor's little girl blowing bubbles.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-100_1586.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-shelbybubbles2.jpg  
    Attached Images Attached Images   

  12. #87
    Member JoshD's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    San Francisco

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Name: Josh

    Meaning of handle: Ummmm

    Location: Bay Area, CA

    Born: Los Angeles, Ca

    Like to retire: As soon as I can!

    Marraige: Noooooo, got a GF

    Occupation: Horticulturist

    Other Hobbies: Mountain Biking, Hiking, Drawing, Reading

    How long I have been a photographer: Couple years

    First real camera: Olympus Stylus 4.0 (camera I have now)

    Date I joined PR: About 2 months ago?

    Favorite subjects : Mountain Biking, landscapes, hiking, anything outdoors

    What I like about PhotographyReview: The people,the advice and most of all, the pictures!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-cm.jpg  

  13. #88
    Jedi Master masdog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Somewhere north of US 10 and east of Wausau, WI, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hi...I'm kinda new here. I usually spend my time in the Sports Photography forum, but one day I figured I would venture out and check out the rest of the site.

    Sean Massey

    Meaning of handle:
    An old high school nickname I got while playing football my freshman year.

    Fond du Lac, WI

    Schaumburg, IL

    Other places I've lived:
    That's about it

    Going to college at:
    Marian College

    Majoring in:
    Information Technology

    Like to Retire:
    I've got at least 50 years before that happens.

    They don't come any whiter...Irish/Norwegian

    Maybe someday...for now, I'll just settle for my girlfriend

    Languages I speak:
    English, bits of German and Spanish

    Desired Occupation:
    Sports Photography for a newspaper, SI, or TSN

    Current Occupation:
    Part-time college student, currently in-between paying jobs

    Political affiliation (if any): Misguided Republican

    Other hobbies: Madden photoball, watching drunk college students make fools of themselves, debating pretty much anything

    How long I have been a photographer:
    9 years

    First "real" camera:
    Canon Rebel G

    How I found
    Googled for a Sports Photography forum that wasn't exclusive to members and would actually give me useful feedback on my sports shots

    Date I joined PR :
    About three weeks ago...end of July

    Favorite forum:
    Sports Photography

    Favorite subjects:
    Mainly action - football and hockey are two favorites of mine

    Current Gear:
    Digital Rebel 300D
    Digital Rebel XT
    Canon EFS 18-35mm (the kit lens)
    Sigma 28-70mm f/2.8-4.0
    Canon 70-300mm f4.0-5.6 IS

    Camera I use the most:
    Was Digital Rebel, soon to be Rebel XT

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital because I still have about 80 rolls of film from 1999 sitting on my dresser back in Illinois

    What I like about
    I get good feedback on my sports photos

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I enjoy the challenge of trying to freeze action and capture the emotions of sports

    How I got started:
    Back in high school during my freshman year, the yearbook advisor got frustrated and just tossed me the camera. They haven't been able to pry it from me since.

    some of my favorite photos... for my non-sport photography
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-hockey.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-blown-play-plate-trat.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-hockey1a.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-handoffa.jpg  

  14. #89
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    I am glad to see that this thread is still alive!
    This is a good thread!
    I have seen some photographs on this thread that I don't think I have seen elsewhere!
    Brian ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
    My "Personal" Photography Website...
    My Moderator Bio Page...
    Nikon Samurai #2 - Emeritus
    See more of my photography here...

    “A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams

    "Photography Is An Act Of Life" - Maine 2006

  15. #90
    shake it like a polaroid picture berrywise's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Scott "berrywise" Haraldson

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    When I first got online around 1994 I started out using the handle biafra (as in Jello Biafra from the Dead Kennedys) but realized that the nickname lacked originality so I changed it to berrywise....which isn't any better since I created it by changing the name of the beer I was drinking at the time Leinenkugel's Berryweis. Good beer to introduce you to beer since its like drinking pop but I doubt I could stomache more than one of them these days.

    St. Paul, Minnesota

    Stillwater, Mn

    Other places I've lived:
    Winona, Mn

    Like to Retire:
    I enjoy the state I live in but who knows what the future holds. Warm temps might be nice when my bones start getting brittle.

    White like a saltine cracker

    single but in a serious relationship

    Languages I speak:

    Major: Mass Communication Minor: Communication Studies

    Manager - Midwest Bicycle Supply

    Political affiliation (if any): Hanging left but seek the middle ground.

    Other hobbies: Mountain Biking, building things, paintball, camping, football

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Serious interest: 8 years.

    First "real" camera:
    Canon AE1

    First "fake" camera:
    A chunk of 1x8 wood painted black by my dad with a small piece of round wood as the lens and a painted on Konica in the corner.

    How I found
    Long time member of

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    When it started.

    Favorite forum:
    Viewfinder - that's what it is all about for me.

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None yet!

    Favorite subjects:
    Sports and People

    Current Gear:
    Canon 20D w/vertical grip
    70-200 f2.8
    17-40 f2.8
    550 ex flash

    Nikon D1h
    80-200 f2.8
    50mm 1.8
    24mm 2.8

    Canon Elph

    Camera I use the most:

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I have grown up using a computer so I was immediately drawn to digital images when I could first get my hands on them. From having to use a floppy disc to capture to all the way to the 1 gig flash cards I now use.

    What I like about
    It definately is based around the members. The sense of community that can be had from an online forum. I don't get to hang out as much as I used to so I guess I can't say I have attached myself to this forum as much as some others in the past but I still enjoy reading and viewing others photographs as well as displaying my own from time to time. There is also a wonderful amount of technical advice to be had from many members.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I like to save memories with photography. I always enjoy putting together galleries of parties that my friends have. I someday hope to make it a full time job. Just haven't figured out what route I want to go with that.


  16. #91
    Member tink's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Down Under Land

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Seeing as I've been posting today, I'd better fess up as to who I am!!


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    Ok, so not blatantly obvious but it's short for Tinkerbell from Peter Pan and....ta da...Me

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Nikonians and a local Camera Club

    Am I the only one here owning up to being an Aussie? I'm not to far from Melbourne in Australia

    Yes I was once!

    Other places I've lived:
    A few places around Oz

    Like to Retire:
    I'd love to retire..havent you heard of the saying.. A woman Never retires?

    Aussie True Blue

    yep for a long time, 3 kids.. Sarah 21, Christopher 18, and Maddie 6

    Languages I speak:
    If you call swearing a different language, then I speak many ;)

    Registered Nurse BN.

    SEe above plus, mother, housekeeper, cook, counsellor, educator, launderer, wife, .......

    Religious affiliation (if any): not really affiliated with any one religion. Not really into any

    Political affiliation (if any): ditto

    Other hobbies: well I say photography is one of my hobbies but I do make a small amt on the side from it as well.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    not long

    First "real" camera:
    Real?? I thought all cameras are 'real'... My first pro camera? I went straight to digital. Nikon D70

    How I found
    Browsing photographs and searching for ideas and camera reviews

    Date I joined PR
    Have no idea, cant remember that far back

    Favorite forum:

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    Babies, children, people

    Current Gear:
    Nikon D70. Planning on buying a 35 mm soon. THinking maybe an F5 but not sure yet. I love b&w photography and I cannot see justice in digital b&w as opposed to film

    18-70 kit
    60mm macro
    50 mm 2.8
    24mm 2.8

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Film gives a lovely grain and depth to b&w photos that I cannot see in digital. I love digital for the convenience as well.

    What I like about
    Dont know that I do yet, I havent been around long enough ;)
    Convince me...

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I'd love to be able to give up nursing and do full time photography. I really cant see it happening as there is already too much competition and I am not in such a large town as it is.

    A few of my favorite pictures: How man can I choose?? I have too many!

    better still, I'll give you the address to some of my photos in a gallery!
    Last edited by tink; 08-26-2005 at 03:48 AM.

  17. #92
    re-Member shutterman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Name: Wes

    Meaning of Handle: I am just a funny guy.

    Dorky PR Club: none (maybe I will come up with a Reala club)

    Location: Purcellville, VA

    Born: Fairfax VA

    Other places I've lived: none

    Lilke to Retire: Charleston, SC

    Ethnicity: whitey (but technically 1/8 Apache Indian)

    Marriage/Family: Yes 10 years married two kids.

    Languages I speak: English and some spanish and lots of spanglish

    Education: BA International Affairs.

    Occupation: Sales guy)

    Religious affilitation: Catholic

    Political affiliation: "Republican

    Other hobbies: Golf.

    How long have I been a photographer: 20 years

    First "real" camers: Nikon 8008

    How I found Lucky

    Favorite forum: do I have to pick just one? , Viewfinder, , .

    Photogatherings I have attended: none -

    Favorite subjects: golf

    Current Gear: Nikon 8008, N90s, 7900, D100, Mamiya 645afd, lots of flashes, lots of lenses, lots of studio stuff

    Camera I use the most: N90s/D100

    Why I prefer film or digital: Digital is nice for the workflow, but film has a great look

    What I like about helpful people

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: to take pictures of stuff I see and want to remember

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-1_4x6-small.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-3small.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-15small.jpg  

    Who are they, where are they, how can they possibly know all the rules?

  18. #93
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    I'm new so i thought I'd better introduce myself.


    Meaning of handle:
    My roommates came up with it. It just kinda stuck.

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    None yet. But I love my Nikon.

    Mankato, MN

    Minneapolis, MN

    Other places I've lived:
    Just here and the Twin Cities so far.

    Like to Retire:
    Retirement is so far away I can't even fathom it.

    Extremely white. I need a tan.

    Not yet. But we'll see.

    Languages I speak:
    Just english. I tried Spanish but it didn't work out too well for me. LOL

    Working on my four year.

    Police Officer

    Religious affiliation (if any):

    Political affiliation (if any): I'll politley decline to answer that.

    Other hobbies: Hockey, Shooting (guns and cameras), Racquetball, Grilling.

    How long I have been a "photographer":
    Only a few years. Much to learn yet.

    First "real" camera:
    Nikon N65

    How I found
    One simple google search.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Just recently.

    Favorite forum:

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    Non, but they sound like so much fun.

    Favorite subjects:
    People and landscape.

    Current Gear:
    Nikon N65 and Nikon D50.

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I love them both, but can't afford to keep using too much film. Digital saves me a ton in the long run.

    What I like about

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    To remember and to learn.

    A few pictures of myself, my girlfriend and our trip to the Renaissance Festival:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-steph-sending-announcements-resize.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-matt-grilling-resize.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-mechanical-man-resize.jpg  

  19. #94
    Nikon User photo101's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Gosh, you people have so many awesome photographs. I hope someday I can do just a fraction of that.

    Jared Koopman

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    photo101...well I came here to learn so naturally photo101 made sense..hehe.

    La Honda, CA

    Fort Wayne, IN

    Other places I've lived:
    Ft. Wayne, IN; Celina, OH; Loveland, CO; Longview, TX

    Like to Retire:
    Estes Park, CO
    Portland, OR

    caucasian...german/dutch/english decent

    Not yet, someday

    Languages I speak:
    English and computer game lingo

    AS Administration of Justice. Considering on getting my bachelors in physical education and possibly a minor in photography.

    Student/Hotel agent

    Religious affiliation (if any): Christian...I am a PK.

    Political affiliation (if any): I vote for whoever I believe will do the best job.

    Other hobbies:Computer games, athletics - nhl fan, deimminh, mountain biking, novels, audiophile.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    I have had my camera for 2 years almost. I am still very much an amatuer tho.

    First "real" camera:
    Nikon N80

    How I found
    From the mountain bike site

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    I dont recall, about 2 years ago or so.

    Favorite forum:

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None, but I would like to if possible

    Favorite subjects:

    Current Gear:
    Nikon N80

    Nikkor 50mm 1.8D
    Nikkor 70-300mm G
    Sigma 28-105

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I would really like to get a D70 but I just dont have the cash to do so. I find film frustrating to learn with because of the time from taking the icture to seeing how it turned out is long, for me at least.

    What I like about
    I like that I can come here, and get helpful information, and not get "bashed" because I am not as good as the rest. Plus you guys post some amazing pictures that I like seeing.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I would love to get into sport photography, possibly as a photo journalist per say. Just not sure how to go about doing that. Being paid to go photograph hockey games and such just sounds great to me.


    "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." - Abraham Lincoln

  20. #95
    Senior Member srobb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mt. Sterling KY

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hmmmm, judging from the posts so far, me thinks I fall far short of the greatness residing at this site. But, being one not to be too bashfull, I shall dive in with a cannonball.

    Name: Sylvester Robbins

    The Handle: Guess this is another one of those obvious ones. I finally decided on this one after being frustrated with all the mean people that took the ones I wanted use. ;)

    Location: Nice little town of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky

    Born: I was born in Somerset, Ky

    Other places I have lived: Other than two years in Germany while in the Army, I have lived all my life in Kentucky. Louisville, Shepherdsville, and Somerset.

    Like to retire: Hopefully I have a few years before that happens. When I do, probably somehwere out west.

    Ethnicity: A true heinz 57 mongrel. English, Dutch, Irish, German, Wales, with some Cherokee and Shawnee thrown in for good measure.

    Depends on how you look at it and no. Have been with my partner/spouse (depending on how you want to look at it) for 10 years now.

    Languages I speak:
    Well, it would have to be a cross between slightly educated redneck and very little Spanish and German.

    My weakness compared to others. Let's just say that I have enough knowledge to understand Ag, Theology, and Recreation without having a degree. I finally did go back to school a few years ago and now have AS in Computer Aided Architectural Drafting and Design.

    I am currently a drafter for a company that manufactures steel truss buildings.

    Religious affiliation:
    Strictly non-denominational. Was raised Baptist, but finally got tired of all the hub-bub about who was right and who was wrong and I was a bad person for being who I am.

    Political affiliation:
    Hmmm... have been both Democrat and Republican, but do not consider myself either at this point in time. I think both of them need a major overhauling.

    Other hobbies:
    When I have the time for them; reading, crafts, bowling, hiking and the one that takes most of the time other than photography is working on our old house.

    How long have I been a photographer:
    Not sure I consider myself quite there, yet. First started taking pics with my mom's old reflex kodak, then went to 125 Instamatics and 110's. So I guess off and on for about 30 years.

    First "real" camera:
    As some of the others so far, the old Pentax K1000

    How I found
    doing a search for photography message boards

    Date I joined PR:
    just this month

    Favorite forum:
    Not had a chance to look through many, but so far it would be Viewfinder

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    Outdoor/nature, scenics and landscapes, Macro and close-up

    Current gear:
    Canon EOS Rebel


    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Right now I shoot film. Have had the opportunity to borrow a digital camera and realize the ease and amount of pics I can shoot with one. Right now, I am satisfied with the film and figure the cost of film and developing will help me be very selective in what I shoot and try to make sure I get it right the first time. I still use editing software to work on my images as I get all of mine on CD's when developed.

    What I like about
    So far the people and the knowledge they have which I might be lucky to have trickle down to me.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    When I show my pics to others and see the reactions they have, that is IT for me. My main focus is to take pictures that will move others; hopefully in the same I was moved when I took the pics.
    Attached Images Attached Images     
    Last edited by srobb; 11-09-2005 at 02:09 PM.

  21. #96
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    KY, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hey neighbor welcom aboard. Nice to have someone close by that is a PR member. I have been posting here for some time, and love the friendly folks here. I'm sure you will agree. Look slike we have some similar taste in photography. We may eve be able to get a Kentucky gathering goning now. Hope you enjoy PR as much as I have.

    Old Timer
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

    "A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.

  22. #97
    Senior Member srobb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mt. Sterling KY

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Thanks, neighbor. I was glad to see a few on here from Ky. I think getting a Ky gathering together would be fun. Hopefully there are a few more of us on here. I was up there about the first of this year getting some shots of the covered bridges. Think I may go again only do them in B&W. So far this seems to be a very nice board.

  23. #98
    has-been... another view's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockford, IL

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    And it's not too bad of a road trip from where I'm at too... Can't make any promises but I'm always up for that given the time to do it! I've driven thru Kentucky a few times and there's a lot to photograph!

  24. #99
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    KY, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Your right KY has a lot to offer. We could do something in the horse country around Lexington and the Bluegrass region of the state. Or at one of the may great state parks. And for the city folks there is always Louisville with the river and some nice buildings. I think we have some great opportunities for photographers here.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

    "A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.

  25. #100
    Senior Member srobb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mt. Sterling KY

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    You are right about that, old timer. There all kinds of opportunities across the whole state. I am working on a project now of doing B&W's of some of the local Historical Sites in the hopes of taking the prints to the Historical Society and see if they would be interested in using them for a calendar.

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