Are you ready for this?
Drew E. O'Kane
My handle and its meaning:
I actually just like the name. Its distinctive, and not easily forgotten. I know, I know, cruel Ukranian secret police commander, but in some ways we are alike and different in many ways. I told you this would be interesting. Dzerzhinski also saved the camera industry in the USSR, and the FED (Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinski) camera owes its existance to to him, so he isn't totally unrealted, but that isn't why I use the name.
Dorky PR club I belong to:
Clan O'Canon
Lost Planet Cameraman #8
Current Location:
Colorado Springs, CO
soon to be in a few months:
El Cerrito, CA (and none too soon)
Berkeley, CA (has to be the most fantastic place on earth)
Other places I have lived:
Boston MA, Colorado Springs CO, El Cerrito CA
French, German, Swiss/Austrian Jew, Irish, Scottish, your basic European mongrel
English, some German, and Calculus
Freshman in college, and hope I keep on learning
Student and family member
Religious affiliation:
Presbyterian with some orthodox leanings. I guess you could say the spirit of the early church. I hope that my zeal for serving the Lord matches Dzerzhinski's fierce zeal for protecting Mother Russia, hence the connection. I told you it would be interesting.
Political affiliation:
Independant is the best I can put it. I vote how the Bible tells me.
Other hobbies:
Higher math, cooking, astronomy, music, reading, writing, philosophizing, thinking
How long I have been a photographer:
Less than a year, but the learning curve is steep
First "real" camera:
Seagull 4A-107
How I found
Looking for reviews of cheap cameras, and I never looked back
When I joined
October 2004
Favorite Forum:
Photo Critique
Favorite Subjects:
Inanimate objects, and anything that catches my attention
Canon TLb, Seagull 4A-107, Canon A80
Why I prefer digital or film:
Film has a look and character that is superior in my opinion to digital, but digital is convenient
What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
Have an outlet for my creative side (though Calculus does this sometimes ), and bring glory to God
A self portrait and some favorites: