ViewFinder Photography Forum

General discussion - our photography living room. Talk about aesthetics, philosophy, share your photos - get inspired by your peers! Moderated by another view and walterick.
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  1. #151
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    KY, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Nice to have you here on PR Hannah. I enjoyed your images on the gallery and when I saw you had posted in the welcome thread clicked on to get to know you better. I think you will find Photography Review to be not only a very friendly site but a very helpful site if you want to improve the images you are producing. Great bunch of people here from all over and all skill levels. Stick around and get to know us.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

    "A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.

  2. #152
    Analog Photographer, Digital World Axle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Milton, ON, Canada

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Since mine's been buried....

    Alex Luyckx

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    Axle, nickname I got while working for McDonalds, it's now followed me across the 'Net and several websites

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Nikon Samuris, Pentax K Team
    Former member of the Minolta Warriors

    Ontario, Canada in the GTA

    Burlington, ON, Canada

    Other places I've lived:

    Like to Retire:



    Languages I speak:
    English, Computer

    Religious affiliation (if any):
    Presbyterian, Christian.

    Political affiliation (if any):

    Other hobbies:
    urban exploration, computers, graphic design

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Almost six years now.

    First "real" camera:
    Minolta HiMatic 7s

    How I found
    Looking for information about my first SLR, a Minolta SRT-102

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Dec 2004

    Favorite forum:

    Favorite subjects:
    Friends, Abandoned Things.

    Current Gear:
    * Nikon D70s
    * Nikon F80
    * Pentax K1000

    * Tamron SP AF11-18mm F/4.5-5.6 Di II LD Aspherical [IF]
    * Sigma DC 18-50mm f/2.8 EX Macro
    * Nikkor AF 24mm f/2.8D
    * Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8D
    * Nikkor AF Micro 60mm f/2.8D
    * Nikkor AF 85mm f/1.8D
    * Nikkor AF-S DX 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF ED
    * Nikkor AF 28-80mm f/3.5-4.5G
    * Nikkor AF-S DX 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
    * Nikkor AF 70-300 f/4-5.6G
    * SMC Pentax-M 28mm f/2.8
    * SMC Pentax-M 50mm f/1.7

    * Nikon Speedlight SB-800
    * Nikon Speedlight SB-600 x2

    My first digital was a Konica Minolta Dimage Z2, lost it's life at the Edgar Adult Occupational Center, when it hit concrete.

    Camera I use the most:
    Nikon D70s

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I like 'em both

    What I like about
    The people are friendly, they will always be there to help. There's no flame wars!

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    To keep learning and improving.

    A few of my favorite pictures:

    From the Muskoka Regional Center on my first trip there.

    The faces of PYPS.

    Me, across the harbor from various Hamilton steel mills
    Alex Luyckx | Photography
    Capturing Beauty in Everything

  3. #153
    Surfs Mtbr Naked hollis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: PhotoReview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    its my last name (Army Brat)

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    I should join the Pentax K Team
    but I'm not much of a Joiner

    Nashville, Tennessee


    Other places I've lived:
    Oklahoma, Germany, North Carolina (one of these is not like the other)

    Like to Retire:

    tighty whitey


    Languages I speak:
    English, Geek

    Religious affiliation (if any):
    7th day recreationalist (affiliated mostly with Singletrack)

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Fair to Midland

    Other hobbies:
    Mtn Bikes

    How long I have been a photographer:
    10 years?

    First "real" camera:
    Canon Elan II

    How I found

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    idk, if the listed join date is wrong how am I supposed to know

    Favorite forum:

    Favorite subjects:
    whatever grabs me

    Current Gear:
    * Samsung GX-10 (Pentax K10 clone)
    * Samsung GX-1S (Pentax *ist clone)
    * Canon Elan (bought it in 1997)

    * Sigma 24-105mm (my only Canon lens)
    * Pentax 10-17mm
    * Pentax 18-55mm

    * Sigma something (I didnt know there was going to be a test )

    My first digital was an Olympus D520 (POS!)

    Camera I use the most:
    Samsung GX10

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digi, I can shoot til the cows come home & never reload :thumbsup:

    What I like about
    The people are friendly & they know stuff.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    To keep learn and have fun and to get that 1 perfect shot

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    this might take a while
    Oh...I like the idea behind this self portrait, needs work
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-stoopid2.jpg  

  4. #154
    Check out our D300 Pro Review! deckcadet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gainesville, Florida, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Harrison Diamond

    Meaning of handle:
    A few years ago I spent quite a bit of time on cruise ships and became very good friends with many of the officers. They taught me quite a lot, and appointed me an honorary 'deck cadet', the training rank for bridge officers.

    Dorky PR club I belong to:
    Nikon Samurai #9

    Gainesville, FL, the University of Florida... occasionally Miami.

    Miami, FL

    Other places I've lived:
    uh....nowhere else.

    Like to Retire:

    White hybrid of Jew and Cuban

    Gimme a break...I'm 19.

    Languages I speak:
    English, understand but can't really speak Spanish, know Latin and Italian.

    Currently working towards my B.A... probably in Political Science. May be going for a second in History or Public Policy...or just go for both of the latter and dump polisci. I'm just a freshman.

    Staff Photographer, The Independent Florida Alligator; Student, University of Florida

    Religious affiliation : Jewish, sorta.

    Political affiliation: Depending on the issues, between ultraliberal and somewhat liberal.

    Other hobbies: Video, Apple products, driving home to Miami, hanging out with my friends.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    4 years serious, 7 years since my amateur years.

    First "real" camera:
    Nikon D70

    How I found
    My teacher, our own MJS, is the video forum co-moderator here, and introduced me to the site as I started to get serious.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    October 2004

    Favorite forum:
    Nikon Camera Equipment / Digital SLRs.

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None yet...

    Favorite subjects:
    News Photojournalism/Sports. And some other stuff.

    Current Gear:
    Nikon F6
    Nikon F2

    Nikon D3
    Nikon D300+MB-D10
    Nikon D200
    Nikon D1 (UV/IR converted)

    Lenses and Accessories:
    Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8G AF-S ED-IF N
    Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S ED-IF N
    Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G AF-S ED-IF VR
    Nikon 200mm f/2.0G AF-S Super-ED IF VR
    Nikon 28mm f/3.5 AI
    Nikon 100mm f/2.8 Series E
    Nikon 135mm f/2.8 AI converted
    Voigtländer Ultron 40mm f/2.0 SL Ultron
    Voigtländer Nokton 58mm f/1.4 SL II
    Nikon TC-14E II
    Nikon SB-800

    Camera I use the most:

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I love my F6, shooting film slows me down and makes me think. I love the feeling of not having that instant gratification or that feeling that I can always reshoot.
    But I love my DSLRs for their feature set, build, and stunning image quality. the D3 is probably the best camera yet made, and I feel very lucky to shoot it.

    What I like about
    Great people, great features, a very nice site overall. Some places just don't have the original content that we do, others lack the community and friendly people. I love it!

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I don't know anymore. I thought I was in it to have some fun and maybe get to shoot some sports... just fun shots. Now I'm trying to capture moments, provide interesting views, and help my paper continue to gain in quality and stature. I want to make people take a second look.

    A few of my favorite recent images:

    One from the Newberry Hospice Rodeo last month...

    Two from this month's Olustee Civil War Reenactment...

    One from the Miss UF pageant...

    And lastly, one of me taken at the UF women's lacrosse game this Saturday. My friend Brant was shooting my D3 and 70-200 while I shot the D300 and 200 f/2 and TC for maximum reach. I'm currently....between 400mm's
    Aforementioned 200 f/2 and D300 are pictured.
    Last edited by deckcadet; 02-27-2008 at 01:18 AM.
    Nikon Forum / Digital SLR Forum Moderator | moderator bio
    Check out our new Nikon D300 Pro Review D3 review coming soon...
    Nikon Samurai #9 | NPS Member
    10 Lenses • 5 Bodies • 3 Macs • 1 Sore Back

  5. #155
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    KY, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Nice to get a little bio on you Harry. I started my photography career as a staff photographer for my college yearbook nearly 40 years ago. Those years were some of the most enjoyable of my life. I learned more about photography than at any other time and had an opportunity to shoot a very wide variety of subjects. (Read lots of women to photograph that were eager to pose and thought the camera around my neck was really cool.) Enjoy this time in your ife and take full advantage of what life and opportunity has to offer you.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

    "A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.

  6. #156
    Senior Member brmill26's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Birmingham, Al

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    'Bout time I jumped in on this as well.

    Brad Miller

    Meaning of handle:
    Not much... old AIM ID that was a function of what was available.

    Dorky PR club I belong to:
    None so far...

    Birmingham, AL, and Talladega, AL on many summer weekends (at Logan Martin lake).

    Birmingham, AL

    Other places I've lived:
    Auburn, AL, for college

    Like to Retire:
    Much too far away to think about now...

    White... English, Dutch, German, etc


    Languages I speak:
    English, a little Spanish, a little bit of legalese Latin.

    B.A. in Political Science w/ concentration in Law, minor in Business Administration, Auburn University 2006.
    Currently pursuing a Juris Doctorate (Law degree) at Cumberland School of Law at Samford University.

    Law Student, for another 1.5 years. Hopefully a lawyer after that.

    Religious affiliation : Christian

    Political affiliation: Rational.

    Other hobbies: Video, all types of motor racing (specifically motocross), soccer, boating/sailing... lots of law.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    About 6 years, ish.

    First "real" camera:
    Canon Optura 60 (video)
    Canon Rebel XTi (photo)

    How I found
    Don't even remember really... probably while researching video cameras a few years ago.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    My date is correct

    Favorite forum:
    Tie b/t Viewfinder and Sports.

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None yet...

    Favorite subjects:
    Racing, nature, people.

    Current Gear:
    Canon Rebel XTi

    Lenses and Accessories:
    50mm F/1.8

    Camera I use the most:

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I've never shot film seriously (have a little experience on my dad's Minolta SLR), but I prefer digital for the lower cost, flexibility, and editing ability. I rarely ever print anything, as most of my photos are shared online.

    What I like about
    A very friendly, true community feel that many other forums on the internet lack. There are quite a few very active pro or pro-level photographers here, which is great for seeing good photography and getting great advice. The willingness of everyone to share their work across all styles and offer constructive critique is great.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Right now, I'm just trying to learn. The ultimate goal depends on what I'm shooting, but what I try to accomplish in any photo is one that expresses the feel of the situation, the environment, the emotion of the scene, one that inspires people to think or wonder, or be amazed at the beauty of creation.

    A few of my favorite recent images:

    Rooftop view in downtown Birmingham

    One of my favorite places in the world, the lake:

    Josh Hill, Atlanta Supercross 2008

    Canon: Rebel XTi, 70-200 F/4L, 50mm F/1.8 II, Promaster 19-35mm F/3.5-4.5, Peleng 8mm fisheye
    Lighting: Canon 430 EXII, Quantaray PZ-1 DSZ, Sunpak 333D, D-8P triggers
    120 Film: Ricohflex Diacord TLR, Firstflex TLR, Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515/2 folder
    35mm Film: Nikon Nikkormat FT2, 35mm F/2.8, 50mm F/1.4, 135mm F/2.8

    My Blog

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    kansas city missouri

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Lets see'
    Dustin Draper
    36 year old
    screen nae is from when I raced MX quads
    served in the Marine Corps
    married with 3 kids.
    I build seats for the Ford Trucks
    I dont have a favorite pic yest cause it keeps on changing
    85mm 1.8 D
    24-70 2.8 ED
    70-200 2.8 ED VRII
    Elinchrom Ranger RX 1100watt heads.

  8. #158
    The red headed step child jgredline's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Los Angeles, Ca

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    OK, A little about me...


    Javier Gutierrez

    Meaning of handle:

    I do not really remember how I got that screen name.Something to do with AOL when it was version 3.0 and was limited to 9 characters I think...

    Dorky PR club I belong to:
    None, but I am sure that among the thousands of members here we can come up with 5 or 6 pentaxians LOL


    The San Gabriel Valley, 15 Minutes north of Los Angeles.


    Los Angeles, CA.

    Other places I've lived:
    L.A. all my life

    Like to Retire:
    Hope to keep working until the day I die....

    Spanish / Mexican...Grand folks born in Spain, Parents in Mexico..I guess that makes me a ''Spanican''


    I have been married for 23 years to my first and only Love...We have been together since JR high School..., I have 5 kids, + 2 adopted kids +1 grandchild...
    I am Hispanic Afterall...

    Languages I speak:

    English, Spanish, Latin and can read and write biblical Greek


    College drop out ....But I do have one daughter at USC and 2 at PCC...Does that count?


    Self employed...I build race engines for a living...

    Religious affiliation
    : Christian.. For more on my beliefs click link.

    Political affiliation
    : Conservative Republican in the Reagan Mold...

    Other hobbies: Auto Racing, Reading, Movies..I used to golf....

    How long I have been a photographer:

    to call myself a photographer would do photography an injustice...I have been taken pictures for about 8 years, but moved into the DSLR stuff about 1 1/2 years ago...

    First "real" camera:

    Fuji S9100

    How I found

    After I got banned from Pop Photo, I had to find a new home...I found it here....

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):

    I want to say June of last year...

    Favorite forum:

    Tie between critique and view finder....

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    None yet...

    Favorite subjects:

    Racing, nature, people.

    Current Gear:

    Pentax K110D
    Pentax k100D SUPER
    Pentax K10D
    Pentax K20D
    Pentax K1000

    Lenses and Accessories:

    I will try and remember...LBA hit me bad this past year and a half :blush2:
    Pentax brand
    DA*16-50 F/2.8
    DA*50-135 F/2.8
    FA 50mm F/1.4
    FA 77mm F/1.8
    DA18-55mm F/3.5-5.6

    Tamron Brand
    28-300mm super zoom
    18-250mm super zoom
    90mm F/2.8 MACRO
    28-75mm F/2.8
    28-90mm F/3.5-5.6

    Sigma Brand
    70-300mm std lens
    70-300mm APO lens...
    28-300 Super zoom
    135-400 APO
    50-500mm ''Bigma''
    24-70mm F/2.8

    Pentax 360 external flash
    Kenko 1.5 TC
    Tamron 1.4TC
    ....I think that is all my stuff so far..

    Camera I use the most:

    Pentax K110D...

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I just bought a used K1000 so hopefully, I will be able to get up to speed here..

    What I like about

    Straight up....The people here....

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:

    For me, it is all about what God has created and to be able to enjoy it....

    A few of my favorite recent images...

    OK, Here are some of my favs..
    This is my son assembeling a race head...I started to teach him about engines since he was 4 years old...He is now eight and
    can tell you what every part of an engine is and pretty much what it does...He was 7 years old in this pic...

    I have no idea who this person is, but I love the pic...

    My first attempt at Macro...Not very good, but it has sentimental value to me....

    And a ''self portrait'' of
    Last edited by jgredline; 02-29-2008 at 04:39 PM.
    εὐχαριστέω σύ
    αποκαλυπτεται γαρ οργη θεου απ ουρανου επι πασαν ασεβειαν και αδικιαν ανθρωπων των την αληθειαν εν αδικια κατεχοντων
    διοτι το γνωστον του θεου φανερον εστιν εν αυτοις ο γαρ θεος αυτοις εφανερωσεν
    τα γαρ αορατα αυτου απο κτισεως κοσμου τοις ποιημασιν νοουμενα καθοραται η τε αιδιος αυτου δυναμις και θειοτης εις το ειναι αυτους αναπολογητους

  9. #159
    May the force be with you Canuck935's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    San Diego, California, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    WHOA!!! How on earth did I miss this post for three years!?!?!?

    I suppose I better get in on the action!! Haha...

    Mario Noronha

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    In high school I used to wear a Captain Canuck t-shirt, and in ROTC it quickly became my nickname. Our ROTC unit number is 935.

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Um.. I guess I'm the resident troll in the Minolta/Sony forum..

    San Diego, California.

    Montreal, Quebec.

    Other places I've lived:
    Toronto, Ontario.

    Like to Retire:
    Soon as I win the lotto..



    Languages I speak:
    English and bad English.

    More than a hundred units spread out across a range of subjects. I get bored easily so I'm always jumping between things.

    Software testing.

    Religious affiliation (if any):

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Nothing here either.

    Other hobbies:
    Backpacking, hiking, climbing, mountain biking, and my precious (my car).

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Oh 5 or 6 years I suppose.

    First "real" camera:
    Minolta Maxxum XTsi

    How I found
    I believe I was researching a new camera and came across this site.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    I'm going to assume the listed date is accurate because I certainly don't remember.

    Favorite forum:
    Viewfinder, critique, and minolta/sony.

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    Um... None.. =(

    Favorite subjects:
    All things and all places wild and natural.

    Current Gear:
    Nikkormat FT2
    Nikkor 50mm
    ??? 135mm
    ??? flash

    Minolta Maxxum 7
    Tamron 24-135mm
    Minolta 75-300mm
    Minolta 50mm
    Quantaray flash

    Medium Format:

    Sony alpha 700
    Sony 11-18mm
    Sony 16-80mm
    Minolta 70-210mm
    Sony 56 flash

    Looking to get Panasonic TZ5 or FX500

    Camera I use the most:

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    B&W: Film. Ilford HP5 to be exact. Just can't be replicated with digital.
    Otherwise I prefer digital. It's more convenient and no film/processing costs!

    What I like about
    The community. This is the only forum I've ever been a part of where everyone is just so dang nice. You never see trolling, flaming, etc.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Just trying to share with people my experiences and passion for all places and things natural and wild.

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    Early morning on Lake 4 in Cottonwood Lakes basin, Sierra Nevada mtns.
    Lake 4

    Huge thunderhead building up over Dixon Lake, Escondido CA.
    Storm over Dixon

    One of the weirdest places I've ever been. Salton Sea, CA.

    Goofy self portrait during a hike to Lawson Pk, Cleveland Nat. Forest, CA.

  10. #160
    A picture is a present you give yourself shootme's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Harrison, great shots, I'd love to be able to capture moments like you've shown. In particular I like the Rodeo shot, what lens did you use? and the first shot of the civil war reenactment, with the sword glistening at the bottom.

    Great stuff.

    :thumbsup: Shootme...

    Please don't edit and re-post or use my images (not that you'd want to anyway...). without my written permission. Thank you

  11. #161
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Oologah, Oklahoma

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle:
    First thing that popped into my head when I was asked for a screen name. No particular meaning.

    Dorky PR club I belong to:

    Near Tulsa, Oklahoma

    Tulsa, Oklahoma

    Other places I've lived:
    None worth mentioning

    Like to Retire:
    Yes, please.

    White - Scotland, England, Ireland, Black Dutch (whatever that is), etc.

    Do-overs. Got it right the second time - 20 year anniversay is January 21. Three adult married children and eight grandchildren. (Didn't need to re-do the children and grandchildren - they are wonderful!

    Languages I speak:

    High School, Masters in SoHK

    Presently caring for my terminally ill father. Previously helped and will eventually return to help my husband who is a Self-Employed Decorative Painter doing furniture, cabinetry, faux marble, wood & stone and high-end specialty plasters.

    Religious affiliation : Christian Seventh Day Adventist.

    Political affiliation: Currently disallusioned. It's rather difficult to see any difference in either party. (I like the clown suit suggestion.)

    Other hobbies: Anything outdoors; Reading; Art; Woodworking

    How long I have been a photographer:
    I have pointed and shot ON AUTO for years. I have owned a DSLR and used something other than a green box or its equivalent for less than a year -- way less.

    First "real" camera:
    An Olympus digital something (less than 3 pixel).
    I now own a Canon 40D - way more camera than I am photographer!

    How I found
    Googling "photo critique"

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    A few months ago.

    Favorite forum:
    Photo Critique -- or whichever one I happen to be on at the time at! I love this place...

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    Candid people shots, nature, sports, wildlife, macro to telephoto, etc., etc., etc.

    Current Gear:
    Canon 40D

    Lenses and Accessories:
    70-200 f/4 L IS
    17-40 1:4
    180mm macro

    Camera I use the most:

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital seemed to be the way to go.

    What I like about
    All the people in general have been very nice to and patient with me, and have been very willing to share their knowledge. Reading their critiques of the few photos I have posted have been very helpful, but reading all the critiques and attempting a few of my own have been most helpful. It was very intimidating (and still is) to jump in with such accomplished photographers, and to hear their kind AND honest critiques is most beneficial. My hope is to one day reach that place...

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    While I don't aspire to be a paid photographer per se, a skill level sufficient to maintain our portfolio would help, but mostly it is for my own personal satisfaction...and I'm pretty sure my painting skills will never equal the pictures produced by the 40D sensor!!

    ... especially at 6.5 fps

    A few of my favorite recent images...

    Not there yet

    Your editing is welcomed. A picture is worth...

    All can look. Few will see. Less will know.

    The Truth can be anything it will. I just want to know Truth.

  12. #162
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    I would like to invite you all to..

    A Visionary Quest

    A collection of fine art photography by Phillip Ross
    to take place at Pontefract library West Yorkshire, England, comencing Monday 28th Sept
    until saturday October 3rd.

    The photographs on display are among some of the best I have taken
    in and around Yorkshire, Lancashire and at home and also include some
    images which have been digitally enhanced.

    The exhibition is my first and as such is an informal free event available to

    Pontefract Library
    Shoe Market
    Town Centre, Pontefract, WF8 1BD
    01977 727692‎

  13. #163
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chicago, IL

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    I'll just follow up the SPAM with a little on-topic post

    And as I was typing that, I got PM SPAM. Awesome.

    Erik Williams

    Meaning of handle:
    I've been making sushi professionally for a half dozen years - Sushigaijin was the name of a private chef company I started.

    Dorky PR club I belong to:
    Nobody loves me :cryin:

    Chicago, IL.

    Chicago, IL

    Other places I've lived:
    San Francisco, Pearson Wi.

    Like to Retire:
    Of course! But that's putting the cart before the horse! I'm torn between owning (but not working in) a bar on the beach in the Caribbean, or a stucco house in NM, or maybe a farm in southern IL.

    Lithuanian and Irish. That's about as Chicago as it comes.

    Married with a slight chance of children. Only after I can provide for them what wasn't provided for me. My mom really tried very hard - but I want my children to have all the things I couldn't, and all the things I could also.

    Languages I speak:
    English and pretty passable spanish. Mostly the stuff that you don't use around your grandmother. Working in kitchens for half of your life will do that.

    Proud college (political science) drop out. Best choice I never made.

    Chef, Morgan Harbor Grill in Chicago.

    Religious affiliation :

    Political affiliation:
    Political conservative, social liberal. Or, left of left with right wing tendencies.

    Other hobbies: Herping. Bonsai trees, carnivorous plants, collecting straight razors, collecting beetles, kitchen knives, name it, I probably collect it.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    I've had a camera for at least 15 years. I've actually known how to use it (to some extent!) for about four.

    First "real" camera:
    Minolta SRT101 and a Yashica MAT 124G. My father was an army photographer so I had some pretty cool stuff growing up.

    How I found
    to hell if I remember.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    a few years ago. or a thousand posts ago...

    Favorite forum:
    Nature and wildlife, naturally.

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None yet...

    Favorite subjects:
    Nature and my family.

    Current Gear:
    Olympus E3
    Olympus E510

    Fujica ST605n
    Olympus OM10
    Yashica MAT 124G

    Lenses and Accessories:
    Zuiko Digital.
    12-60 SWD
    50-200 SWD
    50mm F/2 Macro
    FL50r flash, Fl36 Flash
    EX25 Tube

    OM 50/1.8
    Fuji 28/3.5
    Vivitar 135/2.8
    Vivitar 50/1.8
    m42 to 4/3 adapter

    Monopod. Bogen something. Got it on recommendation in viewfinder. Nice piece of equipment.
    4 Poverty wizards
    a reflector
    various diffusers, mostly homemade.
    a few filters.

    Camera I use the most:
    Olympus E3

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I've learned more in one day of shooting digital than in two years of shooting film. EXIF is a wonderful thing. Emmanual Kant would be proud.

    What I like about
    BEST NATURE AND WILDLIFE FORUM, EVER. That's a true story. Even though it's a core of a dozen people, they are a dozen AWESOME people and great photographers too.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I just like to get outdoors. Photography is just an excuse, but in the past it's been fishing, hiking, camping, has become more appealing over the years because it is a way to document the fun I've had, and the things I've seen. When you're only where you really want to be a handful of days a year it is important to remember why you bust your hump so badly.

    A few of my favorite recent images...

    Me on the left. Awesome rattlesnake.

    Fussen, Germany

    Eastern Massassauga - even awesomer rattlesnake, if that's possible.

    Mantis at twice life size.
    Last edited by Sushigaijin; 10-12-2009 at 10:05 PM.
    Erik Williams

    Olympus E3, E510
    12-60 SWD, 50-200 SWD, 50 f/2 macro, EX25, FL36's and an FL50r.

  14. #164
    Dyslexics of the world Untie! Nicci's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!

    Introducing Nicci :)

    Just found this thread so I figured you all should know who I am! :thumbsup:


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):

    55.564265,13.024292 or Malmö, Sweden

    Evansville, Indiana USA

    Other places I've lived:
    St Louis, MO, Fort Wayne, IN (for ½ a minute then I found my sanity and moved) and Amsterdamn, The Netherlands

    Like to Retire:
    haven't really thought about it.

    so white that my DNA is clear.

    Nope but I have a boyfriend of 7 years.

    Languages I speak:
    American English, Redneck English, Music and some Swedish (and if I am drunk, Danish)

    Languages I would like to learn: Icelandic and Finnish

    working on my BA in English Lit with a minor in Ethnic Studies. Will be working on a Masters in English Lit and Media in 2½ years.

    Professional slacker

    Religious affiliation (if any): I worship he/she who can make Sushi

    Political affiliation (if any): I vote for the person I think can do the best job regardless of political affiliation.

    Other hobbies: reading, biking around town, annoying the cat, going to concerts...

    How long I have been a photographer:
    eeeh. I would never consider myself a photographer. I like to take pictures so I am a picture taker. That I have been doing on a regular basis for about 5 years.

    First "real" camera:
    Nikon something. Don't really remember. I think my mom handed it to me to keep me occupied.

    How I found
    searching for comparison between two cameras and came across this forum.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is inaccurate):

    Favorite forum:
    I like the Photo Critique forum. Some interesting shots there.

    Photo-gatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    random people, landscapes, buildings, my cat, stuff, it doesn't matter.

    Current Gear:
    Nikon D90

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I am still learning my camera so I am attempting a Project 365 where I take at least one picture a day. I usually take 100 a day. I hope to get into macro photography and local concert photography.

    A few of my favorite pictures (not all taken with the Nikon)

    The Boy or TBS as we call him, The Big Swede as he is 6'4" and 224lbs of muscle.

    Brad Dourif. Super nice guy!

    David Carradine...he wasn't so nice.

    Windows in Cabo Verde post office

    Yours truly.

    All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
    Nikon D90 newbie
    My sad little flickr account
    My project 365

  15. #165
    n8 is offline
    Senior Member n8's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Rockford, Il

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    My turn I suppose...


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    it's also my handle on xbox live. I'm a social worker/ addictions counselor by profession. I thought counselor was too meh, THE counsel represents an entire body of people and sounds powerful.

    Rockford, Il

    Rockford, IL

    Other places I've lived:
    No where exciting...mostly Rockford

    Like to Retire:
    northern Arizona or one of those states out west with scenery

    european mutt

    psuedo "insta-family" of a girlfriend and her daughter

    Languages I speak:
    plain english

    Languages I would like to learn: learning greek bit by bit

    ba in psychology

    addictions counselor at a recovery home for adolescent boys

    Religious affiliation (if any): christian I suppose

    Political affiliation (if any): whatever

    Other hobbies: guitar, hiking, video games

    How long I have been a photographer:
    began shooting for my yearbook in 8th grade. maintained some kind of yearbook or news paper involvement from then through college.

    First "real" camera:
    Nikon EM

    How I found
    pretty sure I googled photography forums

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is inaccurate):
    Sept 09

    Favorite forum:
    view finder and help files

    Photo-gatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    girlfriends daughter, pets, random objects, events, opportunities to take something boring and shop it up

    Current Gear:
    - Nikon D40
    - Nikon D90
    - 18-55mm, 35mm 1.8, 50mm 1.8, 18-200VR, 55mm macro
    - sb600
    - rocketfish carbon fiber tripod

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    get proficient to the point that I can do it for others, maybe even be solicited for some paid shoots. Otherwise, to simply enjoy the sound of of the shutter and see what I got.

    a couple favorites

    and me, taken by the g/f
    mostly Nikon gear

    Feel free to edit my images for critique, just let me know what you did.

  16. #166
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Stillwater MN USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Conor Knuteson

    Meaning of handle:
    Its a nickname from when I raced Karts and my car

    MN, USA

    Stillwater, MN

    Like to Retire:
    Italy, Iceland

    Single with a brother and two great parents

    Languages I speak:

    Current Student in High School


    How long I have been a photographer:
    As long as I can remember

    First "real" camera:
    Nikon P80

    How I found
    Researching consumer reviews of cameras prior to recent purchases.

    Favorite forum:
    Nikon Equipment

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    In order: Auto Racing, macro, landscape, wildlife, people, travel

    Current Gear (Main):
    Nikon D5000 18-55MM

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital, this is what my generation is growing up with.

    What I like about
    I love looking at the photos and having people from all over the world be able to comment on them.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    My goal for photography is to take a photo that is one to be proud of that I could enlarge and hang in my home.

    Favorite Photos....I cant compress photos yet, Im working on how, here are a few links...

    Then of me... (in the middle)
    "Go Fast, Turn Left, Repeat"

  17. #167
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Stroudsburg, PA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hi. Just found the website and am excited to see what it offers.

    I have a Nikon P80 now but learned on a Pentax K1000.

    I love trying to find the perfect shot, but most times it seems that the first "casual" shot comes out much better than all the ones following it!

    I've been experimenting with my photo editing software lately and have begun a website around it:

    I'd be interested in any advice or comments. Thanks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-boats-pecks-pond.jpg  
    Last edited by flowingwaters; 02-20-2010 at 04:25 AM.

  18. #168
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    GAZA - Palestine

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    OKAY ...

    Name : Motasem,

    Live in : GAZA - Palestine,

    Career : Radiographer,

    Photography : it is a hobby snce I had the one and only camera KODAK CX7430,

    Religion : Islam,

    Language : Arabic and English,

    AM I missiing anything here ... ?
    ... COMING SOON ...

  19. #169
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    wa state

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Welcome Flowingwaters and Motasem.
    Hope to see you on the boards soon.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  20. #170
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Gday all!

    Im Dave. (Hence the Nick!) - Sydney, Australia.

    Cameras - Canon Powershot G5, Canon Eos 350D, Canon Eos 450D.

    Lenses - EFS 18-55 IS & 70-100mm(cheapo!)

    Status - amateur / beginner (with a fairly decent eye for framing!):thumbsup:

    Love photography - never enough time though.


  21. #171
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    The first letter of my first name, last name and a random number combination I came up with for my first email in 7th grade and I just stick with it for most SNs

    Fort Stewart


    Other places I've lived:
    I have driven cross country many times, so just about every state aside from most east coast states

    Like to Retire:
    Somewhere beachy and beautiful

    Mutt. Irish, swedish, english, norwegian, german, dutch and native american

    Married with one human baby and 4 furry babies

    Languages I speak:
    English and random french that I learned in high school

    high school

    Stay at home mom

    Religious affiliation (if any):
    I prefer not to associate with "religions" per se. I am technically a Christian, but consider it more of a relationship and less of a "following" of one thing

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Politics and I do not mix

    Other hobbies:
    Whatever I feel like. Knitting, drawing, painting, travelling

    How long I have been a photographer:
    I have always been "into" taking pictures since I got my first camera at the age of 6, but have only just gotten my first DSLR and getting more serious about it

    First "real" camera:
    Canon T1i, before that it was a powershot a640, I considered that pretty real.

    How I found
    Someone recommended it on another board I go on.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    February 2010

    Favorite forum:

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    My son, my 2 dogs, my 2 cats, and beachscapes

    Current Gear:
    Canon T1i with kit lens and for my P&S I have a canon powershot a640-I love canons, could you tell?

    Camera I use the most:

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital, I like being able to edit and lots of retakes

    What I like about
    Im still getting used to it, but I appreciate the atmosphere of the critiques, people can tell you in a nice constructive way that "this part looks like crap"

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    my photography is mostly for my personal enjoyment, it gives me an outlet to express myself and capture memories.

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    My Dog romeo

    My boy

    Cropped a little tight but I still love it
    Newbie to DSLRs, loving my Canon T1i-a recent upgrade from my first camera love-PowerShot A640

    Feel free to ask me to edit my photos!

  22. #172
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Oologah, Oklahoma

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Welcome to all you newcomers!

    Your editing is welcomed. A picture is worth...

    All can look. Few will see. Less will know.

    The Truth can be anything it will. I just want to know Truth.

  23. #173
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Thumbs up Re: Photographyreview: The People

    I've been reading about some of the members of this site, and I feel lucky to have found it. You people sound sincere and cool. I'm a 60yr old guy that just recently got back into photography. Bought my first camera (Konica Reflex T) at a PX in Viet Nam in 1969. Still use that sometimes and it still takes great pictures. But I just bought a Canon Rebel XS and am trying to learn digital. I would appreciate any help or suggestions. Will try to post a picture.

  24. #174
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    I am not a particularly stargazing person, A colleague called me that and i liked it as a suitably obscure handle so i kept it.

    Sydney Australia (not far from the airport if anyone wants to visit?)


    Other places I've lived:
    Various satellite suburbs of this great city.

    Like to Retire:
    Either a country estate or a cottage on a cliff overlooking the ocean

    Officially caucasion 50/50 English/Dutch but going back portuguese, spanish, irish german - so I guess I am a mongrel

    One wife and one replicant so far

    Languages I speak:
    English and bits of Arabic, Dutch, Pig latin, Giberese and Entendre (I can probably swear in a couple more languages)

    I attended uni and I graduated, I am not sure how much I learnt though

    Communications / Production assistant is the official title, but I do a fair bit of Systems Administration as well as web and print design.

    Religious affiliation (if any):
    Roman Catholic - but I have very liberal views, free will was Gods greatest gift.

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Leftist. I would probably join a political party if I found the right one but I simply vote (although that is compulsory here)

    Other hobbies:
    Table Tennis, random facts, singing

    How long I have been a photographer:
    the journey started in 1998

    First "real" camera:
    Canon eos 500n

    How I found
    I really don't recall

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    I really don't remember but it was on the old site and I was a lurker way before I did anything active.

    Favorite forum:
    How could I not suggest my own forum? the digital video forum!
    When I was first on here I loved help files, now I am loving viewfinder and OT

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    livin4lax and I met up once just before he flew out.... does that count as the first and only sydney gathering?

    Favorite subjects:
    The sails and the coathanger (harbour bridge and the opera house for those who don't live in Sydney)

    Current Gear:
    400d and 300d bodies as well as 5 and 500n (both out on permanent loan)
    18-55is and 18-55 regular 35-105, 28-80, 75-300, 70-200 f4L
    24 f2.8, 28 f2.8, 50 f 1.8, 135 f2.8 (with soft focus), 200 f2.8L

    Camera I use the most:

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Film, I love the look, but I only shoot digital these days as I simply can't afford the film.

    What I like about
    The community as a whole, It is great that all levels of skill and experience can get on without any of the how big is your lens rubish that a lot of other websites and photography clubs have.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    These days it is more of a hobby as I tend to be doing much more video. I would love to learn lighting better as well as posing people.
    Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur

  25. #175
    Junior Member mechelep's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (it's obvious

    Southwest Virginia


    Like to Retire:


    Married w/ Son & Daughter

    Languages I speak:

    High School


    Religious affiliation

    Other hobbies:
    Flower Gardening

    How long I have been a photographer:
    the journey started in 2010

    First "real" camera:
    Kodak Easyshare

    How I found
    surfed on

    Date I joined PR

    Favorite forum:
    Unsure @ moment

    Favorite subjects:

    Current Gear:
    Kodak Easyshare

    Camera I use the most:
    Kodak Easyshare

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Hobby for now.....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-148365_1637966464458_1095643020_1712159_1461883_n.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-73271_1637968464508_1095643020_1712166_4805779_n.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-37708_1487180254897_1095643020_1373007_4752154_n.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-155575_1686749964015_1095643020_1799662_4432543_n.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-74309_1637969784541_1095643020_1712170_4540082_n.jpg  

    Photographyreview: The People-167722_1719719428231_1095643020_1874025_5724741_n.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-76390_1637969504534_1095643020_1712169_623604_n.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-73841_1637969024522_1095643020_1712168_5297871_n.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-72076_1714916388158_1095643020_1862976_5364962_n.jpg  
    Attached Images Attached Images  

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