ViewFinder Photography Forum

General discussion - our photography living room. Talk about aesthetics, philosophy, share your photos - get inspired by your peers! Moderated by another view and walterick.
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  1. #126
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Caley (but I'm male!)

    Meaning of handle:
    self explanatory I think

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Just got here!

    Burlington, VT. Soon to be colorado (college!)


    Other places I've lived:
    CA, MA, PA, IL, VT

    Like to Retire:
    We'll see what's still above water once the ice caps melt.

    50% German, 50% mutt

    Still a dependant. I have a girlfriend, does that count?

    Languages I speak:

    Just graduated high school *jumps up and down*


    Religious Affiliation:

    Political Affiliation:
    moderate for VT, liberal anywhere else.

    Other Hobbies:
    Cycling, I race for a junior development team

    How Long Have I Been a Photographer:
    4 years or so

    First "real" camera:
    Canon rebel film camera a couple years ago

    How I found
    I was also looking for reviews of a lens

    Date I Joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is inaccurate):
    not too long ago I think...

    Favorite Forum:
    All of them!

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite Subjects to Photograph:
    I'm the yearbook photographer at my school, so this year I did a lot of sports and portraits (senior photos). I enjoy both.

    Current Gear:
    Canon rebel xt
    Canon 20d (as of tomorrow, graduation present)
    speedlite 550ex
    A variety of lenses, only one of which is a real quality lens. Saving for college makes it impossible to buy anything better

    Why I prefer Film or Digital:
    I prefer digital simply because I don't have the cash nor the time to develop all the time.

    What I like about
    I can learn! Right now I'm 100% self taught, but I want to change that.

    What am I trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I want to turn it into a profession.

    A little more about me:
    I'm 17 and just graduated Burlington Highschool in Burlington, Vermont. I started playing around with BW photos in the darkroom a few years ago, and I've been hooked ever since. This year I was asked to be photo editor and 'head photographer' for my yearbook, so almost everything I have shot has been for school. I've found that I really enjoy shooting sports (only outdoors! lighting is aweful in high school gyms and rinks) as well as a myriad of musical events. I'm joining this forum because I want to improve and learn from some masters

    I've had my external HD at school all year and haven't brought it back yet, so I dont' have most of my shots atm... but here are a few I just found in some old folders

  2. #127
    Liz molaselake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Grand Rapids, MI

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious): was initially part of a Tori amos song only it was Molasses lake. However, back when i had old school AOL, they made you shorten yeah.

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):

    Location: Michigan

    Born: Michigan

    Other places I've lived: Look at the prior two and maybe you'll have an inkling.

    Like to Retire: I'm 25. Hopefully I'll be dead before I have to ever think about that

    Ethnicity: Scottish and Irish

    Marriage/Family: hell no

    Languages I speak: english

    Education: a few years of college which was a waste of my time and money

    Occupation: Accounts receivable clerk

    Religious affiliation (if any): Atheist

    Political affiliation (if any): I try to watch the news and cnn as little as possible.

    Other hobbies: Writer and painter. Painting is actually what I went to college for.

    How long I have been a photographer: I would say around 10 years.

    First "real" camera: I had sucky point and shoot cameras up until I was 19....and I still use my first "real" camera.

    How I found I typed in the name and figured something would pop up. Who knew?

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate): sometime in 2004

    Favorite forum: Photo critique, even though I get my ass kicked in there on a regular basis.

    Photogatherings I have attended: none

    Favorite subjects: definitely people.

    Current Gear: Canon EOS Elan, Tamron lens 70-300 mm, or Tamron 28-80 mm

    Medium Format: I wish.

    Digital: I'll probably buy one someday.

    Camera I use the most: umm...same as my main system, folks.

    Why I prefer film or digital: Film....I don't know. Everyone is always looking for the easier approach to things and I've always been difficult. No reason to stop now.

    What I like about the different perspectives you get.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: That's kind of a rhetorical question.

    A few of my favorite pictures: I won't post them on here and clog it up. They're already under the gallery and posted about..

    And last, a picture of me....I'm the one in the pink
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  3. #128
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middlewich, Cheshire, United Kingdom

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hello everyone,
    I am the long time and legal partner of Kizzie(Kaelastreet) who is a member here. Whether it is me or your huge site I have tested Kizzie's patience no end tonight as I have asked her time and again to help me navigate around here.
    Anyway by way of introduction I own a Canon 350D with three lenses, a multiplier lens, a macro lens, macro flash and tripod.
    Funny really I spent £700 recently on a beautiful telephoto and then today used the supplied stock lens 18-55mm to grab this piccie.
    Hope it's good enough for such an illustrious crowd.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-gttitfflying.jpg  

  4. #129
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Phoenix AZ

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Since we have so many new members joining and posting short bios and pictures in the VF, I wanted to make sure everyone knows that this thead is here. It used to be a sticky, but was removed to make room for other threads. It's where we collect information on each other for introductions and future ribbings You can read up on other members here and post your own bio, self portait, and a few of your favorite shots.

    For future reference, this thread is linked to in the "Welcome" thread at the top of the Viewfinder.

    Look forward to seeing some new faces!
    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

    Check out the Welcome Thread

    My photography on Myspace

  5. #130
    Senior Member Dylan8i's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Yellowstone NP, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    my name and a number i've been using since i needed screen names, ( it was given to my dad -jack8i by a computer the first time he needed to log on to a computeror network? , probbably in the mid to late 80's)

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):

    Location: Pittsburgh, PA

    Born: Los Angeles, CA

    Other places I've lived: april to aug 2006, Moab Utah. and for college 2001-2005 Shippensburg PA

    Like to Retire: i don't have anything to retire from.

    Ethnicity: 'bout 80% german and the 20% is everything else.

    Marriage/Family: nope

    Languages I speak: english

    Education: BS in biology, going back to Grad school to get a masters in Biology

    Occupation: currently (for the next few weeks) i work for the national park service, then back to being a student.

    Religious affiliation (if any): none

    Political affiliation (if any): liberal, but not strongly political.

    Other hobbies: Outdoor activities- hiking, backpacking, etc, sports, my car ( del Sol)

    How long I have been a photographer: 2-3 years

    First "real" camera: i had a 110 when i was little, but nikon n2000 is when i started really taking pictures

    How I found google.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate): july 2006

    Favorite forum: Photo critique, nature forum

    Photogatherings I have attended: none

    Favorite subjects: nature, especially herps (amphibians and reptiles)

    Current Gear: canon s1 is, and see my profile for my nikon gear.

    Medium Format: nope

    Digital: saving for a dslr

    Camera I use the most: canon s1 is, cheap to see the results ( a goo thign when i'm taking thousands ofo pictures a summer)

    Why I prefer film or digital: i like shootign with my slr much better, not sure if its becuse it;s film and feel more perminant, or if its just because i like it better, we'll see when i get a dslr.

    What I like about learning, and getting getter.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: self worthyness

    A few of my favorite pictures: posted in the review section if you can find them ( never really though about my absolute fav though)

    And last, a picture of me:
    i'm the one on top of the really tall cliff. taken at zion np, angels landing)
    check out my photography website

    Please feel free to edit or change any of my pictures to show me how to improve them.

    Nikon D200
    Nikon D7000 w/grip
    Nikkor AF-S 18-135
    Nikkor AF-S 60mm macro 2.8
    Nikon 70-200 2.8 vr
    Nikon tc-17eII
    Kenoko extension tube set

  6. #131
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Rome Ga.

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Greg McCary

    Greg McCary

    Rome Ga.

    2.7 miles from where I am sitting. September 21, 1959

    Other places I have lived

    Would like to retire
    In the morning.
    Guntersville Ala. and own a sailoat.


    Yes very married!!

    English and Southern English

    Some Tech school

    Maintenance Tech for the local school system- Fire alarms, Security panels, Camera systems, Cable TV. You name it. Even stadium lighting.

    Religious affiliation
    Baptist raised. But no denomination now. Just a Christian.

    Political affiliation
    Neither Repulbican nor Democrat. The Republicans are to conservative and the Democrats are to liberal. But I lean slightly to the left.

    Golf, Guitar, Photography and used to lift weights.

    How long have I been a photographer
    When I get to be one I will let you know.

    First real camera
    One of those you shoot up on the end of those Estes rockets. It never worked. But really it was some old German made 35mm. It took great pictures. I don't remember it's brand

    How I found
    Web surfing for help

    Date I joined PR
    About a month ago

    Favorite forum
    Photo Critque

    Favorite subjects
    My Daughter, anything I find different.

    Camera I use the most
    Canon Rebel 2000

    Why I prefer film or digital
    I wish I could go digital. But is is sure expensive. When the price of a good SLR drops some I'll be there with the rest of you.

    What I like about
    All the help that is avalible, and looking at everyones great pictures.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography
    Just to get good at it.

    Photogatherings I have attended
    None yet
    Last edited by Greg McCary; 07-30-2006 at 08:58 PM.

  7. #132
    Senior Member AmberC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Amber C

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    my name

    Virginia Beach, Va

    Ft. Belvoir, Va

    Other places I've lived:
    South Carolina, Okinawa Japan, California, New York, Washington State, Different areas of Va, New Hamshire, Hawaii.. (not in this order adn I've been across country 4-5 times)

    Like to Retire:
    Goodness.. retirement is a long way off and at the moment I am not really sure

    My mom calls us Heinz 57 ;). Roots in English, French, Italian, American Indian and a lot more on my dads side

    Yup. Married for 5.5 and so far two daughters.

    Languages I speak:

    Well.. I grad HS and have plans for college, but cannot afford it at the moment.

    Stay at Home Mom until my kids are bigger. I refuse to do daycare.

    Religious affiliation (if any): I am Catholic and my husband and daughters are Presbyterian

    Political affiliation (if any): I dont like politics.

    Other hobbies: horseback riding, hiking, snorkeling/swimming, keeping tropical aquariums, anything outdoors

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Hmm. I've have always enjoyed it, but I have only been taking it more seriously in the past year or so.

    First "real" camera:
    I cannot remember.

    How I found
    Google search for photography forums. I hadn't come across any I liked until this one.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    lol.. a few days ago...

    Favorite forum:
    Nature and Wildlife

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Sony Cybershot DSC-H1

    Camera I use the most:
    that one

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I love digital because I can get the photo instantly and I can just put it up on my computer and print them out whenever I wish. I can keep all my photos on CD's instead of photo albums laying around taking up space which I do not have. I can get pictures of my children printed out for family easily.

    What I like about
    There are a lot of friendly knowledgeable people here. I love seeing all the photos and of course making new friends.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Well my aunt had an idea that I really liked which was photographing peoples kids, not in a studio, but going to the park and taking pictures of peoples kids at play as my job. It would be a great job as I can bring my own kids along with me and people love pics of their children and its something I love doing so why not make a little money doing it. But if that does not pan out.. I just want to take pictures.. not to accomplish anything, but just for me because I enjoy it.
    cam: Sony a100 DSLR
    Please do not edit my images.. thanks

  8. #133
    I like it RAW Devin MacShawn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Tampa, FL

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Devin MacShawn Nathaniel P.

    Devin MacShawn

    Wurzburg, GE

    October 1978, Tampa, FL

    Other places I have lived
    Tacoma, WA/Schewinfurt, Germany/Jacksonville, AR/ Williston, FL/Misawa, Japan

    Would like to retire
    After 20 years in the Air Force




    Some college

    USAF Supply Tech

    Religious affiliation
    Independent Baptist

    Political affiliation
    It depends on how I’m feeling on any given day.

    Photography of course, Snowboarding, Travel, finding songs to put in my Ipods

    How long have I been a photographer
    I guess since I bought my first camera in 2000.

    First real camera
    Back in 1992 my big brother gave me an old Yashica from the early or mid 80’s. I don’t remember the model #.

    How I found
    I was looking for cool photo stuff online and the site came up on a search.

    Date I joined PR
    I joined in July 28th 2004 but never posted anything until July 2006. I don’t know why I did that. I’m just now realizing how great this site is.

    Favorite forum
    Photo Critque

    Favorite subjects
    People (although I’m very shy and have to be very comfortable to shoot them), Statues, Sunsets

    Camera I use the most
    Canon 10D

    Why I prefer film or digital
    With digital I can shoot 1000 shots of a subject and if only one comes out good, no one has to know! Plus it’s just cheaper and easier.

    What I like about
    THE TALENT!!!! And the fact that people here are passionate about their images and others.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography
    I’d like to see my photographs displayed permanently in public places.
    Last edited by Devin MacShawn; 08-03-2006 at 06:04 AM.

  9. #134
    Senior Member WsW-WYATT-EARP's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Ben Q

    WsW-WYATT-EARP (became my gaming handle long ago ... use it for everything)

    Union Grove, WI

    May 4, 1972 Burlington, WI

    Other places I have lived
    general area in southeastern wi.

    Would like to retire
    whenever there is enough funds

    you name it - its probably in me



    2 year associates degree in computer network technology


    Religious affiliation

    Political affiliation
    could care less .. messed up no matter which way

    Computers, Golf, Bowling, Road Biking, R/C racing, photography

    How long have I been a photographer
    taken pics for about 10 years ... actually "using" a camera a few months

    First real camera
    my coolpix 5700 about a year ago.

    How I found
    I was looking for cool photo stuff online and the site came up on a search.

    Date I joined PR
    I joined on June 28th 2006

    Favorite forum
    View Finder

    Favorite subjects
    Nature , My dogs

    Camera I use the most
    Nikon Coolpix 5700

    Why I prefer film or digital
    Digital, can shoot 1000's of pix ... upload them to storage and shoot again... if they turn out well easy to get a print of, easy to post on a website or distribute via email.

    What I like about
    The people here and the experience and willing to share experiences / ideas with others

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography
    I want to be a better shooter .. take better pics at family gatherings , sport games , my dogs. Learn to use the settings on my camera rather than automatic. Someday in the near future have a DSLR in my grips too. :thumbsup:

  10. #135
    I like it RAW Devin MacShawn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Tampa, FL

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Here are some of my favorite photos I've taken...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-christ-red.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-night-stat.jpg  

  11. #136
    Fab is offline
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hi folks,
    Just joined so I though I'd introduce myself.

    Name: Fabio Tonelli

    Location: Sydney, Australia

    Born: Rome, Italy (came to Aus when I was 7)

    Languages: I'm still fairly fluent in Italian

    Occupation: CAD Manager

    How long a photographer: I started doing photography at school but then dropped it for a long time and I've only just come back to.

    Camera: Nikon D70s

    Other hobbies: Formula 1, Tennis, Football

    Essentially I started doing photography at school, the old fashioned way, 35mm B&W, had a bulk loader, developed my own photos (the whole sheabang). I then dropped it for a very long time, used to take the odd photo here and there but nothing fancy. For my 40th a couple of months ago, my wife and family decided to lash out and get me a Nikon D70s with a Tamron 28-300mm zoom. Which is fantastic, however I'm having to relearn everything that I've forgotten, so I may be asking a few questions of you experts.


  12. #137
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Edmonton Alberta Canada

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    alright, ill play

    Name: Brian D. campbell

    Meaning of handle: well, Brian was taken, so i added two 0's to feel important, kinda like james bond

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any): soon to be Clan O'Canon

    Location: Edmonton Alberta Canada

    Born: Red Deer Alberta Canada

    Other places I've lived: as above

    Like to Retire: In the rocky Mountains, but in truth id LIKE to retire in hawaii

    Ethnicity: umm, as far back as i can find Canadian...although my mom was born during holiday in mexico

    Marriage/Family: not old enough to be married, live with mother sister and brother

    Languages I speak: English and a little bit of spanish

    Education: Grade 11 high school (no i didnt drop out, thats where im at)

    Occupation: Student, and Bicycle mechanic

    Religious affiliation (if any): Athiast

    Political affiliation (if any): woohoo (nothing)

    Other hobbies: Mountain biking, classical guitar and well photography

    How long I have been a photographer: about 6 months

    First "real" camera: soon to be Cannon digital rebel XT

    When I joined 2006

    Favorite forum: Sports photography

    Photogatherings I have attended: none

    Favorite subjects: car races, Freestysle motocross, and mountain biking

    Current Gear (Digital): none, well...a cheap digital camera

    Why I prefer film or digital: lack of devoloping skill...and digital is much easier to edit

    What I like about the knowledge from all the members, lots to be learned

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: to capture those moments that happen so fast you would have had no idea they exsist. like the face you make flying through the air, or that little detail that the light caught just right, that makes what your doing that makes it seem a whole lot more dangerous, or exciting.

  13. #138
    Junior Member CyberF828's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Meaning of handle: My Camera Sony-cybershot F828

    Location: Wi / ILL

    Born: May 1971.

    Like to retire: Somewhere out West.

    Ethnicity: Italian and German

    Marriage and Family: Married

    Languages I speak: English.

    Occupation: Lab/Fire Dept

    Other hobbies: Photos, weight-lifting, mountain biking, motorcycles and hot rods

    How long I've been a photographer: I just

    First camera: A Sony Cybershot (DSC-P72)

    How I found this place: Looking for Sony info on forums.

    Date I joined: 9-22-06

    Favorite subjects:People and animal

    Current Gear: Sony F828 and Sony P73

    Camera I use most: Sony P73 its small and pocket size.

    Why I prefer film or digital: Digital

    What I like about Everything so far looks like a fun place

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: Nothing I love to take photos and have a external harddrive just for them.

    My photo will come soon sorry I am at work.

  14. #139
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Phoenix AZ

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Looks like it's about time to bump this one again
    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

    Check out the Welcome Thread

    My photography on Myspace

  15. #140
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Name: Been called Ronnoco since I was a kid.

    Ethnicity: 4th generation Canadian, bilingual and I love the snow and the cold

    Languages Spoken: English, French, German, some Spanish, Lithuanian and other languages

    Education: University, Teachers College, Community College

    Careers: Media Consultant, Photographer, Videographer, Producer, Director, Elementary School Teacher, High School Teacher, University Professor, Teaching teachers, Journalist Did camera work on a production of Mother Theresa of Calcutta, and directed a production on John Howard Griffith who wrote the famous 50s book: Black Like Me about segregation in the southern states.
    (I believe in diversification and not getting bored! )

    Retire: Too busy making money and spending it. Lot's of fun!

    How long have you been a photographer? Well, longer than anyone here.

    How long have you been in television and video? Same answer as above.

    What subjects have you taught? Photography, Computer Animation, Television Production, (Computers in Education (in French), English, French, German,

    Politics: Well I was highly amused by being called a "fascist pinko" by a teacher, but I really tend to be liberal.

    Unusual or catastrophic experiences: lots, from a tornado coming through our campsite to suicide and a near fatal car accident in the immediate family.

    Bottom line: I have never, ever, been bored, or led a dull life.

    Last edited by Ronnoco; 11-12-2006 at 06:32 PM.

  16. #141
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Basking Ridge, NJ

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hello... I just joined the forum and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a beginner and recently got back into the hobby of photography... I use my trusty Rebel XT and have gotten to take some different shots here and there. I live in NJ and am accountant/auditor by day... and photography forum nerd by night!! Below are a few recent pics -

    Name:  nyc2.jpg
Views: 500
Size:  20.3 KB

    Name:  park.jpg
Views: 479
Size:  43.5 KB

    Name:  34th.jpg
Views: 477
Size:  21.9 KB

    Name:  duck.jpg
Views: 532
Size:  18.4 KB

    Thanks for letting me introduce myself and Happy Holidays!

  17. #142
    Make yourself a dang quesadilla! OBie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Charlotte, NC

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    My dog (standard poodle - think large poodle) is named OB - short for Out of Bounds (the golfing term)

    Charlotte, NC

    New Jersey

    Other places I've lived:
    Ohio (college ouside of Cleveland), Cirencester, England for a semester of college

    Like to Retire:
    I'd love to have the Rockies in my backyard, on a horse farm.

    married w/3 kids (or 4, as the joke goes, if you count my husband), 2 dogs (both standard podles), 1 cat (currently high on catnip)

    BA Equestrian Studies (yeah, really!)

    Real Estate Assistant - I handle the marketing and website maintenance for an agent.

    Political affiliation (if any): Do you really think we can believe anything anyone in government says? I've never found it possible to align myself with one of two choices, when I won't ever agree 100% with either one of them. I have my own thoughts, ideas, and beliefs - some liberal, some conservative. Kind of an a-la-carte bent.

    Other hobbies: dog training, golf (husband is a 5 handicap - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em), drawing (although not of late)

    How long I have been a photographer:
    ever since my grandmother gave me my first camera to take to camp around 36 years ago. Although I'd say I've been 'taking pictures' for that long, as opposed to I've been 'a photgrapher' that long.

    First "real" camera:
    That would be a Konica that I got in 1980. Took amazing pictures - wish it still worked

    How I found
    When I went digital last Feb, I needed help.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Feb or March of 2006

    Favorite forum:
    Nature & Sports

    Favorite subjects:
    My children doing their various activities, which has forced me to learn how to work in a variety of settings (indoor pools, night football games, bright daylight at the golf course) with different challenges - ever tried to take photos of diving?

    Current Gear:
    Nikon D50
    Nikkor 18-55mm 3.5-5.6
    NEW!! Sigma 70-200mm 2.8
    Quantaray 70-300 f5.6 or something equally awful
    Bogen monopod
    Hoya filter setup with tons of filters that I never use (from the Konica days)

    Camera I use the most:
    The only one I have that works - the D50

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Converted to digital early this year (2006), and I like the instant gratification, but still trying to work out a good workflow, not spending hours PP (I shoot in RAW)

    What I like about
    Seeing other's photos, learning a LOT - having things pointed out in a photo that I'd never see myself (even if it's not my photo)

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Just to take great photos for my family's & friend's enjoyment for now

    A few of my favorite pictures:

    OBie. Not Obi-Wan, just OBie.

  18. #143
    the analog kid Max P D's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Borough of Shmeng, NE Michigan, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Name: Dan

    Meaning of handle: Refers to the concept Maximum Printable Density created by one of my earliest mentors Fred Picker, now sadly deceased, who developed this black and white printing method as part of Zone VI Studios. His technique really helped me fine tune my early b&w years (though I've still not yet mastered it with the introduction of digital overshadowing analog photography) That said, I'm still very much an analog "kid."

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any): toy camera geek squad

    Location: Bay City, Michigan

    Born: same

    Other places I've lived: eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan - best years of my life, best people

    Like to Retire: I don't plan on retiring

    Ethnicity: Equal mix of German/French descent

    Marriage/Family: not yet

    Languages I speak: English and some Spanish

    Education: yup - lernin is gud

    Occupation: photographer

    Religious affiliation (if any): agnostic but REALLY hope there is a God out there

    Political affiliation (if any): will vote for the best candidate, but definately have strong Dem. tendencies...

    Other hobbies: primarily a road biker but love mountain biking almost as much, nature, running, bird watching, touring, camping, art, good books.

    How long I have been a photographer: about 25 years

    First "real" camera: Minolta X-700

    How I found Google search for "Holga"

    Date I joined PR: mid-2006

    Favorite forum: Viewfinder/Toy Camera

    Photogatherings I have attended: none

    Favorite subjects: Anything that makes a great photograph

    Current Gear:

    35mm film and digital
    4x5 Zone VI field camera (film)

    Why I prefer film or digital: I like both

    What I like about Megan Green's Holga work really inspires me to be better Holga photographer - and MtbBrian is no slouch either! Come on people, let's see some more Holga images! I know, I know, I've been pretty lax on posting Holga stuff on this site lately, but I live in northern Michigan fachrissakes! (is the sun still shining?!)

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: To produce excellent images - no more, no less (it obviously doesn't always happen folks. ;) )

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Max P D; 12-31-2006 at 10:48 PM. Reason: update
    "Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire." - Reggie Leach

  19. #144
    Likes to play in cemeteries GraveyardMistress's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    I like to play in graveyards Seriously, I spend a lot of time in cemeteries. They are my favorite place to take pictures, and I also do gravestone rubbings. I am currently working on a project to transcribe local cemeteries and catalog them photographically.

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Clubs? None yet, but if someone will show me the way...

    Central Maine

    Central Maine

    Other places I've lived:
    Manchester, NH

    Like to Retire:
    Someplace warm with lots of animals England would be nice, too

    Mix of French, American Indian, Scottish and Irish.... and probably a few others in the mixing pot somewhere.

    I have two furbabies - A husky and a cat ... those are my kids

    Languages I speak:

    High school and real estate school..... looking at going back to college for forensics

    I work at a publishing company.

    Religious affiliation (if any): not really affiliated with any one religion, but I do study wicca.

    Political affiliation (if any): whichever candidate makes the most sense; it has nothing to do with parties. I am more liberal, though.

    Other hobbies: gravestone rubbing, genealogy, reading, my pets, softball & baseball (go Sox!), paranormal studies.

    How long I have been a photographer: depends on what you consider a photographer I've been taking pictures since I could pick up a camera, but I've been really concentrating more on my photography the last 5 - 6 years.

    First "real" camera:
    Minolta X-700

    How I found
    Googling for camera reviews

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is inaccurate):
    I've been coming here to read reviews for a long time, but just joined the forums today.

    Favorite forum:
    Ummm.... I'll have to decide that after I've poked around a bit!

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None yet.

    Favorite subjects:
    Animals and wildlife, nature, cemeteries, landscapes

    Current Gear:
    Canon Rebel T2 with a 28 - 90mm lens (I just got the camera and it came in a kit... not the best, but something to start with)

    Canon Powershot SD800 IS ... and I'm shopping for a DSLR

    Camera I use the most:
    my Powershot

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I've always liked film better, because I haven't had a digital yet that could compare, and I like having the prints (I know you can make prints from digital, but it just isn't the same) but I like the ease of digital and the absence of developing costs!

    What I like about
    The reviews; they are very helpful. I have a feeling, though, that the forums are gonna be right up there once I get to know everyone!

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    To capture memories; the beauty of everyday life that you might only glimpse for a moment but want to have with you forever.

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-phorev1.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-phorev2.jpg  
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  20. #145
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Seattle, WA USA

    Hi...New to the forum...


    Stumbled across this group this evening and have enjoyed poking into the corners of your little world so thought I'd join up...

    My names Ric and I'm a long time Pro Photographer and certified Apple and Adobe Trainer

    I am also proud to say I work for a company that really is about the Photographer...Digital Railroad. I'm the Sr Director of Professional Imaging and Education for them and give seminars all over the world on their behalf...Digital Workflow Best Practices, How to Break into Stock etc...

    I'm a member or have been a member of most of the Pro Orgs...APA, ASMP, NANPA, NAPP, NPPA etc

    Here's a cross section of some of my work from the last year...some of these are from the Photo Safaris I lead (Grizzlies and Japan) and some are from my "other" position as the official team Photographer for the USA National Kayak and Canoe team and some are from my commercial work...

    Looking forward to getting involved and getting to know some of you...Hiopefully I can lend a hand now and then...


    Ric Kasnoff Photographer
    Senior Director
    Professional Imaging and Education

    Digital Railroad

    Certified Apple Trainer | Certified Adobe Instructor
    Member: NANPA | NPPA | APA | NAPP | Artists Trust

    View samples from the 2007 shoot year:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-20060521_madonna_conf_008.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-20060704_bears_finals_010.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-20071105_usa_whitewater2_207.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-20071125_koya_temple_hdr_001.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-20071212_hawaii_surf1_291.jpg  

  21. #146
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Talking Re: new

    hi everyone, i have just joined so i thought that i would let you know a little about me. i enjoy taking pictures of wildlife, flowers,:thumbsup: motorbikes, i have just invested in a nikon d300 and i own a few lens ie..... 17-55, 70-300, makro lens and plenty of photography mags . if i can figure out how i can put some of my photos on here i will. have found out how i can so i shall do that now. all the photos i have done are as you see them no fixing on the photo programs .... only because i have not had the time yet!!! sorry i have to make the photos smaller as far to big, so once i have that sorted i will upload them.

  22. #147
    has-been... another view's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockford, IL

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hi Topcat - you already posted in the thread I was going to point you towards for how to post photos here. If anybody else needs it, it's right here.

    The other part of your question about how to make images smaller depends on how you're using your camera. I'm a Nikon guy but I have a D200 so I can probably help a little. There are two different types of files you can shoot with your camera; a jpeg or a NEF. You'll need Nikon's software to work with NEF's (I'd recommend eventually upgrading to Capture NX if you don't have it already) but a lot of software can work with jpegs. If you only need a quick and easy (and free) way to resize, try Irfanview. With this, open the image and (going from memory, I don't have it on this computer) select resize/resample which might be under the edit tab. Change the size to about 600 pixels in the longest of the two dimensions and they'll post just fine here. Make sure to "save as" so you don't lose your original. I usually save this small copy to the desktop so it's easy to find, then post as shown in the other thread I mentioned above.

    PS - great stuff, Ric!

  23. #148
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Aaron Lehoux

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    When I had the funds for it, I collected antique Chinese and Japanese swords. xia ke roughly translates to chivalrous swordsman

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Nikon Samurai but, I forgot my number

    Southern Maine

    Southern Maine

    Other places I've lived:
    Various towns in Southern Maine

    Like to Retire:
    A log cabin in the woods of Canada or Alaska


    nope and nope

    Languages I speak:
    English and très peu français

    Religious affiliation (if any):
    if I HAD to pick one, I guess the closest would be a taoist

    Political affiliation (if any):
    I'm straight down the middle as both sides are crooked

    Other hobbies:
    Hiking, reading, philosophy, antiques

    How long I have been a photographer:
    been shooting seriously 1 year, since I joined here

    First "real" camera:
    Kodak DC210 if you can call it real first SLR was a Nikon D50

    How I found
    looking at reviews when researching DSLR's

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    January 2007

    Favorite forum:
    Take A Guess

    Favorite subjects:
    Landscapes/Nature and ahhhh... my cats

    Current Gear:
    Nikkormat FT3
    Nikkormat EL

    28mm 2.8
    50mm 1.8E
    50mm 2.0
    105mm 2.5
    135mm 3.5
    300mm 4.5

    Olympus OM-G

    28-80mm 3.5-4.5
    50mm 1.8
    75-200mm 4.5-5.6

    Canonet QL17 GIII

    Medium Format:
    Rolleicord V
    Holga 120N

    Gossen Luna Pro S Meter

    Amvona AT 818 Tripod

    Who me?:crazy:

    Camera I use the most:
    Rolleicord V

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I prefer the look and process of film. Nothing like the feeling of pulling a freshly developed roll out of the tank.

    What I like about
    What's not to like? Everyone is very friendly and quick to help out one another

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    To hopefully be able to translate what I see in the world around me to a final print

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    Sun Through The Trees taken with Rolleicord V and Acros 100

    A Christmas Portrait taken with Rolleicord V and Neopan 400

    My Favorite Spot taken with Rolleicord V and Neopan 400

    And last, a picture of me. A self portrait shot with my trusty Rolleicord into a mirror and reversed in Photoshop.
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
    Please do not edit my photos, thank you.

  24. #149
    Junior Member styrofoamheart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Miami, FL, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Melanie Patterson

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    Just a name. I wanted something more...deep than previous names. Though it really has no meaning to it, at all.

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    I'm new so...hah.

    Miami, Florida.

    Miami, Florida.

    Other places I've lived:
    About a mile and a half away from my current residence..yeah, I;m not privileged in that department.

    Like to Retire:
    I'm not even thinking about that yet, I'm only 15! I'm thinking about where'd I'd like to go to college/art school, and I'm hoping somewhere on the West coast.

    I'm half Jamaican, half "African-American", though I think the term is a little...derogatory.

    Not married, far from it, hah. And I have 2 older sisters, whom are graduated from college, and we all live with my mom and dad.

    Languages I speak:
    English, that's it. I live in Miami, so I should know Spanish by now. Yeah, right.

    Student in high school. I'm in the Visual Arts academy, but I've chosen the art strand over the photography strand. Next year will be my 11th grade year, and I will be taking the AP 2-D Design course.

    Student C:

    Religious affiliation (if any):
    I'm Presbyterian. I'm a VERY proud Christian!

    Political affiliation (if any):
    I'm really not interested in politics- currently, at least.

    Other hobbies:
    I'm a drawer/painter, as well as a dancer. I also love reading and writing. I'm an artsy person, I guess.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    I started taking it seriously after my photography course last school year, 2006-2007.

    First "real" camera:
    I asked for a camera one Christmas, cause I wanted to take up photography 3 years ago. My dad bought me an Olympus-something-or-other. That camera was good for nothing.

    How I found
    Searching for photography inspiration through Google. I'm dead out of ideas.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Today, February 9th, 2008.

    Favorite forum:
    Not sure yet. I've gotten time to browse a bit, but not enough to really find a "home", so to speak.

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None, hah.

    Favorite subjects:
    I really don't have one favorite. I photograph an array of things, because I'm still trying to find that one thing. So far though, I'm really liking abstract, conceptual, concerts, and self-portraits.

    Current Gear:
    Canon Rebel XTi
    18-55mm Kit Lens
    Quantaray 70-300mm Lens
    Nikon CoolPix P3

    Camera I use the most:
    Rebel XTi

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I haven't worked with film. I'm infuriated with myself because I had dark room access last year and I was too comfortable with digital to work outside of it. I even rolled my own film, shot, but never processed or developed it.

    What I like about
    So FAR, I like the family-like connection I see that people have, just because I've been lurking. It's also a good way to keep inspiration and those ideas flowing.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I'm not sure what I'd like to accomplish. I guess what I'd really like to do is experiment with everything possible, just because I can. One thing I'd really like to take on is photojournalism. Something that's always interested me is Indian cultures, partially because I'm 1/16th Indian. I think India would be a beautiful subject to have on camera, just to see rural life, and all the work everyone in the family has to put in- something American families often take for granted.

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    I apologize in advance for any watermarks- I really really love some of my photos, haha.

    And lastly, ME

  25. #150
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    I love bright color photography, aquamarine being one of my favorite colors....

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):

    Seattle, WA

    Ames, Iowa

    Other places I've lived:
    Iowa until I was two years old, then Seattle. I also lived in McMinnville, OR for four years while i went to college.

    Like to Retire:
    When the time is right.

    White...(or caucasian??). Basically i'm English, German, Swedish and a sprinkling of Irish.

    Workin on it....

    Languages I speak:
    English and I should be fluent in Spanish considering i took it for almost 8 yrs....

    Just graduated with a Bachelors in Athletic Training (basically emergency care and physical therapy for athletes).

    Certified Athletic Trainer at a Physical Therapy Clinic

    Other hobbies:
    I like to draw, anything involving sports and outdoor recreation, i'm there... nature is my best friend.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Started taking it seriously about 3-4 yrs ago

    First "real" camera:
    Canon Powershot S3 IS my ex bought me for my birthday last thing i got out of him, he he.

    How I found
    Google search for photo project ideas

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Today, February 23, 2008

    Favorite forum:
    This is the first forum i've belonged to, so i've yet to get my feet wet.

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None yet, but i'd love to in the future.

    Favorite subjects:
    I love portraits and candid shots of people...however i find them difficult so i don't have too many. I also love the view of the puget sound and olympic mountains from my house. My canon has a great macro setting and i've been playing with that more and more as well.

    Current Gear:
    Canon Powershot S3 IS

    Camera I use the most:
    Canon Powershot S3 IS

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I've never worked with film, never taken a photography class or anything. I would like to play around with it but i dont have access to a darkroom/supplies, etc. Digital is nice because i do like to edit occasionally.

    What I like about
    So far it seems very friendly, lots of fun projects and topics.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I love to take random objects or scenes and find the unique beauty in things, no matter how abstract. Currently I take photos for my own pleasure; however, i have been considering trying to generate some sort of income from them. But overall, i just enjoy capturing moments that are special or unique.

    A few of my favorite pictures:

    My favorite portrait of my sister:

    And this is me....on one of my not so better days....but i still like the portrait!
    Last edited by aquamarine; 02-25-2008 at 10:54 PM.

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