ViewFinder Photography Forum

General discussion - our photography living room. Talk about aesthetics, philosophy, share your photos - get inspired by your peers! Moderated by another view and walterick.
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  1. #101
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    KY, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Sounds like a great project. I'd be interested in what you are including. I have done the bridges here in Fleming County of course. Some of my latest images are on a web site that I use for marketing photos. If you want to check them out you can go to .
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

    "A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.

  2. #102
    Senior Member srobb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mt. Sterling KY

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Very nice pics. Love the flowers and such. I see you have some pics of the Goddard (I think that's right) Bridge while it's being restored. Are they still in the process of that? Love your site. Would like to talk to you about that, but may do it in a pm so we don't clog it up on here.

  3. #103
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Kalamazoo, Mi

    Wink Re: Photographyreview: The People

    I'm John, from Kalamazoo, Mi., retired, and I spent the past summer working out my D70 at Southwest Michigan Devil Rays games. I had 3 of my pictures (from 2004) turned into baseball cards. Also had a couple of pictures from this year published in At The Yard, a national publication about minor league baseball. Lately I've been shooting the fall colors and landscapes here in southwest Michigan.

  4. #104
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    I'm really new here but I'm enjoying it so far.

    Name: Melissa Reid

    Location: Southern Vermont

    Born: In the beautiful Berkshires, MA

    Like to retire: Can't even think about that yet...

    Ethnicity: French Canadian and English mostly

    Married with 2 beautiful children.

    I have BA degree in Psych.

    I work in a Technology Purchasing Department at a bank.

    Other hobbies:
    Crafts, scrapbooking (not the cuties kind!), reading, looking at really good photographers/artist's work

    How long have I been a photographer:
    Well not really one yet although I'm working on it.

    First "real" camera:
    My Canon 10D. I've had others but this one is probably my first "real" one.

    How I found
    Doing a search for photography message boards.

    Date I joined PR:
    Novemeber 05

    Favorite forum:
    No favorite yet.

    Favorite subjects:
    Cemeteries/monuments, weddings, people

    Current gear:
    Canon 10D (want a Canon 5D and an Epson RD1 eventually)

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I like the really fast learning curve on the digital SLR. Oh and instant gratification...

    What I like about
    So far I like the photo project but I need to spend more hanging around.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Two things - 1. Become good enough to shoot weddings solo. 2. Make good pictures.

    Some of my favorite pictures right now... (It's always changing.)

  5. #105
    Junior Member Nuck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Murray, Ky, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    This is my first post but it lookd as good a place to start as any

    Name: Lee Nuckols

    Location: Murray Kentucky (Murray State University)

    Born: Owensboro, Ky

    Like to retire: Still be alive

    Ethnicity: Caucasian (Czech, with some dutch and german for heftiness)

    In a loving relationship, not married yet though

    Currently pursuing a bachelor in Music Education

    Student-just quit substitute teaching to go back to school, trying to get a job at Radio Shack or Kroger

    Other hobbies:
    Music, Marching Band, Teaching, Gaming

    How long have I been a photographer:
    Since I opened up my gift from Santa Claus and a Camera was there

    First "real" camera:
    Kodak Z740

    How I found
    Doing a search for photography message boards.

    Date I joined PR:

    Favorite forum:
    No favorite yet.

    Favorite subjects:
    My cats, My Girlfriend, Landscapes

    Current gear:
    Kodak Z740

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital is easy to learn, easy to pic up, easy to share, and easy to develop a love for photography

    What I like about
    Looks like a good friendly place, although it doesn't seem to like Firefox very much

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Have Fun, take some good pictures

    Some of my favorite pics I have taken so far
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-ac5.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-picture-014.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-100_0204.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-picture-016.jpg  

  6. #106
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    I love the third picture, great framing, tak sharp, and good DOF. Have you tried it in sepia? I think it would look better than the red. I like it a lot though.

  7. #107
    Sports photo junkie jorgemonkey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    San Jose, CA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    An inside joke having to do something with me always climbing stuff and one of those dancing monkeys who sing "The Makarena" (sp?)

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Nikon Samurai #21

    San Jose, CA

    San Jose, CA

    Other places I've lived:
    All over northern Alabama & northeastern Mississippi

    Like to Retire:
    Somewhere where I can ride my MTB and take as many pictures as possible

    White (British, Welsh, German, Danish)

    Got married of August '05

    Languages I speak:
    English, some spanish

    High school, goin to college now

    Student & warehousing, product photography, other things involved with a small business

    Religious affiliation (if any): LDS (Mormon)

    Political affiliation (if any): I vote for who I believe is the best candidate for the job

    Other hobbies: Mountain Biking, Hockey, playing guitar in a band

    How long I have been a photographer:
    5 years

    First "real" camera:
    Canon T50

    How I found
    Links from

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    I don't remember, sometime in '05

    Favorite forum:
    Sports Photography

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    None yet

    Favorite subjects:
    Mountain Biking, Hockey, macro, nature stuff

    Current Gear:
    Nikon D70, D1, D1h
    Sigma 24mm f2.8, 28-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 135-400, 150mm Macro
    And a few other assorted cheaper lenses

    Camera I use the most:
    Depends on what I shoot. Most sports I use the D1h, and use the D70 closeup shots of people while playing. If I'm not shooting sports its the D70

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I prefer digital cause I've gotten lazy, and as a newly married student living in CA, I can't afford to keep buying film and having it processed

    Here is a shot of my ugly mug, taken by my wife on our honeymoon near Mono Lake
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-saras-077.jpg  
    Nikon Samurai #21


    Nikon 35mm F1.8, 35 F2, 50mm F1.8, 70-200 F2.8 VR
    Sigma 150mm F2.8 Macro
    Tokina 12-24 F4
    SB900 & SB800 flashes

  8. #108
    Dog Photographer AC_Photo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Somers, WI. USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Mike Stromberg

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    Stands for "All Creatures Photography"

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Don't know if one would want me.

    Somers, WI.

    Bettendorf, Iowa

    Other places I've lived:
    Lots of places in Illinois (raised there)

    Like to Retire:
    Montana perhaps. Someplace with lots of nature and very few people.

    English/Germain/Scottish is the main. Although the name was from a Swede.

    Married with 5 fur-kids

    Languages I speak:

    Just High School.

    I was a Database Administrator. Because of downsizing and other issues, I'm now a commission salesman at Sears.

    Religious affiliation (if any):

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Conservative. I like to say I follow the party of common sense, but there's no such thing. Too sensible.

    Other hobbies:
    Computers, competitive shooting, antique cameras.

    First "real" camera:
    Minolta "A"

    How long I've been a photographer:
    Started when I was about 12. Became more serious about it at 18,
    so about 27 years or so.

    How I found
    While searching for other things I think.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Not long ago. Can't remember when, but this year.

    Favorite forum:

    Favorite subjects:
    Action, candid, macro

    Current Gear:
    Canon 20D and lots of other stuff

    Camera I use the most:
    The 20D

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital. Instant feedback, higher uninterrupted capacity, low cost. I saved enough money in photo processing in 6 months to pay for the camera.

    What I like about
    Friendly people. Great info.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I have a dream of going full-time with my photography. I don't really expect this to happen, but it would be great.

    Favorite pic:
    Hard to say. I think it would probably be one of my old slides somewhere. I've spent 30 min.s looking for something that I could call favorite. I'll give you the link to my gallery instead. We're re-designing the website, so it doesn't have much on it yet.

    This was taken for me 3 1/2 years ago on my wedding day. This is on the back of our 3 acre farm. We both put on an enormous amount of weight in the preceding 6 months getting ready for this. Yes, those are all our dogs. Have I mentioned that we're dog people?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-dsc00671.jpg  

  9. #109
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central Ohio

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    OK, it's been a little over a month since joining and it's been fun and informative. I think by now you have learned a little about my style and attitudes. But since I probably know more about you (senior members) than you know me, I thought it only fair to spill the beans.

    So here goes...

    Hideta (pronounced, he-day-ta)

    Meaning of handle:
    1) Denotes my upbringing during strictly film times
    2) Spent years looking through my trusty loupe
    3) How I feel after a brandy (or two) in the evening when I’m typically logged-on (but spelled the other way)

    Dorky PR club I belong to:

    Ohio, USA

    Osaka, Japan

    Other places I've lived:
    Japan until age 4 ½

    Like to Retire:
    Alaska when the mosquitoes aren’t sucking and the black flies aren’t biting.
    Otherwise, to the set of The Waltons, or Newhart, or even The Little House on the Prairie

    Japanese (with some samurai roots)

    One of those and two of them (kids)

    Languages I speak:
    English, Japanese, and a little German

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    Business owner of a manufacturing firm, commercial actor and model (spending about equal time on both sides of the camera)

    Religious affiliation: None

    Political affiliation : None, but generally support the smarter candidate.

    Other hobbies: Sport fishing of all types, boating, traveling.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Since the 4th grade. But seriously since high school.

    First "real" camera:
    Canon A-1 SLR

    How I found
    Researching consumer reviews of lenses prior to recent purchases.

    Date I joined PR:
    Officially February 10, 2006; but have been reading the equipment reviews since September, 2005

    Favorite forum:
    Critique followed by Nature

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    In order: macro, landscape, wildlife, people, travel

    Current Gear (Main):
    Canon EOS 10D
    Canon 24-85 f/3.5-4.5
    Canon 17-40 f/4 L
    Canon 24-70 f/2.8 L
    Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L IS
    Canon 2xII teleconverter
    Canon 430 EX flash
    Promaster, Spectrum 7 extension tube set
    Contax macro focusing rail

    Current Gear (Secondary):
    Bronica ETRS 645 Medium Format
    Bronica 50mm
    Bronica 75mm
    Bronica 150mm
    Bronica Extension Tube
    Metz 45 CL-4 flash
    Vivitar 285HV flash

    Current Gear (fun and family):
    Contax TVS II (35mm point-and-shoot)
    Sony T-33 (digital point-and-shoot)
    Minolta Dimage X (digital point-and-shoot)

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Until recently considered myself a “purist” film shooter. However, I learned that I like spending time with friends and family more than in a darkroom. Digital offers unimaginable creativity, with which I have yet to come to terms. Consider myself as novice when it comes to using PhotoShop and have been limiting myself to keeping digital manipulation to a minimum.

    What I like about
    Ability to share ideas and tips. Ability to see work by others that I would not normally see nor expect to imitate. Ability to read equipment spec’s and consumers’ reviews.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Instill conservation attitudes in people by showing the beauty in the natural world.

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    Some have already been posted in the forums and in my gallery. My best work is on 120 film and have not yet been digitized.

    and lastly, Me:
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Please do not edit or repost my images.

    See my website HERE.

    What's a Loupe for anyway?

  10. #110
    Professional lurker STinGa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    L'ville, GA USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    It is from my MTBR handle which is from the kind of mountain bike I ride and where I am from … a Soft-Tail in Georgia.

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    None, yet.

    Just north of Atlanta

    Other places I've lived:
    Middle Tn.

    Like to Retire:
    Florida and NY … I would be a reversed snowbird

    wife and 3 kiddos

    BS and numerous work related schools

    Poor govt worker

    Other hobbies: Cycling … both road and mountain biking ... spending as much time with my kids as possible ... anything outdoors.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    15 years

    First "real" camera:
    Minolta X-700

    How I found
    I found this site through my time at

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is inaccurate):
    Fall 2005

    Favorite subjects:
    Shots from my bike rides, pics of the family and all of the family’s sports related activities, vacations, etc.

    Current Gear:
    My wife’s Rebel
    My Elan
    And my Minolta X-700

    Various lenses for all of the above

    Canon 20D
    And my kiddo’s HP P&S (2 of them)

    Camera I use the most:
    20D … only had it for 2 months and still learning and playing

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I prefer the convenience of digital to film

    What I am trying to accomplish:
    To make myself a better photographer. I took two years of photography in college and I truly miss the experimentation and creativity that came with the classes. Many of my skills are rusty and I want to fix that problem and expand my abilities. I would like to better use all of the functions of my camera and not use it as an expensive P&S.

  11. #111
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004



    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    nickname and the Navy

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):

    Philadelphia for now

    Other places I've lived:
    New Mexico; Ventura, CA; San Diego, CA; Oak Harbor, WA; Baltimore, MD; the big blue ocean on a boat; and the big brown sandbox

    Like to Retire:

    no wife, no kids

    a little college, a lot of life

    Freelance photojournalist

    Other hobbies: construction, building cameras, pistol target shooting, long range rifle shooting, writing, bicycling, tinkering, home improvement projects, outdoorsey stuff

    How long I have been a photographer:
    I don't know, since I was 14 maybe? that's... 15 years I guess

    First "real" camera:
    Pentax ME Super

    How I found
    looking for reviews on gear

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is inaccurate):
    not a clue. I think 2000, but I had a different screenname back then.

    Favorite subjects:
    photojournalism, artistic low key portraits and stills,

    Current Gear:
    -Leica M4
    -(lenses): Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5, Voigtlander 35mm f/1.7, Kobalux 28mm f/3.5, Canon 50mm f/1.4 2nd gen, Leica 50mm DR Summicron, Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 LTM, Leica 135mm f/4.5 Hektor

    Canon 10D
    a few decent lenses

    Camera I use the most:
    Bronica ECTL 6x6 with a few gorgeous Nikkor lenses

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I prefer digital for the workflow if I'm deadlined but overall I prefer film for the resolution and most importantly the toe and shoulder of the log sensitivity of film

    What I am trying to accomplish:
    enjoying life and shooting photos of all of it

  12. #112
    Jack of All Trades - Master of None
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Baghdad, Iraq (From North Carolina)

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Kevin Roy

    Baghdad, Iraq (Green Zone)

    Jacksonville, NC

    Other places I've lived:
    Raleigh, NC, Cary, NC and now in Fayetteville, NC (Ft Bragg)

    Like to Retire:
    Beaches of North Carolina

    Wife, Annette 2 Daughters Ashlyn age 3 and Melissa (Step Daughter) age 13

    Languages I speak:
    English, a little Arabic

    B.S. Business Administration

    Contractor for the Army - Government Property Specialist

    Religious affiliation:

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Registered Republican, but vote for the best person

    Other hobbies:

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Just starting "serious" photography

    First "real" camera:
    Canon 20D

    How I found
    Web search

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    February 16th, 2006 I think

    Favorite forum:
    Sports and Critique

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:
    Sports and Wildlife

    Current Gear:
    Canon 20D
    Kit Lens (for now)

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    I like digital becasue I enjoy the "digital darkroom". I love working in Photoshop and shooting digital gives me that option.

    Picture of me: (speaking of photoshop) LOL

  13. #113
    Digitally Challenged - Bonkers Kaelastreet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cheshire, England

    Post Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Name: Kaela Street

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    Kizz, Nickname from a time I lived in Tampa, FL. A place I was created.

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Automobile Association, but that's for the cars.

    Cranage, Cheshire, England.

    Widnes Lancashire/Tampa Florida.

    Other places I've lived:
    I never really started living, unitl I realised I was starting to run out of time. Where was that?

    Like to Retire:
    In the shade of a big old tree, with all the time to think about thinking about things.

    Cotton, somtimes silk, always vanilla.

    marriage no, Family, thankfully yes.

    Languages I speak:
    English, American, Forth, a little fortran, some assembly and more recently, php.

    Nothing to talk about.

    Fabulist, but I have to work now and then to earn money due to a governmental conspiricy.

    Religious affiliation (if any):
    My heart dictates my thoughts.

    Political affiliation (if any):
    Diversity awareness mostly.

    other hobbies:
    Oh dear, a list I am afraid. From Clock making to carpentry, from taking pictures to writing short stories.
    From Modelling in 3D to writing stand alone code for spreadsheets to do their tricks.
    I used to love travelling, taking my camera's on adventures. Now my adventures are always close to home for I have to be back before supper.
    Steam engines, small petrol engines from bygone times, my kitty kats, the Internet thing and the world wise web.
    Talking about things, sharing stories, letting my imagination invent solutions to problems that had yet to be thought of.
    Discovering Islands in Cities, parks,places people pass.

    How long I have been a "photographer":
    Forty five years, more or less. But Photographer implies skill, Snap-shotter and recorder of things I have seen is a better description.

    First "real" camera:
    Kodak, I was a child and the camera was older than me, but it was mine.

    How I found
    Tried to resolve a photoshop/Nikon conflict. Found this place.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    March 2006

    Favorite forum:
    Its a non photographic one. (sorry)

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    Whats a photogathering! No never been to one, do you get any discounts?

    Favorite subjects:
    My partner, My family.

    Current Gear:
    Nikon D70s

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    The medium is only used to carry a concept as a recording. With digital, I don't need a darkroom.

    What I like about
    Seems to be a group of intelligent folks with similar passions. Photo geeks?

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    I have so many, yet less than 0.001 percent are capable of standing up next to some of the fine works I have seen here.
    I publish a lot on my website, but the topic is not photographic related so I won't annoy you by telling you my web address.

  14. #114
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Phoenix AZ

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Such a multi-talent! You'll find a lot of your other interests up here as well, from carpentry to coding. Welcome to the forums!
    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

    Check out the Welcome Thread

    My photography on Myspace

  15. #115
    has-been... another view's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockford, IL

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaelastreet
    Discovering Islands in Cities, parks,places people pass.
    What a great quote! Welcome.

  16. #116
    Junior Member Stillsky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    I'll use this as my introduction

    Name: Stephen "Stillsky" Rudolph

    Meaning of handle: It's a long story, but it involves me, my best friend, and a web server.

    Dorky club: It's not a PR club, but it is dorky at times: National Association of Photoshop Professionals

    Location: Suburban NY, about 35 minutes from NYC.

    Born: August 31, 1981 in the same place.

    Like to retire: Like? I'd love to =P As much as I love NY, I wouldn't mind heading south to like Florida, or perhaps somewhere in Europe.

    Ethnicity: Caucasian, half Irish and half Italian

    Marriage and Family: Not married

    Languages I speak: English, some XHTML with a side of CSS, I used to know Italian.

    Education: I spent 5 years in college for jazz performance, couldn't afford to stay to finish up my degree (two transfers is just asking for trouble).

    Occupation: Full-time custodian, part-time freelance musician

    Religious affiliation: None, though at times I claim to be Erisian.

    Political affiliation: Haven't quite decided. I dislike both the republican and democratic parties right now.

    Other hobbies: Web design, watercolor painting (i'm pretty bad at it, but it's fun), reading.

    How long I've been a photographer: I wouldn't quite say that I'm a photographer, more like an enthusiast. I've been an enthusiast for a few years, but I haven't taken it seriously until recently.

    First camera: A Sony Cybershot (DSC-P52)

    How I found this place: I was looking for information about lens filters through google and this was one of the first hits. I'm a forum junkie, so I signed up immediately =P

    Date I joined: Today!

    Favorite forum: So many to choose from. I really enjoy the Naature Forums, and this place seems pretty cool.

    Photogatherings I've attended: None so far

    Favorite subjects: Rural environment type stuff

    Current Gear: Nikon D50, 18-55mm DX Zoom lens, and a handful of interesting filters.

    Camera I use most: My D50 now =P

    Why I prefer film or digital: I haven't experienced film, so I can't really say anything about it. I chose digital over film as a matter of convenience. However, if I could ever save enough money, I'd love to shoot film as well (but first I need more lenses for my D50, most of which cost more than the camera).

    What I like about I haven't looked around very much yet, but it seems like a very informative and pleasant community

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: That's a good question. Right now, I'm just trying to take good pictures. Eventually, I'd love to fill my website with high-quality, artistic, and meaningful images.

    Some of my pictures:

    And then there's me

  17. #117
    Analog Photographer, Digital World Axle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Milton, ON, Canada

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    An Update:

    Name: Alex aka Axle

    Meaning of handle: Nickname earned while working at McDonalds

    Dorky club: Minolta Warriors & The K Team

    Location: Milton, ON, half hour west of Toronto

    Born: May 6th, 1983

    Like to retire: Northern Ontario

    Ethnicity: Dutch, but born in Canada

    Marriage and Family: Single & Loving it

    Languages I speak: English, HTML, CSS, PHP, BAISC, Java, C++, Shell Script

    Education: Just completed a three year program at Sheridan College in Systems Anaylsis.

    Occupation: Professional Urban Explorer, Driver, Helpdesk Analyst.

    Religious affiliation: Follower of Christ.

    Political affiliation: Against Stephen Harper

    Other hobbies: Graphics, Urban Exploration, Writing, Audio.

    How long I've been a photographer: Since the winter of 2002

    First camera: Minolta Hi-Matic 7s

    How I found this place: Google

    Date I joined: Dec 2004

    Favorite forum: Viewfinder

    Photogatherings I've attended: 0

    Favorite subjects: Urban Ruins (abandoned homes, farms, industrial locations)

    Current Gear: KM Dimage Z2, Minolta X-7A (six lens, flash, motor drive), Pentax ME Super (lens, flash, power winder)

    Camera I use most: Dimage Z2

    Why I prefer film or digital: I like them both. Digital is great for ease of getting the results, but there's still this thing about film.

    What I like about Being able to see the vast amount of talent contained within the people here.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: Constantly improving my own work.
    Alex Luyckx | Photography
    Capturing Beauty in Everything

  18. #118
    fotomatt fotomatt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    colorado, usa

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Matt Lit


    LITfoto Lifestyles Photography

    Main subjects:

    People (and dogs!)

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    Nickname earned in college and later when I lived around a bunch of bikers

    Somewhere on Colorado's Continental Divide


    Other places I've lived:
    Phoenix, AZ; Flagstaff, AZ; Taos, NM; Boulder, CO; Summit County, CO

    Like to Retire:
    I'm here...but maybe Costa Rica?


    Just me and the Bear

    Languages I speak:
    English, some Spanish

    BS in Photojournalism, hours and hours and way more hours of continuing education.

    Photographer and Photo Educator

    Other hobbies:

    Anything in the mountains...telemark skier, mountain bike, road bike, (former) rockclimbing, hiking, mountaineering, SCUBA, plants, anything airplanes

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Starting shooting in '77 and started working for newspapers right away.

    First "real" camera:
    Yashica GSN, Olympus OM-1, Nikon F2

    How I found

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Just recently

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    Just got back from WPPI in Vegas. I had three images as finalists in the Best of Weddings competition

    Favorite subjects:

    Airplanes, western history, astronomy

    Current Gear:
    Fuji S2, S3, Nikon 70-200 2.8 VR, 17-35 2.8, 24-120 VR, A bunch of Holgas!, A Mamiya 645 Pro TL that sits in a box, Nikon F100 that sits on a shelf, White Lightnings in the studio, and on and on...

    Camera I use the most:
    Fuji S3 and Holgas!

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital has changed EVERYTHING about my professional work flow! And of course, film in the Holga...I miss film a great deal...miss working with my Nikons!

    What I like about

    A great deal of information and a chance to help other photographers.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    I'm always trying to push my vision...always trying to learn new things. I'm continually seeking to learn new information about digital photography. I was recently quoted in a Shutterbug magazine article as stating that Digital Photography is like one of those log-rolling competitions at a mountain-man event: "As soon as you stop running, you fall off!"

    from somewhere on Colorado's Continental Divide...

    Matt Lit

  19. #119
    Jim B. jbaldocchi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Oakland, CA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hello Photographers of the world!

    Name: Jim Baldocchi

    Meaning of handle: A name I gave my work server files

    Dorky PR Club: NAPP, yes I'm a photoshop junkie

    Location: Oakland/San Francisco, CA

    Born: San Francisco, CA

    Other Places I've lived: SF always home but have traveled.

    Like to Retire: Yes but have a 13year old to get through school

    Ethnicity: Italian, French, Irish American

    Marriage/Family: yes to Carolyn and one son Daniel

    Languages I speak: English

    Education: SF State College BA in Art with photo emphisis

    Occupation, Director of Operations, War Memorial and Performing Arts Center

    Religious affiliations: TBD

    Political affiliations: It's not that simple anymore is it?

    Other hobbies: Bicycling, hiking, nordic skiing, watching my son's LL baseball games, travel

    How long have I been a photographer: I started getting serious in 1967

    First "real" camera: Voitlander ?

    How I found Photographyreview. com: Bored at work one day and was surfing the web for intelligent life forms.

    Date I joined PR: 2002?

    Favorite forum: I like to graze

    Photo gatherings I've attended: Rock Concerts, Sports Events, Flea Markets etc....

    Favorite subjects: Whatever catches my eye

    Current Gear: Digital Nikon 5700, Leica M4, Nikon FTN

    Camera I use most: Nikon 5700 but the Leica when traveling

    Why I prefer film or digital: digital is pretty good most times but when traveling I like to use film. I don't have to worry about batteries and I like the archival properties of film.

    What I like about Photographyreview: I get Ideas from the photograph galleries, and ideas from the photographers at the forums.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: Nothing I just like to do it and sometimes someone else enjoys seeing it.


    Jim B.

  20. #120
    Give me coffee, or give me death!
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    West Des Moines, IA

    Me, the whole me, and nothing but me!

    Name: Michael Riggs

    Meaning of handle: Nickname I got in high school track. I resemble Mel Gibson's character Martin Riggs in the movie Lethal Weapon. That is, if he was short, skinny, and his ears stuck out. Born in 1979. Bet you didn't see that one coming.

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any): None, I'm might be too dorky.

    Location: West Des Moines, Iowa, USA

    Born: 9,2,79 Des Moines, Iowa, USA

    Other places I've lived: Southern California (if you count military life).

    Like to Retire: Someplace where my hayfever won't be a problem.

    Ethnicity: English, Irish, German, Norwegan, Cherokee (only in America).

    Marriage/Family: Not married. (Hint, I'm available!!!)

    Languages I speak: English, Redneck English-required when visiting family in Missouri.

    Education: BS in Business Management from Upper Iowa University '04.

    Occupation: Imaging Specialist

    Lifestyle: Lone Wolf

    Religious affiliation (if any): Methodist

    Political affiliation (if any): When I find one that works I'll let you know.

    Other hobbies: Running, mountain hiking, drinking, started in on stock investments.

    How long I have been a photographer: 5 years, right after my first trip to Yellowstone.

    First "real" camera: Canon Rebel 2000.

    How I found Looking for a review on some gear. When I found the site a ray of light shun down from Heaven and I then knew the answers lay here.

    Date I joined PR: A while ago.

    Favorite forum: None, but the review section is top notch. Have not found another one like it.

    Favorite subjects: Wildlife, landscape, macro

    Current Gear:
    Canon Elan 7E
    Canon Rebel 2000 for backup
    Canon 28-105mm
    Canon 70-300mm IS
    Sigma 170-500mm (soon to be replaced by Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 DG and 2x converter)

    Medium Format:
    Pentax 645
    Pentax 55mm
    Pentax 120 macro
    Pentax 200mm
    Pentacon 500mm f/5.6

    Jobu Black Widow gimbal tripod head (AWSOME for the long, heavy lenses)

    Film or Digital: I shoot film because I know my systems well and use them effectively. Different films have different characteristics and their own feel to them. Plus, it seems like the digital aspect of photography is becoming more of a fad than art because there is a new "I gotta-have that" something every other month. I put emphases on the work, not the gear. Think about this, cover shots of Playboy are shot with an 8x10.

    Camera I use the most: Elan 7E

    26 years old and I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life. I don't want to be stuck in a cubical the rest of my days and 6 years in the Marines was enough. No real photography market in Des Moines unless I get into the wedding business, not my first choice. Maybe I should just hook up with a rich girl, yeah that's it!
    Last edited by Lthlwpn1979; 05-16-2006 at 09:52 PM.
    A woman drove me to drink, and I didn't even thank her.

    -W.C. Fields

  21. #121
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Auckland, New Zealand

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Name: Mark Barber

    Meaning of handle: six.two.six = the first three digits of a Blockhouse Bay telephone number (where I grew up) and a tattoo I have on the inside of my right arm

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any): um, Pass.

    Location: West Auckland, New Zealand

    Born: 28 Feb 1980

    Other places I've lived: Sydney, Australia

    Like to Retire: Santorini, Greece

    Ethnicity: 6th generation New Zealander, and thats saying something considering we arent even 200 years old!.

    Marriage/Family: Unmarried

    Languages I speak: English.

    Education: Highschool

    Occupation: Photographer and photographers assistant

    Lifestyle: ahahahah, fast and loose

    Religious affiliation (if any): None

    Political affiliation (if any): None

    Other hobbies: Skateboarding, tattoos, geneology, travelling, motorsport, drinking

    How long I have been a photographer: 3 years as a job, 6 all up..

    First "real" camera: Pentax MZ50, then a Nikon F4s, then a Fuji Finepix S2pro, then a D2x

    How I found Google!

    Date I joined PR: 22May

    Favorite forum: This one!

    Favorite subjects: Action and Landscape

    Current Gear:
    Nikon D2x
    Nikkor 50mm f1.8
    Nikkor 16mm f2.8 fisheye
    Nikkor 18-35mm f3.5-4.5
    Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 AF-S VR
    Nikkor 105mm Micro

    SB80DX Speedlite
    Sunpak Ring Flash

    Manfrotto Legs

    Film or Digital: Digital, because its what my clients require of me, and it suits the work I do.

    Camera I use the most: D2x

    What am I trying to accomplish?

    I just want to make a living doing what I love, its that simple. However, I do want to become a fulltime WRC yeah, that.

  22. #122
    Member Glycerin19's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    It's an old email address that I had that was based on the Bush song "Glycerine" and 19 was the number of my favorite hockey player at the time.

    Georgia, about 25 miles north of Atlanta

    Dayton, Ohio

    Other places I've lived:

    As a child...San Jose, CA, Omaha, NE and Seminole, FL

    Like to Retire:

    Maybe Orlando, it's a long way off for me.



    Married 7 years this Sept. Two children Nicholas is 5 and Elianna is 7 months.

    Languages I speak:



    Just a little bit of college



    Religious affiliation (if any):

    Political affiliation (if any):


    Other hobbies:
    Surfing the Internet and reading. There's not much time for hobbies when running the house and homeschooling.

    How long I have been a photographer:
    I've been taking pictures since I was 17, so 12 years but didn't consider myself a photographer until probably my son was born around 5 years ago.

    First "real" camera:
    Some version of the Canon Rebel

    How I found
    I did a google search for Photography Critiques and this popped up. I'm tired of hearing how nice my pictures are by people who say the exact same thing to everyone no matter what their photos look like.

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):

    May something, a couple of days ago. Probably the 22nd, 2006.

    Favorite forum:
    Not sure yet. I'm interested in the Sports Photography forum and the Critique forum.

    Photogatherings I have attended:


    Favorite subjects:

    Sports, specifically hockey and my children.

    Current Gear:
    Canon 30D
    EFS 18-55
    EF IS 75-300
    EF 28-90
    Tamron 200-400

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Digital is much less expensive and easier to work with since I like to put things on the web. I hate not having prints though.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:

    With sports I love to take photos that I can go back and look at and feel proud that I took them. Like getting the cool action shots of a sporting event so you can see the game winning goal or the emotion during the play. I enjoy putting my pictures up on my webpage so others can find them and see moments that won't happen again. With my kids I want to have beautiful pictures of them from growing up that I can share with family and friends. It would be fun to be a pro someday but from what I've read it would be hard to be an independant pro sports photographer.

  23. #123
    Click take a Pict boomtap's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Castle Rock, CO 80104

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Name: Jason Cross

    Meaning of Handle: boomtap - I owned a small record label for several years called BoomTap Records. I have since closed it, because most music is free now, and it is hard to make a living on a product that nobody pays for! lol.

    Location: Castle Rock, Colorado

    Born: Denver Colorado

    Other places I've lived: Great Falls Montana

    Lilke to Retire: On top of a 14,000ft peak.

    Ethnicity: I am a mutt.

    Marriage/Family: Yes

    Languages I speak: English

    Education: Business Degree, and currently attending school to become a teacher.

    Occupation: Slacker, Student, and Full Time Temprary IT Assistant for Douglas County Elections office.

    Religious affilitation: Christian

    Political affiliation: Rebublican, but leanning Libritarian, and sometimes I think I am a Democrat.

    Other hobbies: Guitar, Drums, Bass, wrestling with the kids.

    How long have I been a photographer: 3 weeks with my D50 and then for about 6 months in Junior High School photo class using a pentax.

    First "real" camera: Pentax

    How I found Googled

    Favorite forum: do I have to pick just one? Critique, Viewfinder

    Photogatherings I have attended: none.

    Favorite subjects: Flowers, Nature, and well I am sure I will find something else.

    Current Gear: Nikon D50 Nikkor 18-55 and Tamron 70-300di macro.

    Camera I use the most: my only one.

    Why I prefer film or digital: Instant feedback.

    What I like about Interesting site with lots of great photos. I learn from every one I look at.

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography: Take my mind off the pain of life.
    -Jason Cross- Check out the 365 days of photos started Jan 1 2007. :thumbsup:

  24. #124
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Columbus, Ohio, USA

    Re: Photographyreview: The People

    Hello all! I'm new to this board and fairly new to photography as well. This seems like the best place to introduce myself so...

    Tony Moore

    Meaning of handle (if it's not obvious):
    I'm Tony, my wife is Traci. Someone commented once that our initials were TNT (Tony aNd Traci). 868 is TNT on the telephone so it stuck.

    Columbus, Ohio

    Gahanna, Ohio, not too far from where I live now

    Other places I've lived:
    Never too far from Central Ohio

    Like to Retire:
    *sigh* Someday...

    I'm the traditional melting pot. Mostly German, though.

    wife and 2 year old son

    Languages I speak:

    BA Psychology

    Work for a mental health center

    Other hobbies: Music, reading, spending time with my son, learning how to be creative with the computer

    How long I have been a photographer:
    Not sure I have that title yet. I've had an interest and appreciation for looking at and studying photos for several years but not until recently have I decided to get behind the camera and explore. I taught myself Photoshop a few years ago and have been able to use that to do some cool things with pictures. I'd like to learn how to do some of those things in the camera and not rely on Photoshop.

    First "real" camera:
    Minolta XD-11

    How I found
    Google search for photography message boards to ask some questions and learn from real users

    Date I joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is innacurate):
    Yesterday, I think

    Favorite forum:
    still searching

    Photogatherings I have attended:

    Favorite subjects:

    Current Gear:
    Minolta XD-11
    a couple lenses I inherited with the camera

    Canon PowerShot S50 point and shoot
    I hope to get a digital SLR soon...recommendations anyone?

    Camera I use the most:
    Lately the XD-11 because of the flexibility

    Why I prefer film or digital:
    Since I'm just learning the digital gives me the fast feedback I need

    What I like about
    I've enjoyed reading this tread and getting to know some of the people who contribute to this board. It seems very informative and non-judgemental and the talent is amazing!

    What I am trying to accomplish with my photography:
    For now I just want pictures that don't look like everyone else's. When I see a photo that I like I can't stop studying and admiring it...I want that with my own pictures. In the future making some money off of my photos would be a fun way to earn income!

    A few of my favorite pictures:
    Attached Images Attached Images    

  25. #125
    Mi tortuga es guapo. Kokopeli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sunny SoCal (Laguna Niguel CA)

    Re: Photographyreview: The People


    Meaning of handle:
    I've always felt a strong connection with the southwest so I chose a native american icon as my handle.

    Dorky PR club I belong to (if any):
    Nikon Samurai!!!

    Laguna Niguel, CA


    Other places I've lived:
    I've lived most of my life in CA, though I did a 5 year stretch in AL, but then got smart and moved back.

    Like to Retire:
    Alaska or Montana

    Scot / Greman / Irish / Welsh

    2 sons, ages 12 and 13.

    Languages I speak:

    I'm educated?

    I make labels

    Religious Affiliation:
    Baptised a Southern Baptist, but don't really consider myself a part of any denomination.

    Political Affiliation:
    I'm a "Regan" conservative with some libertarian thrown in for good measure.

    Other Hobbies:
    I'm active in the local Little League Baseball program and enjoy umpiring baseball.

    How Long Have I Been a Photographer:
    20+ years

    First "real" camera:
    Canon FG.. I think that's what it was.. Then I moved onto Minoltas and finally came over to the sife of Light.. Nikon

    How I found
    I was looking for reviews on a particular lens (I think it was the Nikkor 20mm f2.8) and stumbled across the review area. From there, I lurked around the Photo Critique and Help Files until I finally joined. The site was pretty new back then.. I want to say it was between 3 and 6 months old when I finally joined.

    Date I Joined PR (sometimes people's listed join date is inaccurate):
    November 2001 sounds about right, but I lurked for a while before actually joining.

    Favorite Forum:

    Photogatherings I have attended:
    New York, and Yosemite

    Favorite Subjects to Photograph:

    Current Gear:
    Nikon D100
    Nikon N70
    Nikon FM2n
    and a variety of zoom and prime lenses.

    Why I prefer Film or Digital:
    Both have their strengths and weaknesses.. I just shoot more digital now for economical reasons.

    What I like about
    I've always been drawn to the strong sense of family I find within the members of this awesome community.

    What am I trying to accomplish with my photography:
    Beats the hell out of me. ;)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Photographyreview: The People-0324.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-0308.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-0322.jpg   Photographyreview: The People-dscn0273s.jpg  
    Nikon Samurai #3

    A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true
    friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

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