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  1. #1
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sweet home Ala... Florida

    Photo Project: November

    Oh man I am so enthused by the response to the October Photo Project "The Night"!

    So far we have had 24 images and 48 posts. That is great, but I know we can do much better this month. The october project will remain open for posting, but it's time for a change so now I bring you the November Photo Project:

    "The Cemetery"

    This is a slight change from what I had originally planned, but I was inspired by a show I had seen on PBS called "A Cemetery Special", and man I just couldn't wait to get out a visit some dead folks. So guess what my friends, now it's your turn!

    Get out there and get some pictures of you favorite "End Of The World" hang out!
    Last edited by almo; 10-31-2005 at 04:57 PM.
    John Cowan
    Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
    ~Ernest Hemingway~

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