...and thus must post his obligatory "new bag" photos
I've been waiting for the right pocket sized camera to comg along for a while now and finally bought one. I haven't had much time to use it yet but I will soon. So far, I'm very impressed with this little fella. It's the Canon SD200, 3.2MP. They make a 4MP (SD300) but I don't have a need for the extra megapixels and $100 or so. This camera was priced right at well under $300.
BTW, this little dude hauls some majoe butt!!! Turn on time to first shot is great! So is reading and writing to the card I bought (sandisk sd extreme 512MB). In fact, this camera performs faster than my other two cameras (10D and G3) by a significant margin. But I suppose those clunky old microdrives I've been using for the past few years aren't exactly pushing the envelope
Here's one shot of the camera and one shot taken by the camera. My hands are actually quite small and "girly". I want to make sure you know that so you can get the correct perspectiveDon't get me wrong though, no Woman has ever complained about my hands