I have a small Tamrac bag which is really well made considering the price. LowePro's AW cover is a great feature too if you're out in the middle of nowhere and it starts raining.Camera bags are hard to buy, the search for the perfect one never ends. That's part of why I've got about 8 of them. The one thing I've found is that it's best to get something slightly bigger than what you think you need. There's always one or two extra little things that need to be put somewhere and it's nice to have room for everything. Don't go out and buy something huge just because of it, but I'd probably go with the bigger of the two.
READ all the reviews you can and then see what they are comparing it to. A camera bag/case/backpack purchase is for storage, protection AND MODILITY. I personally own 5 lowepros
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin