Hello all,
Here's a question about night photography/ambient light techniques. I am shooting with a Canon Elan 7E, 420EX speedlite and Canon 50mm f/1.4 USM lens on Fuji Velvia 50 and 100F. I want to do nighttime street photography, without tripod, so I am experimenting with how to use exposure times in the 1/4-1/20th range with an added fill flash synchronized to second curtain.
Here's the question:
I've been trying to reduce the flash output by 1-2 stops so that I still am using a predominant ambient light effect. However, should I also reduce the exposure by a few steps as well? I am having trouble finding the best combo of flash output reduction and exposure metering since I am currently on an extended trip and developing film is not convenient. I assume also that to have a blurred but usable background with a more in-focus subject the proper technique is to use second curtain sync?