I was asked to work as a second photographer in a wedding. I had never considered doing this kind of thing, and those of you who have been around these forums for a few years and may be familiar with my photography know that I usually go after dark, desolate scenes and AVOID people in my works.
I thought the challenge might be fun and I realize that events and wedding photography can bring in some more money to support my, er habit.
I had all the equipment needed (2 camera bodies, lenses, 2 580 EX ll flashes, battery pack, lots of memory, spare batteries, etc. ) so I thought it would be worthwhile and was actually excited about this.
I was working with a somewhat old school photog who asked that I shoot all jpegs and she would take my cards and process everything herself. She does very little post processing and basically crops and prints. (She is pretty good, but I'm convincing her to get into a RAW workflow)
Well, I shot about 1200 images through the course of the day and wound up with a few hundred that I felt were pretty good. She was happy with them as well, especially after I convinced her to allow me to PP some of them. I did not get alot of the "key" shots like the portraits and stuff as she wanted me to work in the bg picking up alot of candids, etc.
My first impression after doing my first wedding. . . Flash photography is a whole different animal. I've been doing alot of researching and experimenting in trying to get a comfortable consistency with it.
I have a new found respect for those wedding photographers that can come back with great shots of wonderful moments.
And so here are a few from the day . . .