Hi, I'm realtively new here and thought I'd combine two threads in one....a "rant and rave, get things off my chest" with a "please look at my work and hello everyone".
I am a photographer and have been for over 15 years. I specialize in black & white photography and more specifically b&w landscapes. My site is at www.TobyDeveson.com where alot of my work can be seen.
So, he thinks to himself, where do I go to make this more than a "hello, please look at my work" sort of a post. Lets see where it goes....hmmm!
I'll keep it relevant to what has become the bulk of my work and passion - Landscape photography. So, is it still seen as the easy option to take, the distant cousin to figurative photography, reportage, portraiture and documentary?
Sure the psychological, mental side to it may be easier. No one other that yourself to deal with. But if it is an easier, poorer option why are there so few decent images out there. Why is there so much mediocre and dare i say it **** work floating around. I cant remember the last time I saw a body of work that took my breath away and left me green with envy. Including Ansel Adams....
They say the cream rises to the top. Well where is the cream? Why is it if I go to a book shop, exhibition or browse the net for some documentary (the other strand to my work) I find a reasonable amount of excellent work (yes there is alot of rubbish too), but if I look for an equivalent high standard of landscapes...nothing. It's not the subject matter of documentary work. i.e war zones, dismembered bodies or tragic stories of human despair making the work more powerful. I look beyond that at the quality of work. If you are going to stuff a lense into someones face while they are suffering at least dont offend them with producing mediocre work and rely on their plight to make your name. (In the same way as if taking a landscape, dont rely on nature to give you an image, create something different and unique... if you can). (and that touches on another debate..is it right to make art out of peoples' suffering or should a photographer just report)
So again, assuming there are the same amount of landscape photographers as documentary etc, where is the quality work???
Is landscape photography easier? Am I just a cynic with a big chip on his shoulder? Or is it infact alot harder to create something different and unique. Is it just seen as the easy genre but is infact the hardest to perfect. I have certainly found it a huge challenge to acheive results that i am happy with. Alot more so than documentary or portraiture.