So far this week, about 40 people that I know personally have lost their jobs, and it's only Tuesday. The company I work for is restructuring and my deptartment was hit pretty hard. I was one of the lucky ones tho. There was no warning that it was coming so everyone was shocked to say the least. One second you have a job, the next you don't. There were 3 married couples in my dept, and all six of them are now without work. Can you imagin going from a 2 income home to a zero income home in a matter of minutes? My dept. was informed yesterday afternoon. The rest of the company was informed this morning. After yesteday, everyone knew it was coming today, but nobody knew who, or when. They basically told everyone to stick around and stay available in case you were next on the list to go. What a nerve wracking way to spend the day. Needles to say, I don't think much work got done today.
I know this isn't the first time this has happened, and it wont be the last... but this time it hit pretty close to home, and without any warning. I think I'm still in shock by it all... I already know what I will be thankful for come Thanksgiving.
Thank you for letting me vent my frustrations.