This was pretty much just a holiday snap, taken with a fairly cheap fixed focus camera so it may be a little out of place here. I thought it came out ok though, so I decided to post it anyway.
I took out a lot of extraneous water to focus more on the boat, but I think the main problem is the exposure, which I had no control over. Either one of the figures looks too blown out, or if I try and adjust it the interior of the boat is lost. This was the best compromise I could come up with. I also converted to b&w, partly because I just love b&w images, but also I felt it made it look more timeless, which seemed to suit the subject matter.
It was taken in Hoi Ann on the coast of Vietnam. I got up early to go down to the market and watch the fish being brought in, and took this standing on a bridge as the boat was about to pass underneath me. The country was beautiful and the people couldn't have been friendlier to me, I'd love to go back.