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  1. #1
    Senior Member Herriot's Avatar
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    Silver Parliament

    Western view of the new Scottish parliament. It is a complex array of designs and I wasn't quite sure which pieces to photograph but I came away with these three images that may be of interest, am not quite sure how they could be improved but would welcome any suggestions!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Silver Parliament-cf1000004.jpg   Silver Parliament-cf1000002.jpg   Silver Parliament-cf1000003.jpg  
    Last edited by mtbbrian; 06-13-2005 at 07:24 AM. Reason: UN-Sticking as "Featured Photo" for 05 June 05 - Third One!!

  2. #2
    Where is Snowy? Yoyo Szeto's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    Hi Herriot,
    Your photos raise me a lot of interest. I am intrigued by the background of this building hub - the death of the architect before the project was finished; the choice of the site; the building cost .... Back to the photo, it depicts the unusual decoration of the outside. I am not sure about the composition, which consists of a number of repeats. Could you show more photos of this interesting building?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Herriot's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    Hi Yoyo,

    Sadly this is all that I have left but you can view more via,

    Overall, I am not enormously keen on the building itself, thus my photo stock is limited to these western view shots but as you mentioned, the project has been the source of a great deal of public discussion across both sides of the 'devolution' fence. I certainly find it to be an 'interesting' creation!!

    Thanks again for your input!!


  4. #4
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament


    Great eye for pattern and reptition. Nice job of capturing offsetting patterns!

    Great shooting,


  5. #5
    "Artisaliethatmakesusreali zetruth" PlantedTao's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    Very nice repeating patterns that you captured. I like the first photo and it seems to hold my interest the longest.
    Yours photos were interesting enough to really grab my attention and make me interested in this building and the story behind it. It is well executed and conceived.
    Great job. Cheers.
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  6. #6
    Ilford Nut Dzerzhinski46's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    Dear Herriot,

    A very fascinating building. I like the first and second shots best, the third one is too linear and formal. I can understand your difficulty, There are so many patterns that compeat with each other that it would be hard to find a pleasing composition. They are perhaps too busy in my opinion, through not fault of yours though, which I would blame on the architechture. A difficult subject, but you have some good shots here. I might suggest getting a lot closer, and going for a very sparse close up composition. Emphasize the abstract elements of the building. Good shots.

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  7. #7
    Miembro Mayor stuntboy's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    very intresting photos of an UGLY building...i really enjoy modern lines but this place looks like a treehouse i once built when i was 9. dont know if there is anymore i can add, thanks for sharing


  8. #8
    Member shrapnel's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    I think theses patterns are amazing, but that building looks like prebuilt favellas and wouldn't look out of place on the hills of Rio.


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  9. #9
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    Interesting patterns and shapes, lots of repitition all good compositional qualities.
    The small amounts of color stand out against the grey.
    I think the third one is the best of the group, although the first one isn't too bad either.
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  10. #10
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    Congrats on the Sticky! Well deserved,


  11. #11
    Member erich_vasconcelos's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    I like the first photo - which is above the others - better. It's a very interesting point of view you chose, and the line grabs my eyes' attention. Nice!

    Have you tried cutting a little from the top of that picture? In my humble opionion you could safely remove the top of the picture, and therefore improve the pattern inheritet in that photo. The picture would then be much wider and thinner, and the pattern would make strongest effect on the eyes.


  12. #12
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    Wonderful dramatic lighting and sky on the second one, that along with the angle and lines makes it much stronger than the other two IMO.

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  13. #13
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    If I was living there, I'd be on the side of those who like the building.

    It's really neat! I love this:
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  14. #14
    drg is offline
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    First congratulations on the sticky and featured photo! I saw this earlier and got called away before I felt as if I had time to respond. So. . .

    Isn't this building called by some the "bent pipe organ" or the "flat bagpipes" or something like that? It is one I've been rather intrigued by for some time. Whether its good or bad architecture is another topic, but these are certainly eye catching photos.

    The third (featured) photo, did you intend for the tilt of the photo to complement the pipes or did it just work out (works well I think) that way?

    I'll echo a couple of the comments/queries about patterns and cropping and just ask, "Were you going for patterns or the building overall?" Slightly different selections of elements and/or cropping might 'answer' that question.

    I do like what you've done and if you're back that way you might try some images both am and pm to catch different light across the pipes and steps.

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  15. #15
    Senior Member Herriot's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    First Brian, THANK YOU for selecting the post to be a featured photo, I am really surprised that you went for it but also hugely thankful!!!

    Thanks everyone for their comments, it is interesting to see the mixed responses that this building generates in people, as mentioned, it is a hugely varied array of designs, these images concentrate on one side only.

    Finally, drg, yes, the tilt was intentional and I was really focussing on the patterns as opposed to the bulding overall. I wouldn't have included the second image if it hadn't been for the contrast achieved with the dark sky and the silver elements of the bulding.

    When I get back to Edinburgh I will certainly explore some of the many options that this creation delivers!

    Thank you all again for your varied input, I have found it to be enormously rewarding.


  16. #16
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    Really interesting structure. I like it along with the repetition of pattern. Like your composition here as well. Just a really kewl subject overall. Congrats on making featured photo.

  17. #17
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Silver Parliament

    This is really an interesting piece of architecture. I feel I like the second shot, as the lighting is enhancing and the perspective with the inclusion of the sky gives me a feel for the size as well as the design. The other two are good as well, but for me, I'm with number two. Good work
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