I'm going to cram a few shots into this thread, because they are all ones that have been languishing in a box, and I'm really not sure if they have any merit at all, or are just disposable snaps.
Here is the first, a very rainy day in London, standing in Trafalgar Sqare taking a shot of the National Gallery:
To keep the city theme going, I took the second in Paris, on the Ile de la Cite:
Number three is back to the National Gallery, with some art loving pigeons. I really can't make up my mind if this was even worth getting the camera out for, but something about queuing pigeons seemed fun at the time!:
Finally, a shot of daffodils in Regents Park taken in Spring. Part of me likes the grainy feel, but another part of me thinks "So what - next!"
The great thing about this site is that I can get opinions other than my mum saying "That's lovely dear". If anyone has any thoughts on any of these shots I'd be very grateful if you could share them with me.
Many thanks,