Hi everybody!,
I was wondering whether you could help me choose a film suitable for urban landscape and eventually BW conversion.
As a long time user of Velvia and Provia for landscape, I am prettily much unfamiliar with any other film out there. I will be going to Paris and Brugges at the end of the year. I expect overcast/tourmented skies, and public lighting. I would like to pack some film with me that will be easy to use, ie. without tripod. Hence, I need something rather fast, but still high quality with low grain. I am also contemplating converting some of the urban shots into BW.
After reviewing the Film section on PR, I was left with the feeling that the Ektachrome 200 remains the best choice for street shooting. I used it in the past and was relatively happy with it. Should I stick to it, or would you advise me something else? Maybe I should use print film instead of slide?
Given the locations and so-so weather, what would you pack?
Thank you for your help!