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I like these shoots, especially the third one. The relatively unusual framing give a pleasing abstract feel to it. It is well exposed too. (The second picture however seems a tad underexposed to me).
The fourth one is more usual in term of framing (a simple observation, there is nothing wrong with that) but I like they way a building reflect into the main building (I supose that it was your intention here) and I think that the result is enjoyable.
I really like the BVLGARI shot, pleasant composition, light and color. Add an interesting person exactly between the two rows of little windows with a nice contrasting color and it adds power to this shot imho.
That middle shot is my favorite, I like the pattern and it makes me want to see more, which makes this picture great, imo. I like the reflection on the building in the third shot, and the first one just appears to be too plain imo. It seems to need something else. The Armani shot in the second posting of pics is very nice. I like that one a lot, I love the slight reflection in the window; it's almost like an afterthought... barely there, but it's great.
i think they are cool pictures i never realy have experimented on night shots that much, but i like the bottom 2 and the top one, there different but cool
My favorite is the top one in the original post. The only thing that gets me is some of what I'm guessing is lens distortion from either shooting at a wide angle and/or with the camera angled up? Not many suggestions on how to fix. I really like the variety of lighting and textures otherwise.