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Very nice Betty and not too dark at all as someone told you on another board. I would crop off some of the bottom though, it would make the image stronger.
Very nice Betty and not too dark at all as someone told you on another board. I would crop off some of the bottom though, it would make the image stronger.
Well done.
Thanks Joe. I will try that and see how it comes out. Thanks for looking. I appreciate it.
"When you aim for perfection you discover it is a moving target".
I like the last crop Betty but think you should leave in just a bit mor foreground sjust to see a bit of dark edge in the left lower frame. I like the light coming through the break in the clouds
I like the last crop Betty but think you should leave in just a bit mor foreground sjust to see a bit of dark edge in the left lower frame.
Hey, I didn't think of that Gary and it makes sense. Suddenly I don't want to cut off the lower section at all!
Personally I think one would have had more possibilities to crop this one if the horizon was around 1/3. I feel a bit restricted now when I would like to crop it. See, in my brain I want to pull those clouds downwards, over and over.
I like the last crop Betty but think you should leave in just a bit mor foreground sjust to see a bit of dark edge in the left lower frame. I like the light coming through the break in the clouds
Thanks gahspidy! I will give that a look-see too!. Thanks for looking. I like the light coming thru too.
"When you aim for perfection you discover it is a moving target".
Hi Betty I think this is my favorite of yours so far and I tend to agree with Gary. I'd like to see just a bit more than you cropped with the second try. ...wonderful colors!
Hi Betty I think this is my favorite of yours so far and I tend to agree with Gary. I'd like to see just a bit more than you cropped with the second try. ...wonderful colors!
It sure is pretty up there in Wyoming.
Thanks Lara! It is pretty up here, everything from desert mountains to high country mountains. It is great! I love it. Thanks so much!
"When you aim for perfection you discover it is a moving target".