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Nice shoot!
The composition is very good...a very nice landscape scene and I like how you included the bush. The sun might be a bit harsh on the bush tho and the shoot could of been taken later in the day to eliminate that - maybe not. This might be able to be fixed in PS, I don't use it so can't help you there.
My biggest suggestion is that right now it looks too pixelly or out of focus. Everything looks too blurry...fix that and you'll have a nice photo.
This spot looks like it has a lot of potential. I like your composition here, but the image is pretty soft. Some USM might help sharpen things up a bit. This is a spot I would be going back to again and again.
"I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."
Aldo Leopold
This spot looks like it has a lot of potential. I like your composition here, but the image is pretty soft. Some USM might help sharpen things up a bit. This is a spot I would be going back to again and again.
This is one of those locations that I always ask myself, "how could someone not take a good photo here." It is a very photogenic site and I would come back to this again, and again over multiple seasons. I bet in Fall this would really produce some nice shots.
This photo could probably be enhanced by cropping at the bottom slightly. Also, I might have tried exposing for the mid-tone areas of the Mill to try and pick up more shadow detail.
None the less--I like the photo!
Larry C.
For the essence of a work of art is, after all, that it cuts out a piece of the endlessly continuous sequences of perceived experience, detaching it from all connections with one side or the other, giving it a self-sufficient form as though defined and held together by an inner core.
What a lovely photo! This one is definitely a keeper and would make a great wall print. We can always think of something that we'd like to improve - or at least I do on my shots. In this one, the dark area around the water wheel, it is close to center of the photo and draws my attention to it, but it lacks detail there a mid-tone or shadow adjustment might help this or it just may be a result of compression for web display -- very nice shot!
Nothing much to add as the others have captured it all. I'm just curious how this would have looked in BW. Maybe that's an interesting option to try out. Thanks for sharing.
Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard drive?