I was looking for shots at an outdoor Arts Fair in Richmond, Va. The exact location was at the Carrilon, a tall structure with a nice winding, stone double-staircase at the base of the building. I was shooting with a Leica IIIc rangefinder which is from 1946 and requires absolute attention to shot setup due to the somewhat uncomfortable (by today's standards) focus, aperture and shutter settings. It was a crowded area and after I had framed and prepared for my shot, I had to repeatedly wait for people going up and down the stairs to exit the scene. With the camera held to my face, I sensed a moment to take an unfettered shot when I noticed from the side a blur running into the frame.
It was the young man in this image. He promptly sat down and began eating his ice cream. About the time I noticed this opportunity to get a nice shot, he noticed me and began mugging for the camera. I managed about 6-7 shots before he ran off. I believe this to be the best of the bunch.
As always, any critique or comments are greatly appreciated.