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Thread: Golden Beauty

  1. #1
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Golden Beauty

    I like the verticals and the golden color of this can.
    What are your thoughts on this
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Golden Beauty-0505-1401xweb.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    It has a 'stretched feel, although I know it's not been stretched.Nice color.

    Er...I mean...It's just GREAT!

  3. #3
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    Just great. Love the DOF, the nice gold colors fits in perfectly. Definately one of my favourites of the series.

    Very effective,


  4. #4
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    Gary, this is another winner. Nice verticals and truly a golden beauty. Great addition to the series.

  5. #5
    Senile Member
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    Nice shot, it looks like this beer can was taken against a bw background was it? I love how the color from the can shows up against the background. 10 out of 10 IMHO.

  6. #6

    Re: Golden Beauty

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    I like the verticals and the golden color of this can.
    What are your thoughts on this

    Personally, I have already said (and I keep thinking) that I dislike to see a brand name displayed this way as it feels like an ad (an extremely artsy one but still and ad). I wouldn't be that distracted if it was a somewhat esoteric/unknown brand or a brand that doesn't even exist anymore but that isn't the case here.

    Technically, the execution is flawless and truly beautiful. You have mastered your "cans craft" a long time ago. However, I simply cannot fully appreciate the shot for the reason mentioned above.



  7. #7
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    Hi Gary,

    I'm much more a fan of you big cans than little ones, but I do like this one. The subject is sharp, and the little ridge that it is poised on leads my eyes away to an appropriately (lack of) focused back ground. I then come back to the can again... repeating the gaze circuit. Also the colors (and lack of colors) work well for me. These are two vary nice contrasts in the image.

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  8. #8
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    Chunk . . .yes, I see that as well. It has a stretched feel as the can is tall and the vertical trees and frame up. Thanks for your comments.

    Jared . . .great, glad to hear that. thanks for your thoughts.

    Nina . . .thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts . I'm always happy to know when a shot is going over well.

    Bajan . . . What a great compliment, thank you. No, it is not a "background" as in artificial. I shoot in color, then convert the image to b&w, and then return the color to the can. . .and a few other edits in my workflow on this series.

    Seb . . .I truly appreciate your honest opinion and totally understand what you mean by the "ad" looking quality of showing the brand name. I too have thought about that aspect of the shots when shooting "commercial" cans and have even thought that by showing the name brand places the shot almost in the genre of the advertisement shots which are usually top notch and I would fall far short of those type shots. However, to be true to why I'm doing this in the first place, it is the beauty of these cans and their photogenic qualities that I like so much and that includes the graphics and advertising that gives the can it's identity as well as the weathered, textured qualities of some of the other non-commercial cans. It is those very qualities and aspects that I find appealing and therefore must include them in the "portrait" But, I do understand where your coming from and respect your opinion. Thanks again

    Tim . . .thanks for your comments. Yes, the bigger cans photograph much easier as they are full of colors and weathered textures, and really fill up the frame. The smaller cans rely more on the other aspects of the shot like the environment, dof, and composition to help keep the interest there.
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  9. #9

    Re: Golden Beauty

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy

    Seb . . .I truly appreciate your honest opinion and totally understand what you mean by the "ad" looking quality of showing the brand name. I too have thought about that aspect of the shots when shooting "commercial" cans and have even thought that by showing the name brand places the shot almost in the genre of the advertisement shots which are usually top notch and I would fall far short of those type shots. However, to be true to why I'm doing this in the first place, it is the beauty of these cans and their photogenic qualities that I like so much and that includes the graphics and advertising that gives the can it's identity as well as the weathered, textured qualities of some of the other non-commercial cans. It is those very qualities and aspects that I find appealing and therefore must include them in the "portrait" But, I do understand where your coming from and respect your opinion.
    I too see your point. This is by all means a beautiful photograph as I have previously said. I guess that I would feel better about it if I didn't knew what a Coors was lol. Good looking can btw.


  10. #10
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    Gary... Send it to Coors! I'm not kidding! It has another world feeling. The can is placed *just right!... it looks amazing and I honestly think they would love to have it for advertizing! Maybe even for the front of the can! Why not try? It's gorgeous.
    There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

  11. #11
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    Heck of an image. I haven't seen many color-on-black&whites much better than this. It also has a funny look to it, like the can could be animated and twist and shout.

    Great work. you should definitely use in a portfolio!

  12. #12
    seenyourmember villenadecorte's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    Gary I like this. The can itself has a very pop art feeling to it, I was up in the air about being able to read the can and see that its Coors and its a Jesse James edition but I guess in the end, it dates it, gives it a sense of time and place so I like it. Technically I think the shot is perfect, the dof being fantastic.
    Awesome job.

    Hey- atleast I didnt say GREAT.

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  13. #13
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Golden Beauty

    Quote Originally Posted by villenadecorte
    Awesome job.

    Hey- atleast I didnt say GREAT.
    Yeah..."Awesome" is so much more original.

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