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  1. #1
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Who's Watching the Tour?

    That would be the Tour de France, for anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about. Today was the second day, and an American, Zabriskie, has the maillot jaune, (yellow jersey), for the second day in a row. This is a big deal because it's Zabriskie's first Tour de France, and he's one of a few Americans, besides Lance, to win a stage in the past few years.

    Photo content? Watching the tour today I saw saw many moments I would have loved to photograph. The sprint at the end was incredible!

    Want to know more about the Tour?
    Last edited by Photo-John; 07-07-2005 at 01:38 PM.

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    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Who's Watching the Tour?

    We have continuous live coverage on satellite TV.
    I just hsd to miss a bit to watch the Grand Prix though

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  3. #3
    drg is offline
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    Re: Who's Watching the Tour?

    Three Americans in the top 5. Of course it is only day two.

    There is also the official website which has lots of standings information, links to video and some fairly decent photos. You can also read the varying version of the race. Last year there were rather hilarious discrepancies from one day to the next in the Deutsche and Francaise versions.

    Viva Le Tour!

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  4. #4
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    You Know I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not only is Zabriskie an American, he is from Utah!!
    The only thing I have to say about Le Tour 2005 is:
    LANCE RULES and Jan DROOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have better Tour photo content! All of the great photographs Gramham Watson will be getting of Lance as he wins his seventh consecutive Tour!
    GO LANCE!!!!!!!(x7)
    USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! That is one for each US rider in the Tour!(9) Can you name the other 7? There is that number again!!!
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  5. #5
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
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    Re: You Know I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbbrian
    Not only is Zabriskie an American, he is from Utah!!
    Hey dude, no need to tell us. When he started talking during his interviews, my bro and I knew right away he was a yokel either from the midwest or a mountain state.

    Ok, I'm an obnoxious ex-New Yorker, whatdyou expect? But seriously, you have to admit this dude needs to work on his media skills. Truth is, I think he was as shocked as anyone to be in yellow at this point.

    Georgie Hincapie, Bobbie Julich, Levi Leipheimer, Floyd Landis, Freddie Rodriguez. That's all I can think of without cheating...
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  6. #6
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: You Know I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hear you Steve. Zabriskie is just a rookie at this level, so give him time.
    Lance was much the same, maybe even worse when he first arrived.
    The others...
    Freddy Rodriguez and..
    Guido Trenti, who he is? I don't know..
    Speaking of riders from Utah. Levi is too!
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  7. #7
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
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    Re: You Know I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Brian, I listed Rodriguez. The last one is Chris Horner, of the Saunier Duval-Prodir team.

    BTW, Trenti was born in Italy, but has an American mother...
    "Riding along on a carousel...tryin' to catch up to you..."

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  8. #8
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: You Know I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Asylum Steve
    Brian, I listed Rodriguez. The last one is Chris Horner, of the Saunier Duval-Prodir team.

    BTW, Trenti was born in Italy, but has an American mother...
    That's what I meant to put, Steve, he and Trenti are ones I absolutly nothing about.
    I kind of figured that was the story about Trenti.
    I know a lot about The Tour, but not everything. I have been following ever since I was a kid. It's the only sports event I follow, so I get all of that kind of stuff out in July.
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  9. #9
    Member brianc's Avatar
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    Re: You Know I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Watching the Tour.......yep yep. I just made the people in the Williamsburg Hooters watch the team time trial. Most couldn't figure out how they could turn left AND right, let alone not burn fossel feul.

    [QUOTE=mtbbrian]NoGramham WatsonQUOTE]

    I picked up his book at the Boston bike show this winter. truely inspiring. Bri are you going to the RMH gatherning? I'll be there friday and saturday.

  10. #10
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: You Know I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No, I won't be able to make that gathering Bri. I hope you get some great pics though!
    I have been spending a lot of time with this passion lately, haven't been riding all that much.
    I bet that Graham Watson book is AWESOME!

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  11. #11
    Senior Member racingpinarello's Avatar
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    Re: Who's Watching the Tour?

    So far this has been a great start for the americans, from 3 different teams. Zabriske is no stranger to the podium, having won 3 stages in his first year doing big tours.

    Lance's performance in the first stage was amazing, and even though people may think Ullrich didn't do well, he still finished 12th. People were losing two to three minutes so I wouldn't count Jan out. I wouldn't feel so good if I had ran into a window.

    I'm just glad that so many different Americans did well, and it's a good omen that American cycling will remain strong without Lance. I've raced for so long to remember that Jacques Boyer was the only person to do the tour. Now we are some of the strongest riders.

    My favorite rider is still Freddy Rodriguez of the Lotto team. I hope he has a good sprint, and you never know there may be 4 or 5 different americans winning stages this year. NOW THAT'S AWESOME.

    Loren Crannell
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  12. #12
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    I Always Want To See..

    For as long as I can remember, I have wanted a rider from the USA to win on two certain days... On being today, the "Fourth of July" and the 14, "Bastille Day". And with two strong cyclist from Utah, it would be cool to see them win on the 24th, which is known arround here as "Pioneer Day", when the Mormon pioneers first entered the SL Valley back in 1847.
    What else do you know about Freddy Loren? I have never heard of his name in any other race outside of The Tour.
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  13. #13
    Senior Member racingpinarello's Avatar
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    Re: I Always Want To See..

    Hey Brian,

    Freddy has been racing for a long time. I've seen him race in the bay area when he was with Saturn and it was a different world.

    He's a fast sprinter, and has been national pro champion for at least two years. If it wasn't for the breakaway this year, he would've won it again.

    As for the tour, I feel bad for Zabriske because the CSC team probably would've won the TTT had it not been for the crash, and he would still be wearing the yellow jersey.

    Loren Crannell
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  14. #14
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: I Always Want To See..

    Thanks for the info on Freddy Loren.
    Like I have mentioned, I have only heard of his name in The Tour.
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  15. #15
    drg is offline
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    Re: Who's Watching the Tour?

    Quote Originally Posted by racingpinarello
    I've raced for so long to remember that Jacques Boyer was the only person to do the tour.
    Remember Mike Neel? I am trying to remember if he was in the Tour, I know he spent some time in Europe and raced for Peugeot for a while I believe?

    Another old biker (well I don't ride much due to injury and arthritis ...) in the way back when mindset. Happens every year a Tour de France time!
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  16. #16
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    Re: Who's Watching the Tour?

    Quote Originally Posted by racingpinarello
    I'm just glad that so many different Americans did well, and it's a good omen that American cycling will remain strong without Lance.
    As another racer I'm hoping this is true. However, I am concerned. The emphasis is the tour de lance, not tour de france. People who watch still don't get it. I think this is unfortunate.

    Tennis, another highly international sport, went through this in the US. The big emphasis was Pete and Andre. When they stopped being dominant, or retired, tennis viewer ratings went down. The people in the US only watched because of P and A. Now, and I do notice this, USTA is trying to emphasise the sport over, let's say Andy.

    I've already noticed a cutback on overall cycling coverage. For a couple of years they were showing the gyro, vuelta, and the classics as their own shows. But lance didn't do these, the ratings flopped, and the shows got yanked. This is why I was hoping lance would focus on other races this year and skip the tdf. It may have helped US cycling more in the long run.

    As a racer, it kind of annoy's me all these people who are so pro lance instead of pro cycling. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing lance get beat. A change of guard. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice in another american one. Another non-retireing american winning at least get decent covereage next year. Or, if the sport was promoted over lance....

  17. #17
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Usa! Usa!

    Pro American Cycling YES! Pro Lance YES!
    I thought OLN covered the Giro this year?
    I LOVE watching "The Tour", I would watch it no matter what, but I especially love it when there are American riders doing well. The trouble is there are only nine Amercian riders, when compared to the 35 Germans and so on. I'd feel the same if it were Freddy, Guido or Chris.
    As far as I am concerned Lance has done a lot for American Racing.
    I say as long as one American racer is doing this well it can only help American Racing no matter what.
    I say give Lance his due for Seven and it will do wonders for the up and comers, like Zabriskie, Landis, Leiphimer, and beyond.
    I am sure it is doing a lot for road racing. Now if something would ever spark American mountain biking racing all would be well!!
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    Re: Usa! Usa!

    All they have this year is cyclismo sunday on OLN. They'll recap races like the giro. In some instances they will also show the last hour or so of the race. No live coverage.

    Most of the americans at the tdf were juniors when I began racing in my 20's. Back then, I was older than most people racing. We considered Kent Bostic the "bostosaurus" because he was in his 30's.

    Now I'm 40 and I'm younger than most people racing! You can check the usa cycling statistics on age. I was just at Iron Horse. The vet categories outnumber senior men like 10:1. Michael Carter won the pro 1,2 race. He was an Andy Hampsten Motorolla teamate in the early 90's. Kudo's to him for winning. I won't take anything away from him (though I have posted a faster time than his in the past, for what it's worth it only got me 7th). However, a 40+ year old ex pro winning a race like iron horse states the level of competition. When I read other results they are mostly the same people that were consistantly winning when I was serious.

    I've raced against several of the guys at the tour (including lance). I still remember gettting to the top of mogulon after the hottest most brutal day racing I can recall to hear Chris H. outsprinted S. Van Court for the win. Sprinting1?!?!?

    Lance himself, among others at the tour, has made comments about who's going to replace them because of the lack of young riders racing in the US. Danielson and Zabrisky are the up and comers. Still, they are in their cycling prime (~26-28yrs old), not necessarily young bucks like a tom boonen.

    Hopefully this will change and the sport will pick up. Even if it is "only" mtbing

  19. #19
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: Usa! Usa!

    Just saw the big crash. Still not sure of the standings. Who's in the top ten right now?
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  20. #20
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Since you asked.....

    Top Ten after Stage Six:

    1 001 Lance ARMSTRONG USA DSC 17h58'11.000'' 00.000''
    2 004 George HINCAPIE USA DSC 17h59'06.000'' 55.000''
    3 019 Alexandre VINOKOUROV KAZ TMO 17h59'13.000'' 1'02.000''
    4 028 Jens VOIGT GER CSC 17h59'15.000'' 1'04.000''
    5 023 Bobby JULICH USA CSC 17h59'18.000'' 1'07.000''
    6 008 José*Œuis RUBIERA ESP DSC 17h59'25.000'' 1'14.000''
    7 007 Yaroslav POPOVYCH UKR DSC 17h59'27.000'' 1'16.000''
    8 005 Benjamin NOVAL GONZALEZ ESP DSC 17h59'37.000'' 1'26.000''
    9 021 Ivan BASSO ITA CSC 17h59'37.000'' 1'26.000''
    10 022 Kurt-Asle ARVESEN NOR CSC 17h59'43.000'' 1'32.000''

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  21. #21
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
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    OLN did have live coverage of the Giro...

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbbrian
    I thought OLN covered the Giro this year?
    ...but it wasn't on TV. They offered a live daily (M-F) webcast. All three weeks for only $6! Each weekday during the tour I had one of my monitors with the Giro on while I did work on the other. Their TV coverage was on the weekends...
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  22. #22
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: OLN did have live coverage of the Giro...

    Quote Originally Posted by Asylum Steve
    ...but it wasn't on TV. They offered a live daily (M-F) webcast. All three weeks for only $6! Each weekday during the tour I had one of my monitors with the Giro on while I did work on the other. Their TV coverage was on the weekends...

    OK, I thought I saw something about it then.


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  23. #23
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: Usa! Usa!

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbbrian
    The trouble is there are only nine Amercian riders, when compared to the 35 Germans and so on.
    Cycling in general is so much more accessible in Europe. If only it could be more accessible here. I truly wish there were more (and safer) ways to bike from place to place in America ... seems only the big cities are bike-friendly ... and that suburban/rural drivers knew how to drive safely around cyclists.
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  24. #24
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    Re: Usa! Usa!

    Quote Originally Posted by kellybean
    Cycling in general is so much more accessible in Europe. If only it could be more accessible here. I truly wish there were more (and safer) ways to bike from place to place in America ... seems only the big cities are bike-friendly ... and that suburban/rural drivers knew how to drive safely around cyclists.
    Part of this has to do with the popularity of the sport. This is even more true in the rural areas. People know who the stars are by name even if they don't follow cycling. You will see these guys on billboards and commercials. It's analogous to people in the US knowing who Michael Jordan is. Even people who aren't BB fans know him. Therefore, nobody in belgium would want to run over Tom Boonen.

    At least that's how a friend of mine who raced proffesionally in europe put it.

  25. #25
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: Usa! Usa!

    Well said Kelly.
    Even then, cycling here in the USA is still looked upon as recreational rather than utilitarian.
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