Please help if you know music well. It's a simple question I'm sure, but since music theory is like algebra to me, some things are hard to wrap my brain around, and just a little nudge will make it click.
I'm giving a presentation tomorrow, on a piece I'm analyzing, and this one thing doesn't make sense to me. Like I said, it seems a simple concept.
OK, the piece is in G major. There's a section that uses sequences through the Circle of Fifths to get to the dominant, D.
What doesn't make sense to me is that it goes through some minor chords before getting to Major chords: g, c, f, Bb, A-dim, then D.
Is that still Circle of Fifths? Even through the minor chords? And would the roman numeral analysis be: "i - iv - vii - III - VI - ii° (or V°/V) - V" ?
You wouldn't be helping me cheat by answering this; if I don't get an answer here tonight I'll ask the professor tomorrow. But I want to feel like I totally understand my piece before tomorrow.