I'm in 2nd year engineering at the university of toronto and i was wondering if you guys could help me out.
we're asked to design a new product choosing from a wide range of topics for a tradeshow. My group chose the one where we had to design a new support for wildlife photographer lens, because they are often heavy (eg. canon 500 mm f4 IS USM)
Anyway, my group and i have developed a support where the person wears a belt and suspenders, which has 3 beams attached to it (i'll post pics once we're finished everything).
Since our design does not require exact materials and specifications, since it's only a model, we have used television antennas for the beams because they extend like tripod legs (sort of).
My main question is how much would it COST to manufacture such tripod legs (made out of some aluminum alloy).
I have searched for such and i see it retails around $150. However, I was hoping some of you would know how much it costs to actually manufacture these legs because we need to incorporate all production costs to calculate the selling price.
Thanks in advance,
the newb.