The BIG Minolta Shutter Problem Fix Secret EXPOSED!
The Minolta X-Series have been infamous for having their shutters "stuck" and without the film advancing. The LEDS will light up correctly but the film just wouldn't plain advance when you hit the shutter release button. Frustrating to say the least..but alas..alll is not lost. This has been a very common problem and I'll tell you why.
The X-Series, and other possible makers, contains a/an electrolytical capacitor with 1000 hrs of working voltage. When the capacitor reaches its limit it may fail (bulge/corrode). Whether this was an intentional design concept by Minolta is unknown..yeah right! Basically these capacitors hold a small magnetic charge and that when you hit the shutter release it reverses polarity and allows the film to expose, advance, blah, blah, blah..
OK! What I'm going to explain here will save you anywhere from $10 - $200 (meaning you could buy this info. on Ebay or take your X370 to get fixed at a shop). Vendors on Ebay are hocking this info. from $5 and on up..some are actually bidding on this stuff..DON'T DO IT! They will tell you that it's impossible to locate their "product" which consists of new capacitors and the service/repair manual. Well it took some time and research but I have located everything you need so..
Here it is and ENJOY!
1. Download the X370 manuals from Cost: FREE!
2. Go to The part number for the capacitor for the Minolta X370 is: P954-ND (Panasonic P/N is ECE-A0GKS221). The actual spec. on the capacitor is: 4v 220uF @ 85 deg. C(entigrade) (6.3X5X2.5 mm).Cost: $7.00 (includes S/H, min. order was 10 pieces @ $2.00 and they charge $5 for S/H)
3. Unscrew the bottom of the camera (4 little screws) and locate the bad capacitor. It's probablu bulging or leaking.
4. If you don't have one, you need a soldering pen and some standard electrical solder. (Go to Radio Shack or any Hardware store)
5. Remove the old capacitor and then solder on a new capacitor. That's it!
Total time: 20 mins.
Total cost: $7