I am new to this forum so please forgive me if this subject has already been covered.
Although I have been involved in photography for nearly 5 years now. No one has really ever detailed the major differences between canon and Nikon. And although, I currently shoot with an Canon Elan7.... I only got the camera b/c a friend suggested it to me. Now with my old P&S digital not doing the job I want (lacking the control i have with my Elan7). I'm again looking at the major differences Between Canon and Nikon SLRs and dSLRs..... Hopefully the differences will help me make decision between the keeping the Elan 7 or getting the Nikon N80 and also choosing between the Digital Rebel and Nikon D70.
Basically if I Go for the D70, I will sell my Elan7 for an N80... to be consistent with my lenses.
This is what i know/heard so far:
Faster Lenses
More Photojournalists use it b/c of speed
Generally Used for more action, sports
Better Lenses
(smaller lens selection? really doubt that)
(difficulty with lenses? doubt that too)
Better Metering System (Matrix)
Generally Used for more Scenary and People