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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Bend, Oregon

    Fuji vs. Nikon vs. Canon

    Hello i'm thinking of buying a camera to use for shooting snowboarding, mountain biking, skateboards, landscapes, and stuff like that. I will be shooting alot of continues shot that could go up to 15 frames. I have been looking online for around 3 or 4 months. I have got it done to the top three picks. 1. Fuji finepix s2pro 2. Nikon D70 3. Canon EOS 10D.

    I like to Fuji the best because of it continues 2-7 FPS. but hows the image on it and lens.

    The Nikon I like becaues of the cost. but is it a good cam that will last.

    Canon thrid becaues it can only do up to 9 continues frames.

    so what one was the best pictrure, best cam for magazine shooting, what comes with the best software, and doing photo services.

  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    All Good Cameras, but...

    Those are all good cameras. I have been using an EOS 10D for about a year now and have taken some very nice mountain bike photos with it. The autofocus doesn't come close to the EOS 1D, but if you're careful and mostly prefocus, it's great.

    I haven't used the Nikon yet, but on paper it looks great. The most significant feature to me is the 1/500th sec flash sync. That's huge if you like to shoot outdoors with flash. My EOS 1D has 1/500th sec falsh sync and I use it all the time. The 1/200th sec sync on the 10D means that for most fast, outdoor action I still have to pan.

    For sports, I'd say the Fuji is the least likely of the three. Although it's not a toy, it's still not as solid as the D70 or the 10D. Ad the flash sync is very slow - 1/125th sec, I think. It may have the best image quality of all three. But for sports, you should be wiling to sacrifice a little on the quality to get the shot. That doesn't sound good, but it's the truth. If you can't get your subject in the frame, in focus, when you want, you don't have a good sports photo. It's all about focus and timing.

    So between the Canon and the Nikon, which would you rather have? I wouldn't worry about the sequence because, frankly, they're both too slow for good sequences. I think you need at least 5 frames-per-second to shoot good sequences.

    Can you come up with some more money? For what you want to do, you'll really benefit from a Nikon D2H or maybe a used Canon EOS 1D. Or, maybe you should invest in a pro film camera until you can afford a real pro digital SLR. If sequences are really important, I think you need more speed than any of the three cameras you've mentioned can offer.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Please go to the Canon 300D VS Nikon D70 for more info . I can say in continuous mode Nikon can take 17 frames at 3 fps( frames per second ) then it drops to 1.5fps and took 27 more frames all in just 20 seconds it took in total 44 frames, using a Lexar 256 MB WA CF Card .Shutter speed was 1/500. Image Quality Normal, file size ( L ) 6 MP.

    While Canon took just 4 frames at 2.5 fps and then dropped to 1.05 fps clicking 19 frames more in 20 seconds, with the same card and settings.

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