Ok, so here is the deal. I currently own a Canon Powershot S230 3.2 megapixel digital camera. As you can see from my thread in the photo critque section, it takes some pretty good pictures. I originally bought it just wanting a p&s camera and it was great for that! I was fantastic for the 5 months I was in Europe, but I have decided I want more.
The thing I am worring about now is buying something that I'll want to upgrade again because it doesnt do everything I want. The main things I like to do with it are take landscape shots and shots of buildings and places. Some people shots, but thats not my main focus. My main disappointment and area of improvement im looking for is in the area of taking pictures of places at night. Its impossible to do with my camera. With the flash on it doesnt pick up anything more than 5 feet away, with the flash off it doesnt take in enough light to make out all most anything. I live in Washington, DC and I would love to (and have failed at) taking good pictures of the monuments at night.
This brings me to my question. It seems that apeture size and shutter spead are the two areas that would allow me to take better night pictures. Should I go with something like the Canon G5 or shell out a bit more for a Digital Rebel?
The G5 has the option of adjusting shutter speed and such and has a mode for night portraits (which would seem like they should have people in the foreground) and from all accounts I've read the G5 is a great camera. But then there is the Digital Rebel, it seems to me that it has alot more versatility but I'm not going to spend alot on other lenses any time in the near future.
Im just worried with the G5 I will be left wanting something more in the near future. Anyway, what do you think would be best for taking landscape pictures and especially ones at night. Will the G5 fit my needs and would the 300D be overbuying? Or should I just spend more to begin with and get the DSLR?
Thanks for any advice and comments you guys have, I appreciate it!