I bought a D70 w/ the kit lens. I need (!) to buy another lens for this camera. I do not want another dx lens as Nikon may in the (near) future go w/ a 1.0x sensor so dx lenses will be obsolete.
I have the 17~35 & 80~400. What else should I get ? I was thinking the 70~200VR or/& 50 1.4. The 70~200 turns out to be a 100~300 w/ digital. I dont have a 501.4in AF and that will be like a 75 1.4 which is cool w/ me. I dont really care for the slower lenses but it looks like Nikon is making a lot of amature lenses that are not up to pro standards. Money is not that big of a restriction so....
I just dont want a whole battery of lenses. Just a few in the camera bag. That 18~70dx is not that bad, just wish it was a little faster. Too bad Nikon does not make the killer Canon 24~70 2.8 lens.
Your imput is welcome as I have to buy lens by christmas, the latest.
Fat Boy